Ok i'm downloading Overwatch right now. Who should i play for my first game? Any tips or tricks?
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pick junkgod and never look back
Pick D. Va. Try to keep your boner under control.
Soldier 76 is the most basic, jack of all trades character. Try him then move on to other characters.
Pick Hanzo or Genji if there is already one on your team. They have a damage multiplier that increases as you pick the same character (only those two though).
D. Va memes will not be tolerated.
Roadhog is the most fun character 2bh
Any other answer is wrong
This is the best, since he's really simple to use.
If you played tf2 and like the demoman this might also be good. Junkrat's pretty damn good.
The uninstall wizard
It's literally made to be accessible to as many players (read: morons) as possible
Just play it, you really don't need tips of any kind
>it's got racist connotations
If you're not familiar to shooters, pick something that doesn't require skill, like Junkrat.
If you're familiar with shooters and think yourself as an okay shot in CS for example, but dislike sniping, 76 or McCree
Sniping, go Widow.
Played Quake a lot or main Soldier in TF2? Pharah is the way to go.
Heroes to avoid before getting to level 5
Those last two avoid simply because they're very situational and require knowledge of the map in order to be useful with positioning.
Don't play Reinhardt, because most likely you'll just want to charge away and do damage. Then everyone on your team will flame you and rightly so.
Like I said, if you can aim, 76 can be a force to be reckoned with.
fucking kill yourself right now
fuck you, you aint my mom
nobody flames you in quickplay low mmr dude
I found Fara was hero great to start with. Pretty simple and useful.
Make sure you know roughly how a certain heroes abilities work before you play in a real game.
I feel like Junkrat is the one of the best characters in this game.
Am I just being salty or is that true? That fucker seems so strong to me.
>I feel like Junkrat is the one of the best characters in this game.
He is
Game is complete shit I don't see how anyone could enjoy
Tracer is the most fun, always keep moving though. Her health is pitiful
He's not. He's a shittier Pharah.
Literally who
...but fuck them anyway
His standard attack does way too much damage and the rip tire is difficult to counter
Except you actually have to dodge and aim with Pharah. You just chill in the back and shoot at the general area with Junkrat then when someone gets close you just throw the c4 at the and blow them up real quick
man noah fence but that second soldier sucked ass
I'm playing Overwatch on PS4 and i got breaking news that just says "test psn" What does it mean?
easy to counter with certain heros, i get em more often than not as phrah
His gun does the same damage as Pharah's, but hers shoots straight and has infinite range.
Pharahs doesn't bounce and shoots a little slower.
Also in my experience everyone and their mom wants to kill you as pharah but people really cant be fucked to shoot a junkrat
Because he's a lower threat. Look at his abysmal pick rate.
knee jerk sjw reaction i guess due to a lack of understanding of korean gaming culture
they dont understand that not everything about a foreign culture is sacred. (and even then, nobody's making fun of korean culture, they're making fun of american culture, treating them like a major league gaming player with the dorites and all that, rather than whatever the koreans are like
And people have been infantilising and humiliating fictional characters forever, /especially/ in overwatch
"knee jerk sjw" lol theyre literally korean. i don't really agree and i like gremlin d.va but its not my place to tell korean ppl how to respond to their media charactizerization
>rip tire is difficult to counter
just fucking shoot the damn thing
>its racist because i dont like it
>Literally I don't like it cause it's racist
Meanwhile the canonically best characterisation is Junkrat. Who is a walking Australian shitpost.
>Canon woc
>Pasty white as my ass
>All gook must be yellow like lemons.
Tumblr was a mistake.
At least he's upset over a more recent popular game, while Jonathan McIntosh is 20 years late hating on Pokemon.
using "X of colour" is one of the easiest ways to indicate your status as an SJW.
>racist connotations
>the character is literally a Korean pro-gamer
I wonder if he complains that Blizzard made Mei, D.va and Hanzo white.
>not only is the size this already just eeeugh but just
did they just have a stroke?
Fuck the meta
explain this meme to me
>what da pros play and da yutubers play is what i shuld play and u shuld 2 or im trollin
So anybody who mentions whoever the fuck seagull is.
I don't like it either but holy fuck I don't say DAS RAYSYST!
Maybe the infantilization of her