
I'm sittin' on a token and I can't even work up the urge to join in.

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Reminder Legion is WoD part 2 and shilling is against the rules report all OPs

nothing to be hyped for unless you like having even more skills stripped out, all the interesting glyphs removed, and most classes not being very fun to play now

Fuck off, retard

>having even more skills stripped out,

This actually doesn't bother me much. There certainly is a too-simple point we don't want to reach (though that's subjective), but I'd rather have interesting boss encounters than a bevy of situational skills. I never liked the fluff skills, like Eyes of the Beast for Hunters.

Admittedly, I'm no top-tier raider. Maybe my opinion doesn't matter much there.

>interesting glyphs removed

Yeah, I do miss some things there, though I do understand the desire to make glyphs the home of all the little cosmetic stuff and talents where the style-changing choices come in.

>most classes not being very fun to play now

Eh, I only ever played ranged DPS.

There nothing wrong with removing skills
Wotlk and their shit like "let's give all tanks all tanking skills" and "let's give all healers all healing spells" was a mistake
Classes should be different

>one million

How the mighty have fallen.

>that item you need for transmog has a low drop rate
What's her name Sup Forums?


>The WoW killer was WoW itself.


>Principles of War removes all stats gained from gear (Strength, Stamina, Haste, etc.), disables gear related bonuses (like trinket effects and set bonuses)

Does that mean legendary gear bonuses won't work in pvp?

Have some dignity and let it die already.

>Transmog options added
>Pvp gutted
>Raids made dramatically easier
>Quests removed.
>Items removed
>Stats from items removed
>Specializations gutted
>Skills gutted
>Several systems removed
>Early game was made EVEN easier, cause people going from level 1 to cap in a day wasnt quick enough
>Garrison gold gutted so old WoD players are RIDICULOUSLY more rich than people coming back for legion

I wish i was joking, but i am not.

>Warriors and Paladins can use plate at level 1
>Hunters and Shamans can use mail at level 1
>these changes were made solely for transmog purposes
Literally a dress up game now

>Old item bonuses disabled


I actually thought you were joking. But then I looked at it.

What the fuck is this bullshit, I don't play WoW anymore after the launch that was WoD, but holy fuck, how lower can they go? Why do they need to make enemies deal LESS damage on dungeons, one of which is supposed to be on the hardest difficulty? Why did they remove Specializations, giving you even less reason to actually talk to people for crafting purposes? And they keep on removing skills and systems for no fucking reasons, to the point that there's no difference between them. Because that's fucking "balanced", apparently - because making every class essentially a clone of the other within it's role is now balanced, instead of having classes that compliment each other, and play to the other's strengths (e.g. paladins are shit at tanking physical damage, but are GOAT at tanking magic, while warriors are the other way around - so having two for raids makes sense depending on the boss), but I guess that's too fucking complex for anyone who plays this game anymore. Hell, why not just strip out the fucking game, and make it "click this button to win", and when you click it, you're told you're perfect.

Jesus christ.

Only in world PVP will it work. Everything is changed in BGs and arenas.

Playable Naga when
South Seas when

>Why do enemies need to do less damage

Because blizz cant balance for shit and mak a decent item progression system.

My bet is that THE WHOLE legion early game was done based on heroic or mythc equips. If you dont have them, well their dungeons are easy as shit now

The only interesting thing I read was increased graphic scaling and view distance. Other than that it all seems like shit. Never going back man.

the pvp thing is what fucking got me

we're not forcing the normies to play pvp with us, in fact, we don't fucking want them shitting up our games or spamming us for dungeon carries, so why touch it?

>they've been balancing and patching this game for 10 years
>yet they still don't know how to balance, or make a decent item progression
Just balance it for the average shitter's gear, and then make the Ultimate Sword of Autism carry the autists who did get that shit until raids, where it'll be on-par with drops. It means people who spent the time to get the weapon don't feel burnt due to the next expansion making it shitty immediately, and it also encourages people to still run those raids, because you have a chance of getting a weapon that can get you through the expansion content without that much trouble.

Oh, wait, everybody has the Ultimate Sword of Autism now. Because everybody has to do everything.

>My bet is that THE WHOLE legion early game was done based on heroic or mythc equips
Goodness gracious. That sounds stupid as fuck.

arena carries* woops

There's already thread going yo fucking marketer, check your shit

also lol'd at marketer shill thread deleted 2min ago

your balls

tusks of fucking mannoroth

i did SoO over 100 times carrying people for their AoTC achievment and the one time it dropped I gave it to some dude who gave me an extra 5k if it dropped


>Characters can queue up as any role that is available to their class and will automatically switch to the suitable specialization when entering the Dungeon, Raid, Battleground, or Arena without any gold cost
Can I still queue as healer but play as dps?

>Transmog options added
How this is bad?

>Why do they need to make enemies deal LESS damage on dungeons
They always do that.

still going to buy it

>Newly obtained salvage from the Salvage Yard no longer contains equippable items.
So it's literally useless now?

>11 year old game is losing players
no way!

>Major glyphs, along with many minor glyphs, have been converted or removed from the game.
So what does inscription do now?
Professions already had fuck-all to do in WoD, and while they have said they're adding interesting things for them, we've seen practically nothing about it except for glorified dailies

>even more skills stripped out
Yeah, because those skills you NEVER used were such a great added value.

>All the interesting glyphs removed
Yeah, because everyone taking the same 3 glyphs is also great. It was too much like a talent system, which is why they made some glyphs a talent now.

>and most classes not being very fun to play now
At the contrary, a lot of classes are now fun to play. Mistweaving monk, shadow priest, demo lock and other shit like that. They fucked rogue up tho.

To stop people using them in current content to min max i guess

>Already went through shit with TBC
>Expect me to go back to TBC

Yeah, nah.

> I never liked the fluff skills, like Eyes of the Beast for Hunters.

I hope you're a real life spartan living in a 1 room apartment with a bed, and a table, without all the "fluff" normal people have in their homes.

It's called class flavor you turbo retard. Go play your assfaggots

The fucking blood elf staff from sunwell. I've literally seen everything else drop including the legendary on my Mage.

I am fucking mad.

The only reasonable answer is that they want to release WoW on consoles and they have to dump it down as much as possible

Ok beta fags question time. I main pally and i'm coming back for Leigion.

What spec should I play if I dont' want to fall asleep at my keyboard?

JUST le shills don't exist on /veeeeeeeeeeee/

It's probably the filename of the first image on google you dumb fuck

Every class was the same up until legion. Every healer had a small efficient heal, a big inefficient heal, one or two externals and maybe one mechanic that made them different. The only two healers that stood out were fistweaver(instantly nerfed to shit) and disci priest (innately broken, ruins every boss mechanic so you're forced to have one in every raid)

Dps were interchangeable, you just stack the ones with 1% more dps than the rest.

The only role with actual differences between classes was tank since you had warrior with their mobility, druids being retard proof, dk for dps edgelords who wanted short queues, brew with a little bit of everything and paladins with their uselessness.

So has that stuff been actually addressed or is everyone still the same class? Because everything you guys have said doesn't change the fact that every dps class has basically been turned into a rogue.

Is that not the case anymore?

>Crafted Staves
>And the reagent to change talents is crafted as well

>Play fury warrior
>People say skills culled
>I have more skills than ever

>>Transmog options added
And that is bad how exactly?
>>Pvp gutted
Pvp was gutted as it was, this is just another take at it. Maybe it will work?
>>Raids made dramatically easier
>>Quests removed.
Legion, as any xpac before, adds a decent chunk of quests, no idea what are you onto.
>>Items removed
>>Stats from items removed
As per every new xpac shimsham, stats are being tossed around.
>>Specializations gutted
No, specializations are getting even more distinct.
>>Skills gutted
Part of them is being moved to pvp talents, part to legendary weapon perks.
>>Several systems removed
>>Early game was made EVEN easier, cause people going from level 1 to cap in a day wasnt quick enough
Actually, with paid level boost, blizz decided to undo all the XP gain boosts and requirement-reducements and make leveling take long, so that you have to go through entire zones, not just do a random dungeon once per 5 levels up to current xpac.
>>Garrison gold gutted so old WoD players are RIDICULOUSLY more rich than people coming back for legion
Garrisons are outdated.

nice more shilling
>preexp events in 2-3 weeks
nice way to keep it apart the nerf of garrison gold and the shitty event so i'm forced to pay for another month

Yes. In legion all classes have their own identity and vary from other classes/specs. Almost every dps class plays differently, healers as well but I don't know about tanks since they all got gutted

Have they made their pve progress not shit yet?

>garrisons are outdate
>now they are called class halls so you are forced to buy our new shit expansion!

>Almost every class plays differently
>Ret literally nuked into Arms Warrior

Pve progression was better and better with each expack

No it has been broken since mid wotlk, when the notion that everyone and their alts should be doing the same raid became accepted.

It's not about the mechanics (which I still don't like), it's about the fact that garrisons are WoD content, Class halls are Legion.

It's as if you were complaining that whatever WoD dungeon boss drops less gold than whatever Legion dungeon boss.


Ret can go to hell anyway

wait a minute, if pre-patch is changing all the classes aren't you going to be fucked and gutted for like 6 whole weeks still? i'm sure your lv100 will function pretty much, but its still going to be gimped in the background considering legion/110 scaling and AP. wow is always tuned so much only considering the new level tier, and even more so around raid difficulty / ilvl scaling. everything else can go get fucked, its not priority what happens to a lv100 character now, everything is tuned for 100-110 and ilvl... 8-900+ for legion raids? tuning which is not even done yet.

Yes, that's why all WoD content is getting a blanket 30% nerf.

Balance always goes out the window during prepatch. Just look at Ret Paladin in the Wrath prepatch.

Someone post the picture comparing the XIV hotbars with the Legion hunter hotbars.

>because there haven't been 5 expansion transitions before

>Newly obtained salvage from the Salvage Yard no longer contains equippable items. Salvage obtained from before the patch remains unaffected.

This means I get to open my 500+ salvage boxes that ive collected tomorrow and get tmog from them, right?

>we did it reddit xP

Yeah, existing boxes have the same shit in them, you just get different boxes post-patch.

You will miss out on the gold value of follower upgrades you sell from the crates, though.

>mfw devs refusing to budge on sub shadowdance bar
if their excuse didn't contradict their own actions, I would just move on and stop caring. but to pretend like rogues are the only class that macro multiple abilities into one, is just admitting they don't know their own game.

grats to all you ferals that get to keep your macros.

>>Raids made dramatically easier

welcome to every single expansion ever. They do this so people returning and new shitters can experience the raids before the end of the expansion.

oh right ok

that picture is dumb, its like a smug satisfaction in a game with an utterly shit core gameplay/combat experience, because look at all these buttons? ARR has the most formulaic, linear, and not to mention unresponsive tab target system devised. you have the basic whak-a-mole proc guy, the stacking build-up/wind-down wizard, and why not throw in someone who has to input his PIN to do ninjitsu attacks although the networking+interfacing is so dreadful most people can't do it? the new stuff like astro and drk are about as interesting as it gets but its still not saying much.

LFR exists

Come on, you know that's not true.

Raid mechanics have been going progressively more difficult. Assuming you do mythic, not whatever scaling ezmode nonsense.

Holy. Ret and Prot are currently retarded. Tried my Prot paladin alt and nearly died of boredom. Both specs have the problem that you only press buttons to keep them off cooldown, they make no difference to your play.

So basically i'm screwed if I wanna play Pally....

Whelp, next question, what should I level boost if I dont wan't to fall asleep while raiding?

>playing rogue
At this point I'd just reroll Feral or Havoc. It's not going to get better. They want to avoid the absurd burst-meta of HFC at all costs, so Sub will never not be shit.

Good thing the player base is booming, so many skilled players to choose from!

>all of them are blacked out
>you need to press then when they shine once, then repeat


Enhancement shaman is really good. Havoc DHs are pretty flashy and nice to play, but everyone, their dog and the dog's fleas will play one.
Unholy DK is actually playable for a change and even good at burst damage. Frost is still spammy and boring IMO.
Fury warrior is okay, but Arms has the problem that you can get unlucky and get no proccs, leaving you with nothing to press.
Avoid rogues, every single spec is shit now.

assassination is top tier. what are you two talking about?

Is ass really good in Legion?

we're both talking about the 30% reduction, right? Because it's something they've done since BC. When the pre-expansion patch hits, raids have their bosses health and damage reduced.

>Good damage
>Consistent burst
>All the utility of other rogues

It's great.

it only lacks in aoe. single target is beast.

>that feel when a paladin

Why did you fuck the pooch on our talent system and overall playstyle blozzird

>>All the utility of other rogues

>no blind
>no smoke
stop lying, assa is a pure dps spec.

>Give Ret a talent system with a 100% divide between AOE and single target
>Disallow on the fly talent switching
>Allow spec switching at any time for everyone

It's like they're begging people to not play Ret. Why gimp yourself with having to buy shitloads of tomes from the AH when any multi-DPS-spec class can just use one for AOE and one for single target and never worry about it?

>Cheat Death

You use Rogues to soak 1 hit magic mechanics that are usually split between targets. Like Black Holes on Mythic Xhul'horac.

You can switch talents whenever you want just need a tome if you aren't in a sanctuary.

>Garrisons are outdated
Yes, but the 600k gold I made from them isn't

>Boring as fuck
>This is something new

Class halls arnt the same. It an area just to do class missions and hang around with your own class. They are just mini cities for each class. They are nothing like garrisons.

This has always been the case
There has always been one best button to press in a given context
It used to be rotations, now it's priority lists
Let's just hope there's a herb trader soon after the prepatch

>any multi-DPS-spec class can just use one for AOE and one for single target and never worry about it?
This is a good example of what should be done to balance pure dps classes vs hybrids. Do you want to be good at every type of dps? roll a pure class and stop complaining.

How boring are hunters going to be? I've just resubbed for the first time since Cataclysm and marksman is fucking shit right now. I literally just one shot every mob I come across.

>blizzard say they're trying to make talent choice interesting and not just "30% increased damage"
>makes an entire spec single target % increase on the left, trash in the middle, AOE % increase on the right.
I'm not saying that Ret should be a swiss army knife, but this design is fucking cancer.

Yeah but you need to buy them from the AH now instead of just a vendor, it's overall a harsher gold sink.

Is Hellfire getting nerfed too?

Also, is there a way to see some good damage data from the PTR for each Spec/Class?

Sooo...Question: I've been leveling Engineer the last couple of days for the hell of it, and I was wondering: how viable is it for making gold? I know there is a bunch of mounts you can make with it, and I have had some success on the auction house selling some of the ingredients.

Anything in particular I should keep a eye out for or a recipe I should buy/track down?

You can make repair bots and sell them, but that's pretty much it

I always love these thread, you seem the salty 500k XIV subscribers and Nostarlius kids rush it and spew the same wrong shit erytime

Does anyone else feel like this expansion is so, so very desperate? Like Blizzard is trying to get the last bit of cash from a dried up game?

I mean, you could see how desperate blizzard is getting to prevent this game from dying when they lost 3 million players in WoD and they started saying "yeah we gon' go stop giving the amount of subscribers". After all, why try to find out why people stopped playing the game when you can just stop giving information about them to people, right?

Then it's like:
>"Hey guys, remember how cool and awesome Burning Crusade was? With the demon hunters and illidan and the legion? Well, guess what! They're all back!"
>"Hey guys, remember how awesome and cool it was to have an Ashbringer? Well, guess what!"
>"Hey guys, do you like LEGENDARY ITEMS?! Well, guess what! We're gonna add like 200 of them into the game! And you can get them in a completely arbitrary method of just farming random mobs!"
>"Hey fellow guys, remember how tedious those extra glyphs, talents, skills and specs were? Yeah, they're all really simple and easy to get into now!"
>"So come on back to World of Warcraft, and don't all leave at once like you did in WoD!"

And yet everyone in my raiding guild is enthousiastic about it. I just don't feel like playing WoW ever again.

Oh yeah, for sue. They're even throwing in shit like the Emerald Dream and Demon Hunters which people have been asking for since Vanilla
