Final Fantasy XIV

Will Deep Dungeon finally kill WoW? Or will FFXIV always be in its shadow?

>Kill WoW

Deep Dungeon will be irrelevant next week.

WoW killed itself.

FF14 is a joke.

DD will be fun to alt level for a while, depending on how much EXP we get transfer into the real bit.

It's either going to be fun as fuck or Diadem tier but the update of 150 additional floors sounds promising.
I hope these version check errors don't stop me from finding out.

Anyone here from Excalibur? Looking to join a decent FC without tumblr types.

I think those version check errors are just because the update servers are down while maint is on. Hopefully they allow patching in the next hour or so.

>Deep Dungeon will be irrelevant next week.
But what about all those new people who come to the game because Legion bombs? Or at least when Legion has it's third update and doesn't update for a year until the next expansion hits?

Surely all those people will do Deep Dungeon so it will strive forever.

No, we will get a swarm of WoWfugees during the 4.0 hype.

>Ilvl 235 weapons.