are you ready for mature sophie
also atelier thread
Are you ready for mature sophie
Other urls found in this thread:
introducing sophie 20 year old version
A miracle of the universe
Bought Ayesha Plus on sale and about to start it. Anything I must know if I never played an Atelier game before or should I go in blind?
finally gust will allow us our mature characters
ayesha is a good starting point
have fun
What a cute husband she has.
Oskar is no longer fat
I just started rorona plus.
Do the evaluations care more about item quality or item quanitity?
Also where am i supposed to get ingots for cannons?
Also why did Cordelia pay me 1000 cole to find dirt?
so it would seem
Pretty good.
And you make the ingots, you have to buy the recipe book from the blacksmith
cordelia wants to hold hands and hug you
ingots have to be made
making high quality items is usually a better use of time
>he finally lifts
So how are the current gen ateliers compared to arland or dusk?
The costumes just keep getting more ridiculous with every iteration.
She looks like snake in that pic
sophie was a bit different with a new alchemy system and a new battle system
It's going in the right direction since dusk I think but we'll see what firis brings
Literally looks the same.
What's the best party member composition in Sophie?
I want to be Sophie and use Plachta as my personal masturbation toy
>Plachta gets a mature voice in the dub
>gets a loli body
What a clash. She totally sounds like a lecturing mother/older sister character.
nah it's a definite improvement
She gets bigger boobs.
>using the dub
you deserve what you get
I can't stand the Jap high-pitched voice.
Why does it feel like atelier is slowly becoming neptunia in terms of character design and fan pandering?
Just remembered that Fritz's daughter Drossel is going to be in the party this time, alongside Plachta.
>so my dad made your body, huh?
>as expected of dad
I don't know man, I wonder when we'll return to the old days when the Atelier games didn't pander to gross otaku :^)
That might be just you user.
I don't like it myself. I miss the PS2 atelier games.
it always was
artstyle has just moved on
also NOCO and Nyuugen are pretty retarded character artists
Really wish Gust would start bringing their stuff to pc, even if it's older titles.
their old stuff is already on PC :^)
I'm not talking stone-age old, user.
Sophie was trash, I hope firis is better.
>wish they would port this to pc
>waiting for the eventual HD port on steam!
>i want to buy this game so bad, but it's not on pc so they can fuck off
what's it like sitting at your PC all day groveling about not being able to play this (and the previous generation's) most influential games?
And it's all because you're a PC gaming zealot.
also there's this going on
I guess your outfit changes on the location or something
winter outfit is looking pretty cute though
seems like they've changed the sophie system a bit but not sure if it's actually different
>1 new game every single year since 1999
How do they do it?
Also they fucked up once. One game took two years to come out.
Are any of the pre-PS3 ateliers worth playing?
I'm near the end of Atelier Sophie I think
Is Sophie stuck with only 2 set of clothings?
I want an atelier general on /vg/!
Vitagen is the closest you'll get
it would turn into cancer too fast
one atelier thread about once a week is fine
there's an atelier thread at least twice a day
is it really?
i thought the once in a week I visit one is repetitive enough
Very few get over a 100 posts
PC release when.
Must have been the time when he picked up fancer girl
you faggots got your PC release back in 1999
now fuck off
>Mature sophie looks exactly the same but with a different colored coat.
In all fairness, asian girls do look the same way they did when they were 16 until about age 35,
The more I see about Atelier Firis the more it reminds me of Atelier Totori.
Sophie Neuenmuller is German
>Game isn't ported on ps3
Oh god, finally.
how is that a good thing?
I don't wanna buy a PS4.
Did any of the Atelier games get an english 3DS release?
atelier rorona plus is the only 3DS port, i'm pretty sure
it didn't get localized because it already exists on ps3 and vita
also, sales in japan were shit
nobody wanted to play chibi rorona i guess
it will finally give us the ability to have bigger worlds though
which firis claims to have
Fuck, there goes my plans to play an Atelier game
Anything similar on the 3DS that you'd recommend?
the ds games for atelier
they are very good in spirit to the originals
Lise, Annie and Lina
>people still playing this dead franchise after the heteroshit Escha & Logy officially kill the series
Neato, thanks
Man you're a faggot, I love yuri but Logy was a pretty cool dude
kys, back to with you
>muh kouhai senpai yuri
It's hilarious how this trope came out of a fucking children's book.
If Logy was a side character it would have been a cool dude. Having him as a main character for the sole purpose of shipping Escha is a fucking taboo of the Atelier series
>a fucking taboo of the Atelier series
>he doesn't play the PS2 Ateliers
>I started with Rorona
Yeah, Atelier Iris series were hetero as fuck. Mana Khemia too.
>yurishitters latching on to the game once they started pandering to yurifags like Neptunia
Fucking cancer.
But i'm /u/ and started with Iris
>implying pre-PS3 Atelier games were relevant until Rorona
>implying Rorona didn't helped made Atelier a mainstream game series until E&L destroyed everything it had built up
There hasn't been a real lesbian in these games since Mimi
you are a faggot beyond belief
>muh mainstream
Fuck off.
Corneria is best atelier
If a series goes 8 games in a row without any lesbians, it has its /u/ card revoked. Better hope Ilmeria delivers.
>only 20
Not true even in real world, let alone Atelier where everyone is a little girl until 25 at least.
I too cannot wait for 25 year old Sophie
Any guides for Sophie on how to unlock the memories?
>complete Arland
>go check out the extras menu
>fuck around for a few minutes, back to title screen
>press start, preventing OP trigger
>freeze in place
>after a minute start crying
>just sit like that for 3 minutes
I want to die.
the game itself is literally a guide
Not clear enough for me.
>Erect nipples
>Short skirt
What a slut. Is this what Atelier has become?
There's probably a guide on either gamefaqs or playstation trophies, or both.
it's what you get when you hire an artist know for his porn
Nothing on Gamefaqs so far.
By having better taste than you.
please do enlighten me about all those great games you play
I mentioned ps trophies for a reason.
>artist know for his porn
I didn't find any, though
I'm still waiting for those great games my man