Donald Anderson dead

>Donald Anderson dead
>President Baker dead
>Snake has optical disc
>Meryl is with Snake
>Revealing existence of genome army and Metal Gear will anger the Patriots

Why didn't they just tell Snake to evacuate at this point and nuke them?

>genome army
>can't see past their feet
BB must have had shitty genes.

Because they wanted to kill Snake to remove him from the picture. They thought he would fail.

Nuke them?

>Greatest soldier who ever lived
>Has no eyes

quality writing kojimbles

Because the nuke would exterminate the penguin population, thus ruining the project pentarou.

This is why I love Solid Snake. He was an inferior clone but somehow his will and determination made him succeed on all of his missions, even with his flaws.

>Inferior clone meme

of all the things for liquid to be stupid about, why would it be high school biology?

Liquid was just a psychopath and key elements of a psychopath is their inflated egotism and their childish jealousy.

Fucking this. Nobody in the world would notice a nuclear detonation in some tiny Alaskan island. Nukes are basically stealth weapons at this point anyway.