Which other game can I play as an ape?

Donkey kong punched an ancient tiki god to the fucking moon.



DK no contest

Probably Grodd
He'd easily fry Kong's and DK's brain and his strength outranks Winstons if he is able to put up a mental fight.

San Andreas

You forgot one, OP.


He's a powerful psychic genius. Winston might put up a fight though.

>leaving out best ape

Well that's just Prime..

He punched the moon.


>Super Monday Night Combat had intelligent gorilla called cheston
>Overwatch has intelligent gorilla called winston

really makes you think

Mafia 3.

I vote for the gorilla in power armour

Why does she think that the blunderbuss-to-the-face look from classic cartoons is a valid hairstyle?


Grodd > DK > King Kong > Winston

Grodd has superpowers. DK has superstrength. King Kong has massive size. Winton has a shitty gun that will do no damage and a crappy jetpack.

Intelligent monkey characters aren't new at all.
Its a fairly common trope.

>Aligned good

Winston, with prep time.

Overwatch is "inspired" by smnc more than people know. Not that blizzard would ever admit it.

Ana even has the teabag emote.

Grodd is smarter. Donkey Kong is stronger. King Kong is bigger.

Winston is faster

If we're looking at everything you have to take into consideration that Winston is a genius too. Gameplay mechanics aren't the only consideration.

Winston is basically a good aligned Grodd without the Pyschic Powers, given he has super science that can fuck with time at his disposal I think itd be even between them. But i give it to Winston, because good guy always wins. Donkey Kong isn't even a contender because he has no style, he has no class

Muh nigguh

>Thinkign Donkey kong is Lanky.

DK is the leader of the bunch.

Donkey Kong has by far the most strength. he punched an island sized moon down to earth. Also King Kong is generally around 20m tall while the rest are 2m, he will be hard to take down.

it's not even fair to put king kong on that list

>He thinks King Kong is a match for DK

Am I autistic for thinking that this is actual an extremely close matchup. Especially if we use King Kong from the earlier movies.

king kong would weight like 60 tons man

is DK a powerhouse I'm not aware of?

King Kong is a few stories tall. I'm pretty sure he could deal with 3 normal sized gorillas.

>Inspired by smnc
Are you the dumb?

You forgot to include your mom you fucking faggot

see the moon is a long fucking distance away and the earth has a considerable amount of gravity on beings of these sizes

A super genius psychic, an armored genius and a super strong hulk ape.

>Everyone forgetting King Kong vs Godzilla

Atomic breath>shit slinging

>crossovers are canon
I guess DK can just land 15 bairs before King Kong can even lift up his arm

>SMNC invented Teabagging

Answer me honestly, are you four years old?


Thanks for the excuse to post this

well, he punched the moon into the earth

which would probably take more force than punching something to the moon, considering how fast the moon travels and how much mass it has


How many times are you going to make this thread?

Go play Primal Rage, it's what you're looking for.

I wanna cuddle with Winston

>Great Apes
Literally trash tier

>crossovers are canon
It was canon to Godzilla so I don't see the problem.

The Kong cartoon would also be air game. Nobody specified continuity and it wasn't a fan fiction.

Tell me more

If this is the truth why don't they like black people

gotta give it to Grodd.



Urban Chaos

Well seeing as how DK was too stupid for hypnotizing to work on him, I doubt Grodd's psychic powers would work



Ultra-V was that nigga.

Gonna need that slippery sauce or codeu

only one of them has a coconut gun

Battlefield 1

But donkey Kong is bigger, faster and stronger too, he is the best member of the dk crew

Holy fuck, that grammar. How can you even be an actor if you don't know your own language?

>She's the leader of the bunch
My sides

That Bijou

I had the demo for this from jam pack


Interestingly, Kong also had lightning powers, weakening Winston's position further.


still doesn't discount the fact that grodd in all likelihood would kick his gorilla shit in.
dk is a dumb powerhouse, grodd is a smart powerhouse.



Is this a political chart?

Your pic is missing Rajang

How could you leave these out?


GTA San Andreas
The Walking Dead
Skyrim with Redguard
the list goes on...

watch dogs 2

When did DK fucking do that?

And did smnc steal that idea from the wild thornberries or that episode of dexters lab where the rich brilliant ape that tricks MONKEY or is that just a coincedence?

Is it fucking summer in here or something?

In Country Returns methinks.

>nobody has edited this to be winston and zarya still

I feel sorry for any woman that is this hideous