Is SFV worth it yet, Sup Forums? Considering Capcom said they're not releasing it (which could still be a dirty lie), is the game in a good enough state yet to buy full price? Or even on sale?
Is SFV worth it yet, Sup Forums? Considering Capcom said they're not releasing it (which could still be a dirty lie)...
Not until Sakura is in.
Sakura mains be like
god damn i hate sakura in 4
I assume you mean until Juri is in, which is soon
Eh, obviously the normals are going to change a lot. I don't mind losing the 3 frame close standing fierce if it's still useful at fucking up crossups.
What I will be really mad about is if I don't have fun loops. Ibuki not only doesn't have loops she lost her fucking tsumuji, it's ridiculous.
Never cared about Juri, I'm all about the cutest.
post the full picture
senpukyaku *bam bam* senpukyaku *bam* hado *TCHH* *bam* senpukyaku.
That kind of loop famicom ?
Really frustrating to get hit by. that's maybe why i'm not really cool against seeing her again
but i mean character story and all, she's alright. Still prefer juri though
I mean, it's Street Fighter. Do you like playing Street Fighter? Pick it up. If you can wait, then wait for a sale.
Yeah, loops are fun. If Omega is anything to go by and seeing as they implemented several stuff from it then I still have hope for some very basic stuff without v-trigger.
Also stop teching so much and just take the throw.
Pirated it, but it runs like shit despite not even close to pushing my PC.
They already said 5 wasn't going to have many shotos. Sagat will show up before she does.
Wait for SF V Turbo arcade edition Xtrem
No, they said they wanted the vanilla cast to not have too many of the same. Sakura is different enough anyways that she would've fit in the first 16, let alone a fucking DLC.
Capcom have said they're not going to do any rereleases this time, which who the fuck knows if they're telling the truth, but so far it seems they're sticking with DLC.
Trust me Capcom is not going to release it. Street Fighter use to be good.
Plus the characters looks like they been threw into a blender
Why does the game look like such ass though?
what is the s+ tier stick for pc?
tfw not buying SFV until Juri is out
Just get the cheapest one with sanwa parts, it will still have less input delay than lmao vsync ps4.
Keyboard is a free Hitbox controller.
Nah, it's not. You know when it will be worth it? When you'll be able to buy it for 20 bucks with all the content already included in a year or two.
I hope they maker her more unique if they do add her.
Wood block with Sanwa buttons+stick.
Why? She didn't really play like any of the shotos.
But you won't have the FM to buy her when you pick the game up. You should pick the game up now and earn the FM ready for her and realise that Laura is best girl while doing so
>just buy it in two years when nobody will care about it anymore and it'll be much harder to find any matches
SFIV died after two years?
The true answer is No.
But shills and capdrones will say otherwise.
but i can't even get matches now... it's not going to make any difference.
>Is SFV worth it yet, Sup Forums?
Compared to what? At what skill level? On what platform? Etc.
Why would platform matter?
Yeah, when they announce Street Fighter 6. I got IV for 4.99 after V was announced, so I knew that it was the last version of IV they were going to make.
Because it is superior on ps4, duh.
Don't believe sonnyggers' lies
The non-broken version of MK10 never made it to PC. The newest revision of GG isn't on PC (yet).
ps4 has 8 frames of lag, pc doesnt
Thanks for letting us know in a thread about buying SFV.
I don't see how that's an issue. Still the same game, it's not like you are going to buy a ps4 if you want to play at locals.
>I don't see how that's an issue
8 frames of lag shouldn't fucking exist at all
No, it shouldn't but your choice of platform does fuck all against it. PS4 is tournament standard.
Fuck off normalfags
Fuck off casuls
This isn't your board normie, go back to SRK or Ribbit.
>competitive game
>not playing it at a lan with other nerds
You are trying so hard to fit in yet you fail. I have a feeling you are underage.
You don't even know what a lan is, just as expected of a normalfag.
I'm starting to suspect you have brain problems. Especially considering you keep bumping the thread.
>doesn't even know what LAN is
>accuses others of having brain problems
stupid normalfag, go back to ribbit already
What is a lan then? Keep in mind I wasn't talking about just SFV. See me in Q3 or 1.6 faggot.
>SFV thread
>starts talking about Quake and CS
just go back to ribbit already
I'm talking about lans being nerd shit while you are being all normie. Please understand that acting retarded is not trolling.
Please be a casual shitter somewhere else, child. It's embarrassing.
GG is a better game and KOF14 looks like diamonds gameplay wise and promises to have decent netcode this time around which could be a lie.
SFV is a decent bare bones game in need of immediate polish and won't get said polish to its core gameplay even then 8f delay problem until the CPT is over.
I really hope SFV besides the 8f delay fix on PS4 gets buffs that make it neutral game deeper and less RPS heavy. Id love the momentum RPS game of SFV combined with the neutral game of SF4 maybe not to the same level of pokes but atleast 75% as strong.
SFV is a really boring game to watch and play atm because the 8f delay allows for top tiers with super fast dashes or just alot of the cast in general to random dash throw. Fuck its part of the meta at top levels right now. That shit was only seen once in a full moon in other SF games even in 3s it wasn't this common and was much easier to react and tech. In SF4 that shit was a yellow bar online tactic. Oh wait 8f delay is basically SF4 in yellow bar who would thunk it.
learn to sage retard
Getting together with other people is the epitome of being a normie you retard. Also, stop samefagging. I have no reason to sage, I want everyone to see how bad the normie infestation is on this board nowadays.
lurk for 2 years before posting
>normie infestation
>never been to a real lan
Look at this fucking casual shitter holy h*ck. How can someone be so shit at video games?
normies getting triggered as fuck
I enjoy it, but I also found a character I really like and I know a few people that haven't and don't want to touch the game.
If you like to play other people, either offline or online, I'd say buy it in a sale, then buy a premium costume for your waifu.
The game still has problems tho and ragequitting is still a thing. They have been slow in fixing things, but atleast they seem to be fixing things. I think the game will be pretty good in half a year.