Don't mind me, just posting the best gun manufacturer in Borderlands.
Don't mind me, just posting the best gun manufacturer in Borderlands
I got bored of and stooped playing the borderlands games pretty quickly but boy did I love those exploding guns
tediore > torgue
they produce suicide assistance gear
Man I miss the ingenuity of the gun manufacturers in Borderlands
The concept is good but I haven't found a single decent Tediore gun in the whole game.
>Atlas is top tier in Borderlands
>replaced by shitty Hyperion guns in BL2 that barely benefit from its accuracy method
>The Pre-Sequel fixes Hyperion's shoot-for-accuracy and many guns have the design of Atlas guns to reflect the buyout
I liked it a lot
I mained Axton so I liked sticking with Dahl for tacticool operator weapons
Maliwan > Vladof > Dahl > Hyperion > Jackobs > Tourge > Bandit > Tediore
Only played the first Borderlands. Probably my most autistic playthrough; Roland with a Hyperion combat rifle, finished with no elemental, grenade or melee kills and the bare minimum runovers.
Hyperions actually weren't half bad in Borderlands 1. It's just a shame that you see so few of them beyond the Lady Finger until later in the game, but it's also a shame that it wasn't the brand they axed when it came to the sequel.
Get fucked.
Atlas > Jakobs > Hyperion > Maliwan > Vladof > Torgue > Dahl > S&S > Tediore > Eridian
Borderlands 2
Jakobs > Torgue > Vladof > Maliwan > Tediore > Hyperion > Bandit > Dahl
The Pre-Sequel
Hyperion > Tediore > Jakobs > Maliwan > Torgue > Vladof > Bandit > Dahl
op8 not normal mode
> he didn't play Bl1
I have, just didn't rank it because I never got to max level after all the patches so I didn't think it's fair to rank it
If I fought you I'd probably win.
All I remember is that the best weapons I had were a quad shot SMG and an explosive shotgun. I don't remember what manufacturers do that.
Always Maliwan
This nigga doesn't know the power of BL1 Dahl shotguns.
>quad shot SMG
If you mean 4-round burst, most likely Dahl. Explosive is Torgue's main shtick
Sorry, it must've been double shot. All I remember is I had an SMG that shot multiple bullets at once and I killed everything by facefucking them and emptying the whole magazine.
Either Vladof or Bandit
Probably a slagga or bone shredder. The bone shredder is underrated.
why did all their guns vaporize?
Forgot Vladof doesn't make SMGs. Bandit then
You skullfucked Atlas in BL1, then Hyperion bought them out
I don't think I played the game right.
I did not give a single fuck about the manufacturer, I just compared the stats and went with whatever was better for my build.
Different manufacturer means differently functioning guns
If it's not a Jakobs it's not a gun.
The gun mechanics in Borderlands all handle like shit though.
Manufactorer affected stats and colour-scheme. So you probably had a favourite one even if you didn't know it.
lasers>pathetic slug throwers
Torgue rocket launchers should be called mini-nuke launchers
>mfw you fire Nukem
I just checked my character.
>Dahl pistol
>2 Torgue weapons (shotgun and rocket launcher)
>Bandit weapon that applied slag
I guess I had a thing for Torgue
Sauce broski?