300+ hours into TPP and still discovering new approaches...

>300+ hours into TPP and still discovering new approaches, fun things with soldiers and even cinematics I've missed during my first save.

So why didn't you rike it again?

because it didn't take me 300 hours to find new shit, unlike retards such as yourself.

You have no idea.

Because people have no imagination. They just go

>stand behind cover and peek out to tranq guards
>miss a whole fucking lot in the process
>run out of tranqs
>call in ammo resupply
>proceed to tranq more from a distance
>waltz right in when everyone is asleep

They play the game in the most basic bitch way possible, then they complain the game is boring.

How do you make D-Walker work well? I'm sick of D-Dog

If you have to "make your own fun" then it's a shit game.

Also the game is 80 hours at tops unless you are a retarded/handicapped.

Not to mention that it has nothing to do with Metal Gear since it's a Zone of the Enders romhack with some MGS character models here and there.

Yes, I'm still mad, literally the worst game ever made.

I did this with Ground Zeroes, you fucked it up by putting in too much grinding, microtransactions, online bullshit, and staff management.

Because i like challenges/variety. TPP was not hard at all besides a few of those end game repeat missions and every enemy besides the shit parasite cucks and Sal were just generic soldiers with dog shit AI.

>Be Kojima's son
>Dad asks what I want for Christmas.
> "I want to meet Santa!"

>Fast forward to Christmas day
>Wake up in a santa costume
>"Dad, what the hell is this?"
>"You are the Santa Kurause. Did ju rike it, son?"

infinite heaven

Too much like Peace Walker which was a glorified mobile game. Should have cut all the fluff with the base building out

>implying doing it differently ever works

you either tranq everyone or kill everyone

there's no in between

> it's a Zone of the Enders romhack with some MGS character models here and there

Explain. I'm clearly too dumb to understand that.

>erase english
>world peace
>also metal gear


Metal Gear Solid: Peace walker was literally developed for a mobile console called the PSP(Playstation Portable), later rereleased on consoles

I wanted Metal Gear and got Far Cry: Blacklist

i liked the 40% of the game that was done.

Because I whole heartidly believed there'd be a chapter 3,
Nope fucking scrapped.

>So bad that he has to either put everyone to sleep or kill everyone

How does it feel to know you're terrible at video games?

How does it feel to know that the reason games are growing more and more casual is because of mouthbreathers like you?

what are the other options?
I'm curious

It was originally a Zone of the Enders game, someone should dig up the magazine article.

That's why the levels are empty sandboxes because you were suppose to be flying around giant robots.

That's also why there is no story, numerous boss fights or anything MGS related, they turned it into a MGS VERY late in development when they were already running out of money.

>terrible at video games because you do stealth in a Metal Gear game
What do you do? Go running at them while shooting machine guns and rocket launchers?

I think you are the one who sucks at video games here. Bet you didn't even get Big Boss rank in previous games, you did play the previous games, right?

>Not sneaking in like a silent ninja.
Why even pick the game up?

Literally git gud you piece of shit.
The game has shitloads of viable tools to support various playstyles.

Tranqing is the uttermost basic thing you can do.

>Also the game is 80 hours at tops unless you are a retarded/handicapped.
>Zone of Enders romhack
>Calls others retarded.

Not that guy but why the fuck would you not tranq everyone since that's the only way to grind up soldiers to get more shit that you won't use since you're punished for not tranquing people?
What's the alternative? Deliberately getting into shootouts in a stealth game? Who's the real casual?

Are you terrible at gaming? You can infiltrate a base just using a magazine to distract guards.

Or you kill a few guys that are in an annoying spot (with a sniper rifle or up close). And honestly who the fuck plays an mgs game with a tranq gun? That's just cheating imo

>i-i-it's not a robot it's a Metal Gear, see! Sahelanthropus! It was made before the other Metal Gears yet somehow it's a million times more advanced, it's not like we recycled a Zone of the Enders model due to laziness or anything I swear!
Yeah, this game was pretty fucking sad.

Glad the hourly threads don't exist anymore.

You do not have to sleep/kill everything in your way in order to "stealth" the game
There are other ways
Like walking behind people

>Nope fucking scrapped.
Yeah, sure, "scrapped". Seriously, you are almost out of denial, just take the final step, dude.

user, that sounds retarded as fuck. I can't find anything about it on the internet either.

>Like walking behind people
..and that's suppose to be hard/challenging?

The AI is blind and retarded in this game, even without reflex mode you can break their necks easily.

Why are people still damage controlling this piece of shit? It's over.

>Want to play TPP

>Remember the multiplayer exists

Content was already planned, scripts were found buried in code, the plot holes would've been sealed.
But they rushed the release.
Ffs why can't we have nice things?

>still discovering new approaches

sub optimal forced self imposed bad approaches

silenced traq weapons are the best. this is apparent immediately

>People like something i don't.

It didn't fit into their headcanons

>grind up soldiers
You do realize you don't need to fulton every soldier in the field right? You can get soldiers and volunteers from enough sources.
Also, you don't need to tranq soldiers to fulton them.

Just look at your development list and dick around with gadgets that look like fun to you.
Or just deploy with an empty magazine and complete the mission, boss.
I can't believe so many people never tried out all the alternatives.

What's wrong with the online portion?
Either just play offline or take a few minutes to set up your FOB defense and then you can just safely ignore it. They gave MGO to burgerclaps so they fucked that up. Just don't play it.

Suuuure. I bet that everything except the scenery was last hour rushing. Makes total sense.

Replaying missions with different guns doesnt really appeal to me.
The story was short, unfinished and not even the fun kind of cheesy youd expect from Metal Gear.
Online is riddled with hackers and there is very little variety in game modes.


and yet it's easier than hoping I get one good soldiers from volunteers, and also what retard fultons the injured soldiers they want instead of just knocking them out?
Just admit there's a fundamental design flaw with a game that provides you tons of lethal options but actively discourages that approach.

>Tfw S-ranking every mission without confronting anyone with Reflex turned off
>Having to actually make the decision to blow the base's generator or not, alerting enemies to my presence and moving them away from my objective, or letting them stand on top of it and be unaware

I completed that mission to rescue the prosthetics designer with one tranq round, and none of the guards were even aware I was there until I destroyed their generator and radio equipment on my way out. Feels good, my dudes.

>Or just deploy with an empty magazine and complete the mission, boss
So you have to handicap yourself to make it fun?

It's like playing an RPG without equipment, it's slow and tedious, sure it's challenging but you're just wasting your time.

Great goiym 100/100.

Dude you're a fucking idiot, MGSV leaks happened as far back as 2010 and it was still Venom with the shifty ponytail and belt that mimics a tail.

It was never a ZOE game, Kojima unironically had MGSV planned out the way it happened from day one

>other options
-Throw magazines
-Utilize the cardboard box and the various posters you can attach
-Shoot tranqs at their feet or at the wall so they look at the source of the noise, then you walk past them
-Can do the same thing with the water pistol
-Oh, I don't know, SNEAK past them. Ghost runs/no traces are still a thing
-Hold guards up
-Make them lay down
-Plant C4 at one part of the map, go to the other side of the map, blow up C4, watch them move about
-Make D-Dog taze niggas with stun knife
-Rocket punch niggas
-Stun arm niggas
-Knock down electric poles when its raining to electrocute niggas
-Turn off the power
-Use the special cassette tapes to your advantage
-Experiment with buddies nonlethally
-The old footstep tricks from past games still works: Sneak up behind a guard, make a loud step behind them then a quiet step. They will turn to where the loud step was and you can waltz right past them.

Those are just the things I can think of from the top of my head. There's so many things you can do to complete missions or to just fuck with guards.

>all this projecting
If you have to resort to kill everyone or put everyone to sleep to progress, you're fucking terrible, admit it.

Are you retarded? You don't have to kidnap every motherfucker in the world. You can get by with fultoning the occasional high rank among all the E rank bitches. Plus, the game throws recruits at you between missions. There are side ops where you go and kidnap a guy with good stats in case you didn't do it before. You're one of those people who has to fulton everyone because it removes them from the map, right? Too casual to sneak past guards so you have to get rid of them?

And I didn't say anything about going into loud shootouts yet both of you brought it up. Like I said, casuals with no lack of imagination. It's either KILL KILL KILL or TRANQ TRANQ TRANQ with you faggots.

I loved the game, but the big twist and the way the rest of the story just simmers down to nothing after Skull face keeps me from finishing act II. Perhaps I could get into the FBO-multiplayer.

Look just because you decide to use certain weapons or do a certain thing does not make it a different approach.

At best you're stealthing as usual except this time you're using something else to distract/disable the guards.

Most of the time they're not really worth using besides saving on ammo or if you're not close enough for cqc.

You see, the trick to enjoying a game is to not ask /v's opinion about it.

I enjoy playing TPP to this day. I enjoy both gameplay and story.
And I know some wannabe critic is going to say
>B-But there is no story and gameplay is boring
These people don't realize how good we have it today.
Games have more gameplay these days than ever before, it's just these virgins want to seem like critics and they think that calling a good game shit is gonna make it seem like they have better taste in vidya than everybody else.
Everyone here is really just a Reddit hipster in disguise

I literally just tranq and fultoned every soldier and I still had fun

>If you have to resort to kill everyone or put everyone to sleep to progress, you're fucking terrible, admit it.
But the things you just listed aren't hard to execute.

Most people most likely did that stuff, doesn't really make it fun, it's still boring and empty with the same copypaste outposts in the same places. You can limit yourself in any game, does that magically make the game great? No, it doesn't.

Sorry, I don't know what they pay you but just cut to the chase, new DLC coming soon or what's with the sudden shilling?

>b-but that's Reddit!

What if I'm Reddit?

Or you?

>not ghosting

..or maybe you were born too late to play real video games and your opinion is therefore forever deemed invalid.

Sorry that you have to grow up playing shit like TPP.

Quality over quantity.

Or maybe you just don't like stealth games.
>stealth game gives you tools in case you fuck it up
>this means you should go full retard and kill everyone

>if you don't like a game you're a wannabe critic hipster
Okey dokey, Kojimbo.

The scoring system is way too lenient. I can murder everyone with reflex on and get S rank because I rushed through.

That's what killed it for me.

Who said anything about fultoning injured soldiers and a lethal approach? Despite that being viable, you should stop thinking in black and white. You can incapacitate soldiers in shit tons of ways if you want to fulton them.
And PF points are easily accumulated and you get to choose exactly what type of volunteers you want.
That said, it's good to keep an eye out for good soldiers in the field but I seriously hope you aren't fultoning every retard you come across.

You don't have to do anything specifically to have fun. You can do w/e the fuck you want and have fun doing it. But if you get bored of tranqing everything in sight you only have yourself to blame.
Bet you are one of those "Gotta play it meta because that's the most 'optimal' way to play'. If that's the case fuck off like you told fun to fuck off out of your games.
And besides, I can clear mssions fast as fuck without firing a single shot.

This isn't a race for efficiency it's for fun.

If you're raiding fobs then sure, maybe you go full meta. But if you're doign missions for -fun- then doing it in a different way that's suboptimal can be just that.

What quality?
This franchise has always been melodramatic trash with a story that's 100% cringe all the way through, characters that are different walking cliches and shitty, clunky as fuck gameplay.

Alright then gramps, what's a "real" game?

>you will never be this autistic
Sorry that I played the game in a way that was effective instead of being some incredibly hostile autist that calls people casual if they don't arbitrarily limit themselves.
Oh and I never said you have to fulton everyone, just that there's no point to sneaking past soldiers instead of taking them out one way or the other.

Playing it with tranq and snapping necks is stealth.

Which apparently was the wrong way to play it?

Make up your mind, shills. I mean I know it's pretty hard to make THIS game look good but try harder.

>asking Sup Forums's opinion on anything
jesus fucking christ, do people actually do this?
literally more embarassing than believing Sup Forums about anything

>But the things you just listed aren't hard to execute.
That's exactly my point. You losers cry "you can't do anything but put people to sleep or kill them!" but when you get proven wrong you turn it into some dick waving contest "b-b-but those aren't hard to do!"

No shit they aren't hard to do, so why aren't you doing them? Because you can't. It's so much easier for you to just sit in the corner and tranq everyone because you don't have to the capacity to be creative with all the tools they give you.

> You can limit yourself
Yes you can, or you can not limit yourself. You can go full barebones or you can go in with every OP weapon imaginable. It's your choice. If you need the game to hold your hand then the game is not for you.

Sorry I forgot we're on neo-Sup Forums where we don't like video games. Let's all go back to the BLACKED and porn and hentai and e-celeb and SJW threads on Sup Forums

mgs 1-3, yeah I know, what a shock? V wasn't the first game in the series.

Yes, the proper way to play MGS has always been ghosting.
Tranq gun has always been easy mode.
>snapping necks
>killing anyone at all
Kill yourself.

The game is a sandbox, it's intended for you to fuck around with alternate approaches, that are yes probably less efficient.

But it's there for you to do. That is the entire point, "hey I have all these toys, better not use them cuz this one works" It's a pretty common theme, the people that like the game make use of all the toys, the people that don't, don't like it.

>Who said anything about fultoning injured soldiers and a lethal approach?
You did, retard.
>you don't need to tranq soldiers to fulton them
Unless you think choking soldiers out isn't the same thing

Was it ever mentioned what the horn was made of? The doctor said shrapnel and human bone/teeth but ti doesn't look like any of those.

Well its often quicker and simpler if youre playing one of the harder missions without reflex. I rarely take out every guard unless I specifically want to in order to search the base or something.

>Oh and I never said you have to fulton everyone
For what?
To get your ultra-tacticool 2 meter long bright yellow assault rifle with 10 scopes?

By snapping necks I meant choking them unconscious, sorry.

It's the same thing, you just press a different button.

Stop playing dumb. Or maybe you are dumb and if so I'm sorry that you were born retarded.

The point is there is no one way to play it. It's just that you tards can only figure out to play it one way and complain when doing the same thing over and over can get boring.

The shrapnel of human bone and teeth were all over Venom's body. The horn is probably just metal from the bomb or the helicopter.

Because open world sandbox is a fucking meme and MGS was never supposed to be open world, so when fans play the game correctly and say it's boring they now have to listen to retards who jumped on the hype train say "no you didn't play it correctly" when obviously that's what they've been doing for nearly 20 years

I like how all the people in here saying there's other ways to do it other than just tranqing everyone ignore half the game was tied to the shitty base building which you needed to kidnap men for

>You did, retard.
Except I didn't.

>Unless you think choking soldiers out isn't the same thing
Choking is just another option. You can also hold them up, use stun/sleep grenades or CQC them in various ways. You do know there are loads of different CQC moves, right?

I never said that TPP was the best game ever, just that it's not a shit game and people don't know how to enjoy themselves anymore.
MGS 1-3 are some of the best games I've played and are better(story wise) then TPP true enough

Who knows? That's our reality here, whether it's real or not. If there's another truth, I don't want to know it

>look at Duke Nukem Forever, you can CHOOSE to shoot enemies with pistol OR the shotgun, holy fucking shit how innovative is that, it gives the player so much freedom to do things THEY want to do
>fuuuck you can even go behind them and melee attack them to the death
>you could play the game with your monitor turned off, you have to rely on the sound instead to navigate the levels
>you could play the game without weapons, or by starting from the beginning each time you die
>this game is so much fucking fun, fuck the haters just being hipsters because they just play the meta "optimal way" by shooting them with the weapon they happen to like

Those are all the same thing, non-lethal playstyle.
You get railroaded into it because of the base-building element.

>Disliking a GOTY runner up makes you a Reddit hipster faggot
I stand by my words

>using Duke Nukem Forever as comparison

Too bad that game is terrible and your analogy breaks down because of it.

>It's another retard who thinks he needs to kidnap every soldier in the field to get his mother base filled up
So many people are completely clueless about the finer workings of this game it's beyond ridiculous.

b-but duke doesn't have buddies to do the work for him

>MGS was never supposed to be open world

Well it clearly was because they made it one. And no, MGS has always been "here's a bunch of fun toys to go be stealthy with in a vaguely sandbox manner, go nuts"

Being open world is an evolution on that.

>GOTY runner up
Wait, what?

Is this actually a thing? Like a real thing not just some Reddit goty list?

Fuck, I think we might be getting a video game crash soon enough.

yeah GOTY means so much lmao, brb loading up my game of the year edition of dead island

Every soldier with decent stats, sure.
Why not?

You haven't played MGS much have you?

The entire point of the analogy was to point out that by OP's logic every game is the greatest game ever made, you retard.

>Game was designed as a sandbox that offers the player shitloads of tools to deploy in the field
>Better make an analogy with a straight up corridor shooter to make my point



Well I guess you tried

Not him but just shut the fuck up you don't know what you are talking about.

Riot SMG is still my fave weapon, full auto tranq gun.
The airport fight with the skulls is also pretty cool since you get to go full nuclear.

Well Fallout 4 and Downgrade 3 got nominated too so, don't sweat about it.

V was babbys first MGS for most people as it turns out, there have been polls about this. Which makes the V praising more tolerable since you know that these people simply don't know any better.

did u kno that you can slide down hills with a cardboard box when it's raining and knock soldiers out that way?
this forgives the numerous flaws with the game by the way

Read what I said, the analogy fails because it uses the fucking travesty of Duke Nukem Forever. I get the intention of the analogy, but it doesn't work because, disregarding anyone's opinions on DNF and MGSV, DNF has nowhere near the scope and possibility MGSV does. It's just a weak analogy plain and simple. And the OP didn't imply the game is the greatest game ever made, retard.

So that's like one in a dozen, depending on your standards. That hardly constitutes as being railroaded into it since you can sneak past everything else.
And if you wanted to, you don't have to fulton anything and just use PF rank and Merc deployment missions to get the ranks you want.