Do you think Agent 47 exists in the real world?
Do you think Agent 47 exists in the real world?
>agent 47 working for hillary
I fucking hope to god he doesn't
>hitman working for Hillary
Now we know why Berndog endorsed her.
I can't believe burgers are gonna vote in this crazy cunt
>choice between two crazy cunts
Welcome to a bipartisan system.
27 political parties here. Let me tell you, it ain't better.
5-8 is the sweet spot where parties have to co-operate.
More than that and the government becomes too fractured to function, less than that and they sabotage each other purely for political gain.
47 is the perfect bio-genetically engineered assassin. Nothing comes close. And certainly not the shitty men in black working for the government.
Yeah, screw them. They can't even hold a candle to 47. They -
are very competent officials that operate completely within the bounds of the law and protect America's freedom. God bless them.
God bless the United States.
And God bless Hillary Clinton.
>its all shit, man.
woe, cool cynical Internet guy here everyone
>Criticizing the two-party """system""" is cynical
whoa retard here everyone
Ofcourse not, Hillary is a fucking cuck and a murderer, surely a high level agent like 47 wou-
Try 35, and we are still a third world country.
Yeah, because it's statistically impossible that two different sides happen to be retarded.
Face it, Ameriturds are fucked one way or another.
I still get to be cool and cynical, right?
said every fedora tipping retard their first election cycle.
it's not cynical, the facts are that being in any way moderate is boring because it doesn't seem like you're making the radical changes people think need to be made.
but she is a woman! PROGRESS! PROGRESS! unto the abyss
neither Clinton or Trump are radical. try again.
This is such a stupid meme, why would an elite assassin press enter on an unfin
America is beyond fucked at this point. It's either the blantantly obvious Wolf in sheep's clothing or the crazy motherfucker who straight up promises to violate the Constitution. I wish I was Agent 47 because I'd be cleaning up a serious mess.
yes and no. irl you have to take into consideration that your agent can fail. I mean, if we're talking mob shit then sure, but on a state level.. sure it happens but you'd be very reluctant to use that weapon in case he fails.
What's the difference between Hillary and literally any other self-centred politician
She's playing on Legendary mode while everyone else is small time.
It's crazy that people forget 8 year ago she was a mudslinging cunt who said everything and anything about Obama to try to win.
Because it's literally true. If there were double digit choices I'd have to agree, but 2? It's fucking embarrassing and anti-democratic, but you people let it slide.
>people disagreeing with the idea that two crazy people have been laid before the voting public intentionally
It's all about creating chaos and separating people through news stories and social media. Easier to lobby through a new law when people are focused on something that doesn't matter.
That's right we blacks and you whites are being made to hate each other. Please just be my brother and fight with me.
Yes because Trump didn't attack any of the Republican nominees...?
Real problem is: Guess who could change that system?
back to infowars, nigger bitch.
Other than the network of conspiracy tards and speculations Clinton has no done anything wrong.
Zionist Jews are irrelevant. It's the Marxist and Globalist ones like Soros that scare the shit out of me.
>Not realising the real threat is the lizards controlling the Jews
That guy's not rallying for Trump, calm down you fucking faggot.
Plus either way this is a horrible comparison, fucking kill yourself.
Why you mad though
Let's be honest here, it's not the candiates that are bad. It's the system that churns out the one sided arguments, ad hominems and outright lies about the candidates. If Jesus were running the parties would run ads about how he's never held a proper job, defends adulterers and Joseph is allegedly not his biological father.
clinton body count
Why bring up Trump to defend Hilary? Can she not be defended on her own merits? I can't think of a single politician in American history that has as bad a track record as Hilary. She's worse than Bush or Obama and she has never held POTUS.
Will most likely create another artificial in Middle East.
I'm not an American, what's her track record?
Artificial what?
*artificial conflict
I don't think you're telling the -
Like our vote is any different from a Nicaraguan's vote.
>I can't think of a single politician in American history that has as bad a track record as Hilary
This. Not even 2008's Bush was this mediocre.
> the moderate left and moderate right party in your country don't get over 60% of the votes, no matter what
Where do you live? From what I have seen it boils down to two parties everywhere.
> Germany
> AFD (far right party) gets 24% in a state, becomes second place to CDU (moderate right, Merkels party)
> discussions of the weirdest coalitions start, Greens, FDP (libertrarian) and SPD (moderate left) want to unify to still be able to get a say in things
> in the end CDU, SPD and Greens are in a ruling coalition despite being on completely different ends of the spectrum
It's obvious that the political system is only in place for money laundering schemes and shady business deals from Sigmar Gabriel and other degenerates.
Proof of this?
>More than one party
>sweet spot
The two party system isn't some fucking grand conspiracy you retards. it's because it's easier to get a bunch of people together to agree on one of two things.
It's why libertarians are such big faggots. they believe in smaller government and more power put in the hands of businesses which conservatives can get behind but then they shoot themselves in the dick by supporting recreational heroine usage.
Government is a big corrupt shit heap don't get me wrong, but the bi partisan system is built by the voters, you are totally free to vote for Jill stein, but nobody takes her seriously because her party is an even bigger disaster than even the Democratic party
The wars in the middle east started before she was secretary of state.
Wait, cant you run as a Independent Candidate?
How exactly does one crush their own throat, conveniently or otherwise?
>libertarians are big faggots because their party represents libertarian views
This. It's not rigged, people can vote for whoever they want. But it turns out people vote just to spite the other guy and this neatly divides any democratic country into two main parties.
Doesn't stop it being de facto (i.e. in reality) bipartisan
You can run as independent but you can't win as independent.
Easy, letting 47 sneak on you.
Voting independent is like throwing away your vote.
That's the point
You don't get that party money, and voting for independents is seen as wasting your vote
Try to convince a bunch of pot smoking hippies that big business shouldn't be regulated.
Now that you've done that try convincing corporate business owners that they shouldn't have to drug test their employees because "what they do in their free time is none of your business"
Now try convincing a large amount of people that basic infrastructure like road building shouldn't be taxed but instead charged by use because they should be privatized.
Libertarians make George W seem smart
In this case, supposedly by dropping a barbell on it while bench pressing.
Lake City Quiet Pills
don't worry user, Hillary does her own killing.
Yeah, that's (sort of) what they're trying to do, what's your point?
They're a party representing and trying to propagate their views rather than one trying to bend over backwards to win by any cost (and thus representing nothing at all)
Don't think libertarians believe corporations shouldn't be allowed to drug test employees btw
If you really believe drug testing helps you in any way at all as a business in the hiring process other than an extra category to whittle down your large group of applicants than you are an idiot. If an employee does his job he does his job. Why hire someone who abuses medications they have prescriptions for over someone who just smokes pot on the weekends.
Noone is going to vote for her, she will however win with almost 100% of the vote.
trump wouldn't violate the constitution
Yeah man you're right. people should be allowed to do drugs all they want. it's not their fucking fault everytime I go to subway I get a contact high, I just need to understand that what these people do in their down time is their business.
Seriously though, fuck em. if you can't stay clean for 30 days to lock in a job, you deserve to make sandwiches for a living
Isn't there a hitman game where you literally can kill someone the same way?
I think the bottom line will prove it either way, not your hippy bullshit
How do know you that? It's been one of his main selling points.
No it hasn't
Yep. Blood Money. I think you are also killing them because they are in witness protection.
So has anyone played the summer special episodes yet? I'm downloading it now but I am tempted to buy EDF.
I'll bite. What has or would he actually violate about the constitution?
High people should not be working. I went to a dispensary in Seattle and the dumb cashier was too high to even count change properly. She tried to short change me $10.
Deporting illegals and securing borders :^)
This election is very amusing to see as a non-blacked (people from countries who haven't had black presidents) person.
On one hand you've a neoconservative woman pretending to be a liberal because muh women, and on the other hand a liberal man pretending to be republican because he loves the uneducated.
Close, but actually it's a drug rehab clinic. Also makes a good cover story for holding one of the agency's agents in custody with sedatives who you have to break out.
The 5th and 14th amendment.
This isn't hard. And this isn't video games.
Really makes you think
Ah, that's right. I got it mixed up with the suburb one.
What do those have to do with Trump's platform?
>loves the uneducated
I'd buy that if not for Hillary pandering to her audience with unsubstantiated claims of more black people being killed by cops and black people for no reason being uncharacteristically highly represented in jails.
Trump may be a dumby but at least he has statistics on his side
Go back to /d/
>all these stupid foreigners trying to debate us politics and literally none of them live in the US
>im actually US and im just leaving the country for 2 years and know hillary will be president because bilderberg arranged it
>i know nothing about about hillarys shady-at-best legal history
gd jb fag
I think there's a difference between being high at work and at home. I mean I wouldn't want someone to drink and drive either. Or to smoke in public.
If Trump loses in Burgerstan, can we bring him here?
>managed to save a child rapist from going to prison
>later laughed about it
She knew he was guilty too.
Wow, you sound as retarded as the average americunt talking about another country's politics.
>my gender can be very fluid
So could mine I guess, until I saw this image.
How based can one man get?
He actually has some libertarian views.