Be honest Sup Forums, how much a year do you spend on vidya?

Be honest Sup Forums, how much a year do you spend on vidya?

Personally, I'm around $2,000 a year. Roughly $1,200 on games, $300 on merchandise, and I pro-rate $500 for PC parts

$0 because I'm not a fucking retard and only play f2p games

I'm not a compulsive buyer like you senpai, so It depends this year i've spent like 40 dollars so far.

About $100-150, excluding gifts.

0, and because of that I am automatically richer than you

Easily $4,000. The ironic thing is that I only spent less than $100 on Amazon Prime Day.

I pirate all of them desu and I haven't updated my pc in years because I'm not a fucking cuck and I use the money to feed myself and care for my well-being

Too much because I am addicted to novelty and buy new games constantly, most of the time growing tired of them within two weeks. It's okay though, I've accepted it and I have fun constantly starting new games.

I only bought Doom, Overwatch and Dark Souls 3 so far.

It's hovering around 100-200 dollars a year

Probably around 500 on games. I do upgrade pc hardware every 3 years or so...

I used to purchase a new $60 game at least once every 2 months. In recent years, I've had such genuinely little interest in most of the new AAA games that I think I've only bought 2 new games in the last year (one of them being Dark Souls 3, the other I don't even remember). I don't even pirate. I just genuinely have no interest in most of these recent games.

Aside from that, maybe $200 in old games or indie games that I want to support. Wolfenstein and Star Wars Galaxies (for the Emulator) have probably been my better purchases this year.

>being this poor

no it's called
>not living with parents

I feel bad for you, user.
You should have studied more.

I stopped living with my parents long ago. I have a shit job but it pays well.

In the past, anywhere from $200-500.
Now, not much at all. Haven't really had much motivation to play vidya recently.

>Steam history says last purchase was in November 2015

I've been playing games I already own and emulating/pirating so 0$ apparently. There's not a lot to spend money on right now.

Like maybe $20/year because no game since 2005 has been worth playing

you just don't play many of them. don't let the memes fool you.

$2k every 5 years to chance my PC

>$0 in the past year for vidya
>Spent $3500 in the last six months on hookers

Still lonely as fuck

Let's see ;

Around 150-250€ on Steam-sales
So far i've bought Diablo 3 + RoS Overwatch, Doom and Firewatch as brand new titles.

So, around 500-600€, maybe less, maybe more, i haven't kept a total chart about it.

Shit computer, poorfag, no credit card so no steam, piracy is my only way

Just got one credit card (I had a card that couldn't make online purchases before that) though and I'm furiously looking on how to spend my money.
Also buying a 4000$ laptop soon for good gaming, can't stand the unportable oven I'm playing on now

>4000$ on a laptop

Don't do it nigga

You're only gonna get a slightly-portable oven by that

user you can't get powerful gpus in without lots of heat. Throwing money at them won't make them produce less heat. You can buy newer products(which generally are more efficient) but that's it. something between 800-1800$ will be your best bet, anything above that and you just get too much heat production.

>not a fucking retard
>only play f2p games

pick one

Get a 1500 pc that's 10 times better than that 4000 laptop, retard.