PC gaming company Nexon is replacing voice actress Jayeon Kim in MMORPG Closers after controversy over a t-shirt...

> PC gaming company Nexon is replacing voice actress Jayeon Kim in MMORPG Closers after controversy over a t-shirt erupted online.
>Yesterday, Kim tweeted a photo of herself in a t-shirt that reads “Girls Do Not Need a Prince.” The shirt is apparently connected to feminist Korean website Megalian.

Wow. Why is this allowed?

>wear an innocuous tshirt
>get fired

Fucking Koreans are insane

Korea is pretty much as bad as the middle east in terms of rights for its people.

Porn is illegal, tattooing is illegal, women are expected to be pretty princesses and also get tons of plastic surgery and act fake their entire lives. It's a situation of the older generation strangling the other generations.

Imagine if American voice actresses were fired for being feminists, the industry would be nu-male only.

it's probably just for the fact it's connected to a certain movement, i don't really care much about the t-shirt's message, a lot of idiots wear that kind of thing with a nerdy or passive agressive message on their shirt, why not a feminist line too, except for her case where it's linked to some real feminism group.

>porn is illegal

Wait, what?

Based fucking gooks taking care of the societal poison.

It doesn't need any more explaining. Porn is illegal in South Korea.

Nah, feminism is a thing I support for S Korea.

Then fuck off.

South Korea is in a position that still needs feminism, much unlike the west.

No? This isn't a hugbox.

Pretty much what said. Women are literally treated like objects and actual misogyny is real there. It's not like in the US where it's all made up shit and purple haired dykes demanding special treatment.

>any nation on earth ever needing feminism

I thought they were okay with attacking people for the shirts they wear. What happened?

> t. trumpcuck

There's some distinction that need to be done between SJW and feminism.

>Women are literally treated like objects
wtf i like korea now


That's right #NotAllFeminists

>16 year olds on Sup Forums
>being able to differentiate groups
All women are feminists, all feminists are sjws, all liberals are SJWs

see Bet you think the wage gap and glass ceiling myths are true and not a consequence of women being inferior in every way to men

I guess I was wrong, the west does still need feminism

>It's ok when we do it
t. feminists/SJW cunts every time

They don't need feminism, but they do need equality.

#Sup Forumsisnotoneperson!

>all feminists are sjws, all liberals are SJWs
Are you really going to try and tell me those statements aren't true?

Hello trumplets

People think that Japan is kinda fucked up (and it is), but the japs have nothing on Korea's plastic society. Somehow their idol industry makes Japan's look somewhat sane. I blame the pornography ban.

Yes. I hope you're joking and not legitimately retarded.

This is /vpol/, what did you expect?

>Any country needing feminism ever for any reason

Because it's worked out so well for every other country, right?


Hello rēddit!

>the west needed feminism ever

>literal misogynists ITT


r/trump is that way

Because feminism is cancer

You're pretty much the reason the SJW are yet a thing.

is this a meme

I don't hate women, they're useful for sex and household maintenance.

Enjoy your single motherhood and crashing fertility rates as you get slowly replaced with foreign women that breed 5x the rate of natives which the enlightened feminists all vote into the country.

last century feminism brought women universal suffrage etc, I think it was positive, yes

current feminism is just ridiculous though, and completely useless in the west, where women have better rights than men already

A small amount of intelligence. This just reinforces my belief almost no Sup Forumstard knows anything about politics and likely didn't give a shit about anything political 4 years ago.


>fear mongering
Do alt rightists deal in anything else? It's always doom and gloom supported by nothing

It brought one of the biggest mistakes America has ever made, letting women vote.

The wage gap is literally a lie, women are just shit at competing or negotiating, and don't enter into high wage industries and positions because those jobs become your entire life.

No you are.

I'm sorry, but I believe in equality (which is not promoted by feminism in any way shape or form).

That said, women do tend to vote on the worst political options for the country they're in, yes.


>it's another Sup Forumsnigger thread

Nothing except the facts lol where has this not happened

>equality (which is not promoted by feminism in any way shape or form)
Don't worry Donald will fix it

>pretty much every site and forum is either a censored sjw circlejerk or an insane fourth reich wannabe circlejerk

Goddamnit, is there no place on the internet for reasonable discussion?


are you trying to imply that I'm a Trump voter, and that Trump is worse than Hillary? I'm not even in the USA.

Nope. The early days of the internet when it was a small amount of educated people who had to share a few sites and thus get along with each other is long gone. Now literally everyone has internet access and there are millions of fiefdoms made up only people with similar views and opposing views are suppressed

With the level of censorship going on in South Korea, it's not surprising Nexon is covering their asses.

Kill yourself Brian

> le nobody is right everybody is wrong meme

Good. Glad they nipped that shit in the bud before they've become us in the next 50 years, or even worse, Sweden.

>le false dichotomy meme

> le fallacy fallacy

This thread is shit, post korean lewds

>le fallacy fallacy fallacy



Wasn't there some Korean mobage that had exposed nipples? How did they even get away with that?

Why was this game called soccer spirits again?

Because of the big balls

Haven't seen any
