$500 for a low budget card lmao


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wait for EVGA 1070 on newegg or pickup sapphire 390x with total warhammer on Mwave, thats all there is to it

evga is 650 ish, 390x nitro is 370


Nvidiots will still defend this

>synthetic benchmarks
>meaning anything

pick two

Nvidia cards provide for better overall gaming performance, however. If developers start making games with AMD cards in mind (which won't happen because practically every AAA title is sponsored by Nvidia) then of course they will be superior, due to the price difference.

>What is DOOM
yeah, right

I run DOOM on ultra 100fps with a 970 and a 6700K


Never played the new DOOM, so I have no idea how it relates to my post.

that is what happens when you create a monopoly on a product.

cry me a river Bruce
its fuckin 800 euro

what the fuck

>low end nVidia the price of high end AMD
hmmm really makes you think

Just shut up and take it up the ass already.

I did exactly this for the 1080. It was long, hard but so, so hot and satisfying.

>he doesn't know that the RX 490 will be longer and harder

Fuck these cancerous benchmarks. We need proper gaming related benchmarks


Which is looking best right now? GTX 970, GTX 1060 or RX-480? Not a fanboy of any brand, will get whatever is best.

'sawright mate. lemme just get out mi fukin' coin purse aye.

$380 real dollars you fucking autists

Australian electronics prices. You could complain about them when the aussie and US dollars were at parity, but now the aussie dollar is 70c US, so I think it balances out, if you include shipping costs.

>mfw we still get charged USD for videogames AND they sometimes hike it up to 80-90 bucks too
iirc bf1 was on presale for like $110 in koalabux

What's the next budget price/perfroamnce card for poorfags to jump on? I've had my 750 TI memecard for almost 2 years now and would like to know what to upgrade to in the next few years.



500 is pocket change even for poorest wagecucks.

>PC gaming


Should I pickup a GTX 970 or a RX 480?

Why does nvidia gimp old cards? My gtx 960 isn't safe, I suppose.

neither, wait.
The 970 is a bad choice because it gets fucked over in DX12 and Vulkan.
The 480 is a bad choice because the 480x and 490 will probably make you wish you waited.

It's only a matter of time I'm afraid.

But im already waiting like 8 years to change my gpu, some shitty 1gb AMD card.

The 970 finally got cheap in my country, so if i had to get it now the 970 is better than the 480, right? (both a the same price in here)


They're about the same, 970 wins in some games and 480 in others.
Considering the 970 has worse DX12 and Vulkan support, I'd go for the 480 if I had to choose.
But I'd rather wait a little longer and see how the 490 stacks up to the 1070 and whether the 1070 or 480 drop in price at all.

>have a currency thats worth less than the paper its printed on

suggest you poorfags sit this one out. nvidia is fucking scamming everyone right now with these shitty prices. AMD has a nice budget card but I don't feel like its safe to buy that one either.

yeah just wait it out.

480 you fool. the 970 is doomed for the future.

>being this out of touch with reality

I see
Maybe ill just wait a little

No money, nigga
Almost triple the price of a 970 here in Hueland

pretty sure going for the 8gig 480 would be your best bet

this graph is fucking laughable, look at the size of the 20 fps gap for the 1080

thanks famalans
til today i thought the 970 wiped the floor with the 480

I'm still waiting for a cost-worthy successor for my 280X. I thought the 480 would be it but maybe I'll wait for a 480X

the issues with the 970 now is software. nvidia is going to kill it.

Another question
Any actual differences in performance from different brands (xfx, gigabyte, etc) or it is more of a price thing only?


How long is it until the 480X comes out? Was thinking about buying a 1060 or 480 but I'm starting to get cold feet, don't want to buy shit.



These cards are pretty fuckin long already.

minor ones, cooling, factory clock and pricing are normally the differences
iirc msi normally have higher clocks by a smidge? i could be wrong i havnt been in the market for a long while

that's a 32fps gap, and it looks in proportion to other 30fps gaps


Actually, it's a 23 FPS gap, and nothing on this graph is proportionate with anything

>Comparing a high end card to an outdated mid range card

AMD shills everyone. Why can't you just admit you are the budget gear for people who want a reasonable PC, but can't afford the best? There is no shame in that.


better off saving for a 1070


1060 is clearly not the best, it's quite literally the same as a 480 but costs twice as much, how do you justify such purchase?

1 month from now you will be saying:
>better off saving for the next nvidya meme card
just give up, quit making excuses, AMD is the future. nvidia is getting desperate already.

the fuck is vulcannnnnnn

I hope you pirate games, because 90 bucks is too much man

>not going to america to buy things

pick 1 and only one

I'd rather my games not crash maybe?

My games don't crash

>more expensive than 980 ti

literally why

you do realize vulkan works on nvidia gpus as well right? amd is btfo by nvidia and intel every time it tries to do anything remotely remarkable

Supply. It's just released, give it time and prices will normalize. 1070 prices have slowly been going down here.

>you do realize vulkan works on nvidia gpus as well right?
Whats your point? amd cards show much larger gains with it than nvidia cards.

Do you know why? Vulcan for AMD eliminates the reliance on good drivers since the code runs with minimal overhead on the hardware. Since AMD drivers could use a little work, you get a large increase in FPS. Nvidia drivers are more efficient (whether through better know how or paying off the developer). As a result, eliminating the overhead of the drivers gives Nidia a smaller increase.
Now I an grossly simplifying the issue since there are also architectural differences that influence how each company handles Vulcan/async.

>Now I an grossly simplifying the issue
No, you simply have no understanding of the issue.

amd is eventually going to surpass nvidia becuase of the async computing, which nvidia hasnt really done anything with.

Vulkan/Dx12= async compute


Explain it then.

the EVGA 1060 SC is pure sex.

I meant for Australians. The wagecucks there earn something like 40k per year. The only Australians who'd complain about 500 kangaroos are neets and children.

>supposed to be out today
>isn't out

>A "Decent" headset in murica is 30$
>50 - 60$ in Kangaroo dollars
I dont give I shit, I want to move to America, Fuck this shithole and its shitty fucking economy

It's closer to 20-25k, depending on which dole bludger allowance you're on. Probably a bit more if you have a few kids hanging off of you.

Sapphire rx 480

Better cooling means better oc

Should come out in 3-5 days be ready to buy it fast though it will likely sell out quick


Nice grammar faggot

>GTX 1060 cost more than the Rx 480 for nearly similar performance
>It doesn't have SLI connectors
>Two Rx 480 in crossfire can trade blows with and in some cases beat the GTX 1080 in 4k gaming, for $200 less

meh when are the other partner cards coming out?
Similar timeframe?

Crossfire isn't and probably never will be optimised and properly supported. So fuck off.

RX 480 has stronger performance and there's still room for improvements through drivers, the last patch on Doom gave it an extra 20 fps from 80 to 100 fps. AMD has stronger DX12/Vulkan performance, costs less, has more VRAM, doesn't bork your textures, and is cheaper. I run GTA V in 1440p Maxed out (even extended distance scaling) at 80 fps.

>I run GTA V in 1440p Maxed out (even extended distance scaling) at 80 fps.
I'm calling bullshit, if you're saying the 480's capable of that.


>Unoptimized crossfire that only give 85% more performance is trading blows and bitch slapping Nvidia's $700 flagship in 4k gaming
Wew lad

What sort of proof do you want?

I was going to upgrade, guess I'm going on to my 660ti a while longer.

it is

Still waiting on the 490 here

I don't do upgrades in the xx60/x80 tier

Either the xx70+ or x90+

First I want to see what the 490 offers.

a decent benchmark would be nice.


says you're lying, I'd love to be proven wrong though.


To be fair, I'll admit I turned off the AA (since it's supersampled to a 1080p display so there are no jaggies) but I can def take a bunch of screenshots, give me a bit of time.

>what is supersampling

What is supersampling?

There's nothing about good drivers or not. 480 literally poos in 1060's mouth in vulkan. If it were about drivers, then they should be even in dx12/vulkan.

>bought a cheap gtx 960 as a temporary measure last year, had no idea of the jewery that was in store for pascal
>now have the options of being stuck with a 2gb card, paying x80 prices for a x70, or x70 prices for a x60

Just end it all familia. They can't be allowed to get away with this.