The great debate: Keyboard and Mouse v.s. Controller

The great debate: Keyboard and Mouse v.s. Controller

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depends on the genre
you need to be a complete retard to limit yourself to one input device out of principle

Name one game where controller works better.

keyboard for PC based games

controller for console based games

controller for button mashers
kb+mouse for everything else

This is cuck.

>this is play
>looks like he's trying to jerk off 2 midgets

Super Meat Boy

That's all I got

Dark Souls

Any game for which analog movement is superior.

Alternatively and/or in addition to, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, Dark Souls, etc.

Depends on genre.

Any game whatsoever that has any vehicle segments of any kind.

Which we all know is your mom's work

Racing games if you don't use a wheel.


I tend to do keyboard and mouse in MMOs, RTS, and FPS games. Also anything that is more of a PC game then a console game.

I tend to use a controller for action, open world, 3rd person shooters, platformers, RPGs, anything with vehicles, and some of FPS RPG's like Elder Scrolls/recent Fallouts.

>mfw keyboard emu/smart adapter for PS4 arrives today
I can't wait to rain justice on people who can't aim to stop me

heh, nice Sup Forumsro

Dark Souls
Devil May Cry
Any racing game
Most platformers
Third person action games (Assassin's creed, Shadow of Mordor, etc.)

All gamepad owners have a keyboard.
Not all keyboard owner have a gamepad.

But if you want analogue movement, then Arcade Stick > Controller.

Controller isn't the single best input method for any genre.

get rekt

Controller is always superior.

How pcfags can tolerate not having vibration is a fucking joke.

Inb4 precision meme, git gud with controller dipshits

this is a pointless debate
most games work best with a controller but just use a mouse and keyboard for spreadsheet games and shooters

There isn't even a debate to be had. Keyboards are the electronic successor to typewriters. They are designed for typing word documents and work.

I've even seen some PC guy try to argue that the keyboards is more 'ergonomic' How in denial can some people be.

Arcade sticks aren't analog, you fucking moron

They're digital input

This isn't true. I don't own a keyboard and haven't for about 7 years. I have an iPad, my Galaxy S6 and a ps3 and 4. No keyboards, no mice.

A typical joystick is a digital input device

>Baiting this desperately

Not suprising from a tripfag. You REALLY want attention, don't you?

>analog movement
>arcade stick

He's right.
Good pc games are hard and challenging, they're required wits and guts, almost like work.
Console games are movies with play button.

>Rocket League
>GTA games
>MGS games
>Dark Souls
>Any Sports game
>Any Beat 'em Up game
>The Witcher
>Ass Creed
>Tomb Raider

I could go on

Anything that requires aiming = MKB
Anything else = controller

Depends on the amount of inputs a game has. The most I play PC is Don't Starve Together with bros on my laptop. KBM is vastly superior because of all the inventory dicking around that needs to be done, and the need to sometimes craft shit really quickly. I wish I could use a controller as effectively, but the menus and shit are just really terrible for it.

Generally though, I find a keyboard hugely uncomfortable. I like to pick up my controls, hold them in my hands, and manipulate them like any other tool. Spreading my hands out over the keyboard to do anything other than type is just unnatural to me.

>Arcade stick

Dark souls, dead rising, many racing games, platformers in general. And flying in GTA.

> twitch shooters
> "wit" and "guts"


>a load of manchildren argueing about what dildo with buttons is better

My controller broke so I stopped playing with my PC, now I'm waiting for my cousin to come back from the USA with a 360 PC controller to be able to play PC games again

>many racing games
>not racing wheel
how's it feel being 9 years old?

>cheating is cool

It's literally cheating to use a mouse on console. Come to think of it, I wonder if that's how all these faggots on The Last of Us Remastered Factions are scoring absurd, twitch headshots.

The appeal of kb+mouse is being at your battlestation

Sorry if facts trigger you.
Perhaps a forum like reddit would suit you better.

Controller are just overall the better experience in every way.


lol is he joking doe? I mean you can play a game with a keyboard and vice versa

For high execution in short timed and more adrenalitic games, and for games where the pace is dictated by the player/players, is better the controller (Fighting games, character action games, Hack and Slash, platformers,etc.)

I guess for sport and racing games that works too but I remember playing better on SASRT with a KB.

For games that are more wide on their control options, shortcuts and have a more expansive take on a paused or slow pace, is better the keyboard to access to those lot of options easily. Also, for Shooters being the exception because the precision that mouse provides.

I prefer controller everyday but of course I´m not going to play a fucking RPG when I can rebind my keys as I want with a KB.

At least his mom is doing it to get paid.


personal preference I guess. Like most people I use Keyboard and Mouse for Shooters and PC Exclusives (RTS and stuff) and a Controller for basically everything else.

For FPS or RTS, keyboard and mouse is so superior it's not even funny.

Sup Forums is an 18+ board.

>and vice versa
how would you work with a controller in any practical way you fucking dunce?

dont use terms you don't understand

What if playing is your work?

>name one game where controller works better than keyboard and mouse
>name one genre where controller is the single best input method

>mouse is better for fps
What is controller sensitivity changes in the options menu?


I dunno, werks 4 me

>mouse and keyboard is more precise for aiming and rts games, its pretty much accepted as a fact except for faggots who arent complete console fags and despise pc in everyway because of their immense fanboy faggotry
>just git gud with a less precise instrument :--DDDD

tl;dr please go fucking neck yourself


>Tomb Raider


The thing is, the keyboard doesnt fucking matter, its just more buttons.

It's all about the mouse



That looks like a nightmare to use


Hardly you dipshit, it gives you the speed of any mouse movement out there.

It has the same precision and speed as any mouse faggot with the added bonus of vibration which gives great player feedback.

You use what you can and you get used to it. People play fighting games on keyboard and nes games on keyboards. I had friends play fps games with flight sticks. So its preference.

>mixing a fucking touchpad, phone-grade keyboard and analog sticks into a single abominable "controller"

It's like a torture device

KB+M for FPS and RTS games
Controller for adventure/fighting games

its speed at the cost of precision
but you knew that already

Any sort of racing game that doesn't involve adjusting the camera or aiming to fire a weapon, 2D platformers and most fighting games. Everything else is better with keyboard and mouse.

Guilty Gear.

I prefer kb+m in TPP titles as well more often than not

>using a different type of controller is cheating

>oh lawd because pressing a joystick SOFTLT is never ever been done before
Git gud scrub

But can you masturbate with a mouse or keyboard?
Thought so

You just re-created an atari Jaguar controller.

Good job

Why would you play GTA with a controller? How do you aim? How do you aim IN A VEHICULE?

you can play a keyboard with a game? wat?



You're bringing a much more precise instrument into an arena where everyone should be using the same device. A mouse is so much more accurate than a stick that it's just absurd, you're just signing yourself up for free headshots. No game with online multiplayer should support it. The game wasn't designed with mouse in mind, so it's basically the same thing as using an aimbot or something.

On PC, it makes sense to use whatever the hell you want because there's no standard piece of input hardware like there is with a console. I'm even iffy on fight sticks and flight sticks. It's just auto-win.

To be fair, you can use both at the same time, just pick your controller whenever it is needed, such as when you enter a flying vehicle.

Just don't leave your thumb stick jammed, so you don't have to wonder why you keep going in a circle.


>dark souls etc. being better with controller
>confirmed for never having played dark souls with keyboard + mouse
>confirmed for being too stupid to configure input on computer

>can't even turn properly with a controller, yet alone aim
>keyboard + mouse allows use of up to all 10 fingers (5 button mouse) at the same time
>controller is 4 fingers (thumbs + index on shoulderbuttons) at the same time, at best
>can perform combinations on keyboard + mouse that are impossible to perform on controller

There you have it, controller is objectively slower and has less possible, simultaneous operations. Can't argue with that unless you are a retard.

I kinda played like that in the Drksiders.

I couldn't decide if that was a sliver of genius or mental problems on my part

How long have you spent wondering why you're walking in circles, user? Seems to me like the fucking joystick would be the first thing I'd check.

based james and mike

I spent about a minute before I fucking remember I had my controller in, I really only use it for GTA and some shitty console ports on steam.

I did feel silly though.

If it is superior, then why haven't sony and Microsoft made an official keyboard and mouse expansion.

Check m8, m8

Just to defend myself, am gonna with it being a moment of genius, nothing like having access to the best of both worlds at the same time, right ?

Whatever controller the game was designed to be played with is usually the best.


the only game thats controller required is doing combo mads in dmc4

This video shows how much of a fucking retard he is. Pressing the trigger over and over to fire the pistol, not just holding it down not to mention Mike called Doom a "puzzle" game.

It's superior in terms of how good an input device they are and how well you will perform with it competitively.

Having only one portable device is way more in line with the convenience and casual aspect that all consoles have. So it's an obvious choice.
Just don't expect to be able to keep up to a mouse user in terms of speed and accuracy or in terms of variety to a keyboard.

>you're buying an unfair advantage
Sure am. QQ more.

>needing a wheel for racing games instead of just a controller
>he needs clutch pedal
Look at this tryhard
DS3 custom drivers allow the face buttons to be recognized as pressure sensitive, checkmantle wheelcucks

Still waiting for my official sanctioned Sony Mouse and Keyboard for the Ps4, if its that gud.


>Look at this tryhard