If you could stop any vidya game franchise from ever being developed, what vidya would it be?

If you could stop any vidya game franchise from ever being developed, what vidya would it be?

Half life
It would probably stop or at least delay an entire subgenre of boring slow "cinematic" fps crap that forces you to sit through dialogues and scripted events and other tedious crap instead of actually shooting at shit, and it would also prevent cancerous shitty online games like counter strike.

Legend of Zelda

Call of duty or cs. That shit with all the mobas ruined videogames



Big Bang Theory

Halo, though i have nothing against the games themselves.



Better to have nothing in the first place

Can I just eliminate the whole fucking source engine?

MGS is more responsible for cinematic bullshit in action games than Half Life

Metroid is a GOAT series though

You must be delusional if you think MGS had even a fraction of the impact half life had on video games

It's hard to pick just one. WoW, FNAF, COD, Dark Souls, Pokemon.

Console games tend to have a much broader appeal and more influence than PC games.

Consoles weren't nearly as big back then

The PS1 was the first normie console, are you joking? Way more people owned the moviegame machine than a gaming PC.

>anything video games
>before the age of sjw tumblrinas and dudebros


fucking die already

I don't think you understand what a nromie is meant to be.


Call of Duty, it was the start of big industry in videogames and the entrance of the money hungry companies. It was the catalyst that awoke the normies.

> I'm 12 years old and was nothing more than spunk in my dads balls when videogames became a nomrie thing
You're delusional if you don't think PS1 was a normie console everyone and their mother had, primary because you could get free games on it.

Fairly sure the franchise haven't developed in 20, nice way to waste your opinion.

Why can none of you faggots correctly type the word you're so upset about?

You people sicken me

>Why can none of you faggots correctly type the word you're so upset about?
You're nonsensical, start making sense faggot

I will if you do, fuckboy

Your favorite game

I have no idea

>Fairly sure the franchise haven't developed in 20
Stringing together random words doesn't make for an actual coherent sentence.

Why would you want to terminate a franchise? More video games means there's more stuff for everyone.

Because the franchise is bad and encourages other games to be bad with its popularity

We've been through this - it's dota. ASSFAGGOTS is the most cancerous spawn ever. No dota = no lol and other trash.

except you are wrong
there were total conversions like CS on quake engine too (like Urban Terror), they just didnt took off as well as CS cause HL was more popular

'cinematic' experience is entirely console shit that had always existed regardless of HL, HL1 was proper shooter (HL2 was fucking adventure game though)

Metal Gear Solid.

If we just had the first one, it would be legendary status and had the perfect ending. At most we'd get a remake on the Fox Engine and it would be glorious. Kojima would've had time to move on to other IPs or just become a film director.

>any of the first mmorpgs (ultima,wow,boring shit with shit graphics & lore for normals)

Imagine if he actually gave Zone of the Enders the attention it deserved. The first one could have been a game instead of a demo!

No walking simulators or early access games


It's time to stop the humiliation and let the legend rest in peace.

Sorry will write so American friends understand it
¿Por qué parar el desarrollo de una franquicia que no se ha desarrollado en veinte años