Will it surpass Bloodborne?

Will it surpass Bloodborne?

The demo already did for me. I was fatigued by the simplistic combat system by the time Bloodborne came about. Nioh addresses that in spades.

They've already confirmed they are casualizing it. So no. Eldrich horror>yooo bono bonk bonk

No, but it will quite good.

it's not being casualized faggot

No. It won't be as polished or thoughtful but it'll be a shitload of fun.

No because it simply doesn't have as good level design, world design, art style and atmosphere. Its level layout and progression is pretty damn vapid which is unfortunate. Gameplay wise though it will probably win

they removed durability, made the mc tougher(or lowered the amount of damage enemies inflict, but same shit), added I-frames, ect.

When is the next demo out?

>they removed durability

good. it's an archaic mechanic

That dude looks like Geralt of Rivia

>Will it surpass Bloodborne?

Is it on PC?
It's shit and will always be (30fps) shit

Then it will because Bloodborne is a 30 fps pile of shit trapped on a locked down system that anyone who is not a retard will never buy

Having absolutely no multiplayer will give it shorter replayability than Bloodborne.

>they removed durability
Breakable equipment has always been shit.

Not even close if it's anything like the demo (and I enjoyed the demo immensely).

You are the definition of a homo.

>No multiplayer

Did you even play the alpha you pleb?

What, you mean the NPC ghosts left by other players? Yeah dude, that certainly is playing with another person and not just an AI. Multiplayer definitely means only one person gets to play.

Breakable equipment is fine in the right context, but in an ARPG it often lends itself to hampering the player's fun

You realize there is co-op in the game, right?

News to me, but I was still talking more about PvP since co op relies on you replaying the same shit you already played but in easy mode with someone else.

>they removed durability
Holy thank fuck. Switching weapons every 20 minutes was absolutely bizarre.

Not him but thats one of the worst goalpost movings Ive seen recently.

Calm down TB.

No and it shouldn't it will be a great game to play in the Souls off season and it will be better than it in SOME ways. Don't make this a shit thread

Not really. The question was "Will it surpass Bloodborne?" and my answer still remains the same even with co op. Bloodborne has co op and pvp, so Nioh still has less replayability than Bloodborne.

Yeah it's called Ni Oh: Geralt in Japan
CDProjekt red were contacted by Koei TEcmo for this game

"Surpass" in what?

Bloodborne was a literal WHO game which struggled to sell more than 2 million copies

Conquered as fuck


Gameplay wise yes it has already pass the entire souls series in the demo alone with it's combat mechanics

>Remove unnecessary busywork like weapon and armor degradation


Well, its mostly that you went on a sarcastic rant about the multiplayer and got showed up. It comes off as looking somewhat foolish.


>mark of the conqueror
Look at this casual braggin about his baby pacifier!
Who Nue killa here?

Why does he look like an Aryan Jetstream Sam

Sure, I was wrong about co-op but I'm still not wrong about my claim. This is a step up from Lords of the Fallen and without being a step past Bloodborne. My goal was to comment on Nioh compared to Bloodborne and my goal remained the same. No goalposts changed.

Nue was a piece of literal baby poo to beat though

Depends, the combat from what I've experienced is easily better than Bloodborne's. Deeper, much more fluid, and also more satsifying due to the responsiveness of each action/attack.

because he pretty much is aryan jetstream sam

Nothing will probably ever surpass Bloodborne as much as I enjoyed the Ni Oh demo.

Are you kidding? It's a poor man's Dark Souls at best.

Won awards for Best Original Game, PlayStation Game of the Year and Game Design, and was nominated for a lot of other things. It's a really good game. Just because a billion normies didn't buy it, that doesn't mean it's somehow not a goal to surpass in any way.

is that Dark Souls available for PC?

>responding to image shitposters
what is wrong w you?

Can't a man respond to bait?

Bloodborne babbies in full force in this thread

Is this really going to be implemented?

He shouldn't.
Suck me off king gay
It's ALREADY implemented you pig

it was in the first demo

> Implying a game isn't subject to change during its development process

No need to get crabby, friendo

Fuck if i know. It's unlikely but if someone were to offer me a game better than Bloodborne i wouldn't say no.

I was just kidding friend, anyone who likes Ni Oh has good taste to me

It will be better than DkS3 but worse than Bloodborne

Seriously though how can DkS3 be so unfun after the first playthrough? I'm dying for the DLC to come already because i've already burned out from finishing the game only twice.

It just might, purely because I've played Bloodborne to death and I need something new.

Probably because DS3 is kind of a retread of things you've experienced before whereas BB was all new playstyle, trick weapons, atmosphere, different composer, different enemy standards, etc.


I had more fun with it than with DS2, BB or DS3.

The combat system is a lot of fun.

I found the combat system to be repetitive rather than hard, also HUD was shit and camera was beyond shit for an action game.
I m pretty sure the atmosphere wont be even close to BB and over all it doesnt has that level of detail and level design.
Also, it has the same problem than BB, not enough classes or ways of changing the combat style.

The demo had it, dropped the resolution from 1080p to 720p which increased the framerate some and did allow it to hit 60fps more often but it was still pretty inconsistent.

It was an alpha though and the graphics looked extremely dated, so I imagine it will actually hit 60fps in the final version unless the dev is just trash.