Best plane simulator?

I want to be in a fighter jet. I want to train my reflexes.

What would be the best combat simulator out there?


i had to train my reflexes to fly my """ jet""" into your mums coochie before her fat stomach came piling down over it like a blanket

I want to fuck her

What's her ethnicity? I must know.

War Thunder

War Thunder even in sim mode is a terribly arcadey and shit game.
For WW2 the best by far is IL-2 Cliffs of Dover with Team Fusion Mod (don't play the vanilla game cause it's shit)
For WW1 you have Rise of Flight
For more modern stuff probably DCS stuff, but I don't play it so I can't confirm it myself

DCS is as good as it gets

>it's another "OP derails his own thread with an image of an attractive female so it is at least mildly successful" episode

bitch is fine, but what is going on with the alien guy on the right


Dem legs
Dose thighs
Dat ass

>be english teacher
>have student like this
>ask her to see me after class one day
>tell her look your fucking amazing tits are distracting me when i'm trying to teach can you please put them away
>she says thanks for noticing and i will
>puts them away ever since

Fucking bitch. I'm friends with her dad.

No fucking way dude. How old is she?
Man that'd be my dream to have power over my students.

Thank god I'm not a teacher, i'd have spent my life in jail.


DCS world



The hottest girls are coalburners 100%

Italian if we are to judge from the words to her left.

DCS World and Falcon BMS 4.33.1


Thanks bub.

really the only answer