Have the technology for infinite ammo in weapons

>Have the technology for infinite ammo in weapons
>Decide to go back to clip based weapons in the sequel
>Somehow, within two years the entire galaxy, from all the military forces in the galaxy down to the smallest street punk, downgraded back to clip based weapons

Why is BioWare retarded?

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>Why is BioWare retarded?


They needed to attract the shooter crowd.

They're not

Its simply they don't care if autists flip out over "lore" or "canon" shit. They know it will sell regardless

Thermal clips prevent overheating, and are a better alternative, although i'd prefer if you could fire your gun ME1-style when you run out of clips.

They are not a better alternative at all. When you max your abilities and have the best stuff in the galaxy you barely ever overheat, whereas you can run out of thermal clips pretty easily. Being able to shoot forever vs having to reload, I don't know you you can think reloading is superior. Also, sabotage tech skill lets you overheat ennemy weapons so clips don't prevent shit.

even if this was true, do you honestly think its even remotely feasible to replace ALL the guns in the entire GALAXY to thermal clip based within the span of only 2 years?

Sheperd even knows about clips when he wakes up even though clips weren't around before he dies (first thing he asks Miranda is where to find clips for the gun)

EA is just a problem on the management and financial side of Bioware.

The plot, characters and all that is the fault of Bioware's own incompetent writers.

Have you ever licked your own anus?

But are they clips or magazines?

So? how does it change the fact that everybody swapped from non-clip to clip based within the two year gap between the end of ME1 and his death at the start of ME2.

this is the kinda thing that only bothers you if you're autistic as fuck

why yes, I do play Dwarf Fortress religiously.

Pretty much this, OP.

except gameplya wise it isn't
the base gun in ME1 had enough heating room to shoot 7 times, the sniper 1 time

all weapons were tuned to have the same virtual mag size.

they just changed it because they wanted to attract the shooter audience, get rid of the code behind this just for a regular check of the ammo before any action, they were just lazy

i wish they would fix kingdom of amalur
>top up 10 quid more on ps account for yakuza 5
>check out sale
>kingdom of amalur
>get to third village
>can't sell items
>can't drop items
>can't destroy items
>can't pick up items
>can't trade items
>look it up, i was fucked

i raged, mass effect went retard but it worked

>Jacob's dad has been stranded on a desolate planet ruling as King Rape for ten years with absolutely no outside contact
>Thermal clips still everywhere

It doesn't, I was pointing out that it was retarded too.

That game isn't made by bioware.

I believe it is you who is retarded

>Just ran out of thermal clips
>Can't fire the weapon one more time even though it should still be able to.
>Can't just choose to wait for the heat to vent out after as an option

>Clips are universal!
>Run out of clips on your favorite gun
>Can't swap it from your secondary


>throwing away thermal clips after you overheat them

fucking stupid

The best of both worlds would be to have 2-3 reusable clips that you cycle between to minimize firing downtime.

Did the technology really change?

When Shepard woke up after being coma-dead for two years, they immediately recognize their gun has no thermal clip. So how does Shepard know about the technology change?


>Thermal clips? We might as well be going back to limited ammunition
>they're not ammunition conrad

>doesn't deny its limited

that shit pissed me off to OP.

I think its the dumbest decision ive ever seen in a videogame.

Even if it didnt. you're ignoring the simple logistical nightmare that is to change all weapons into thermal clips.

Why would any gun owner decided to change to a clip based gun and therefore be forced to buy ammunition when his gun doesn't have this upkeep cost?

Bioware literally made fun of you in 3

They could have changed it in the months between ME1 and ME2's intro.

It's simple. Gun vendors decided that they could make more money if they came up with the idea of 'thermal clips' (not limited ammunition!) so they could essentially sell ammo too. Even in the year 2200, the Jews stake their claim.

Yes, they cant handle legitimate criticism so they result to mocking us instead.

>It's not ammunition, Conrad
Technically, it's not. Practically, it's the same since you can't fire without them. Are you gonna claim victory over a technicality?

That's even less plausible

You take any victory you can take.

So did everyone's guns stop working in the span of 2 years?

Thermal clips are basically them putting game design over lore.
Cause ME1s overheating weapons lead to shit combat. At the endof the game you'd be upgraded to tbe point of just holding down the fire button until everything died. I beatvinsanity by just using Marksmen and holding fire. Never even switched off my pistol.
All they had to do was have them overheat fast without thermal clips and take a long ass time to cool down, then the only thing they'd be retconning was how easily broken ME1 was.

Maybe not for the whole galaxy, but the galactic elite could have gotten new weapons that quick

Oh look a rare tint of truth

>Even in the year 2200, the Jews stake their claim
You mean the Volus, who are clearly just Alien Jews.

There's plenty of ways you can explain it away. Given how much power corporations have nowadays, they could well sell their guns on a subscription - pay annually or your gun won't shoot. Then, all they have to do is offer a discount on the 'fresh new model' and retards will flock to it. See: subscription based software models like Office 365. Everything will be subscription based in the future, because that's how corporations can squeeze the most money from you.

So how did it trickle down to criminal elements so fast? we see street gang with this technology.

They could have made overheating work, that was more of an issue with Marksman and Frictionless Materials being OP as shit.

(Seriously though, did they even test Pistol DPS compared to Assault Rifle DPS in ME1, because that was just sad)

>Humans were sneaky enough to get themselves onto the Council within a handful of years
>Volus diplomats still picking up coins from the gutter in the streets to get their fill of jewery

Mass Effect series is essentially one big HFY pasta, it makes sense that our jews are more powerful than alien jews.

This is exactly it. There can be no other reason to make such a stupid change.

Beep boop why is she so perfect Sup Forums?

She's literally a walking reminder that Bioware is fucked.

I've finished the whole game 100% and this has never happened to me. You can pick up, destroy and sell items just fine. There is no trading though. Personally, I used cheat engine to give myself infinite bag space and never worried about it afterwards. There are some quest items you won't be able to get rid of due to a bug after that quest is completed but those don't take up space. The game is remarkably non buggy for an open world game.

Funny thing is that it actually is called ammunition by the game itself.

>can't present any valid in-game arguments since they just switched to clips to appeal to fps dudebros
>put valid complaints in the mouth of the most ridiculed character in the setting
>the passive aggressive "I'm sure you know better than the in-game organizations!" doesn't actually provide any points and the retard still makes more sense
Honestly it's been years and videogame writing still can't beat how pathetic this exchange was.


There's a stranded ship in ME2 and they're full of people who have been stranded for more than two years
yet they still use the reload shit

>all weapons were tuned to have the same virtual mag size.
The point of the clips was to shorten reload speed so people wouldn't have to sit and do nothing while their weapons cooled down.


And they also refer to bullets

Reminder that Tyrone's father who was trapped on an island for 10 years had a clip based pistol.

Also when you visit Jacob's dad on planet rape, everyone there is using thermal clips as well. This is despite the fact that those people were stranded on that planet 8 years before thermal clips were invented and distributed.

is there anyone who didn't just slap every +damage addon onto his sniper and said "fuck overheating"

The clips use endothermic chemical reactions to absorb heat.

well the Volus had a major disadvantage in that their planet had a fairly irregular form of biochemistry which in turn severely limited their colonization options and growth potential

one of the reasons the humans could force themselves a council spot was their almost aggressive expansion across the galaxy in addition to having a respectable military allowing them to actually take full advantage of an opportunity as it presented itself at the end of ME1

That's so much better than the absolutely frictionless components that were used previously that allowed for cooling so efficient that you literally could not overheat the gun no matter how often you fired.

They obviously stopped caring about lore and continuity starting with mass effect 2.

i did that in me1

my sniper rifle was designed to turn the target into a melted puddle. it was more fun that way

close quarters combat was literally just biotics cast Wormhole/Lift and shoot the fish in the barrel, anyway

>getting explosive ammunition upgrade for your sniper
such a fantastic feeling
there's no kill like overkill

>Make one of the best original sci-fi rpg games
>Fuck it all up with each sequel

The worst part is everything is set in stone.

What really bugs me about Bioware is the recent SJW nonsense. I mean, did they have to remove desire demons?


I am still mad that we didn't get the original Mass Effect 2 concept.

The Geth were meant to find the wreck of Normandy and bring back Shepard.

Cerberus was never meant to be this fucking huge organization which could have more manpower and funding than the Systems Alliance.

The weapons in me2 were far more varied than the ones in me1 in spite of the lack of customisation.

Customisation in me1 was trash.

>Putting all damage mods on it since it's going to overheat in 1 shot anyway

I think it would have been better if ME2 just got a new MC who wasn't Shepard. The disconnect would make it easier to deal with continuity and such.

haha wrong file.


It's alright, but you could have done better. Generic, medium sized chest, nothing really special about her.

that pic is probably in my downloads folder somewhere but it could have also been one of those weird cross-post glitches that happens occasionally on this site.

still, dog women are gorgeous.

They originally intended it as a hybrid system where your weapon would still cool over time but you could use a clip to cool it instantly. Would have been nice.

At least when drawn well. I wouldn't say they're the best out there, but they're high up if you're in a breeder sort of mood.


It was same in history I forgot which countries, Austria vs whatever or something, one side got got rekt because despite having guns with more accuracy and range they simply couldn't reload as fast as the worse guns who had reloading from behind instead from front of the barrel.

Same in Mass Effect, you don't really have unlimited ammo but metal block that slowly gets shaved into thousands of metal flakes (read up lore) accelerated by mass effect fields which overheats your weapons with consecutive shots, and while you nigger wait 5 seconds for it to cool down the opposition just switch up heatsink and shoots you, it's more wasteful, but more effective, who gets to shot more shots in shorter time usually wins.

Pretty sure that's what they're called in-game faggot

They wanted the GoW audience and having infinite ammo ain't GoW-like enough.
>EA is just a problem on the management and financial side of Bioware.
>"Just make it more like GoW, my nephew loves it."

Not OP, I think the system would have worked better if it allowed us to switch clips OR wait out the overheating.

>defending bioware being wrong

the in game anal sex must have been a powerful moment for you

Yeah, universal pool with each weapon using different amount of units per shot would make more sense, but it's bioware, it's like complaining about why shits smells, it just do.

It's not an ammo magazine. They're thermal clips. Meaning it's just coolant to prevent heating. Seriously that's bioware's reasoning.

Nah. In ME1 you could stack equipment and shit and get to the point where a fast firing and hard hitting assault rifle would just never generate any heat.


I agree with you, but I'm just shitosting a time-tested /k/ meme because I'm bored and don't want to run errands today.

I did like the overheat mechanic better though, because it was more future-y

Yes waiting for your weapon to cool down is so much worse than actively needing to reload.

They also didn't see the benefit of Immunity for some godforsaken reason.

Do you call that mockery? He's basically putting Shepard in her place and she's just being a stubborn cunt.

uhh i am so tired of companies just ass fucking everything the first game did right. Instead of refining and improving they just RIP IT OUT WITH NO INGAME EXPLAINATION AND KILL THE LORE ALONG WITH IT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Can't you still implement that by editing an .ini file in ME2? I'm planning to replay the rapelogy once I get through some games in my backlog.


The reason all the casuals love 2 so much.

Marauder Shields

It's called streamlining. Everything must be made easier and easier so your grandmother can uninroically play the game just as well as you can, because your grandmother has $60 in her bank account too.

Super rare materials?

> wait for weapon to cool while shooting
> not have 2-3 guns at all times
Come on now...

you never need to wait more than 2 seconds for a weapon to fully cool down
it's the exact same time than changing a mag.

but they knew their target was going to be retards who full trigger all the time, in case you let your weapon overheat it's longer, and 3 seconds is too much for the average normie

"I'll be sure to let ever military organization in the galaxy know"

Sounds like they're trying to mock Connrad and by extension us.

It is worse when everyone has shields and shields gradually recover whenever you're not shooting on them.