Simple and Clean or Sanctuary?
Simple and Clean or Sanctuary?
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Who the fuck likes sanctuary?
Simple and Clean > Passion > Sanctuary > Hikari
I prefer Sanctuary, mostly because KHII's opening cutscene is still one of the best intro cinematics I've seen in a game. I don't like the techno'd up version of Simple and Clean that plays in KHI's opening, so it didn't leaver as much of an impression.
Simple and Clean at the end of KH1 = Sanctuary >>>> Simple and Clean at the beginning of KH1
I have an extreme, bordering on unhealthy amount of nostalgia for sanctuary. Little 14 year old me was hype as shit for KH 2 and the ad with sanctuary playing on it evoked many strange feelings from me that I still remember whenever I hear the song now.
Passion > *
Wait until you see Dream Drop Distance's. It's even better.
Version without Mickey:
Version with Mickey:
Shitty quality is due to the 3DS. A HD version will be out when 2.8 comes out.
Sanctuary is a better song but I like Simple and Clean more just because of nostalgic reasons.
Sanctuary gives me goosebumps, simple and clean just a few tingley tangles
I have DDD, but I barely ever saw that intro because I just abused the sleep feature. It's nice, but it tries to cram so much fucking story into a 4-minute music video that it's just a clusterfuck. Plus, I don't really think that the Kingdom Orchestra remix of Hikari holds up enough as an intro piece. It's great during climactic moments in the games themselves, but not as much here.
I know I'm bagging on it, but I do really like it. It's just not as good as the KHII intro in my opinion.
>Mickey jumps from bottom to top screen to attack Xehanort
Probably the thing I love best about it.
>two mickeys appear when roxas does
>they disappear when sora comes back
I don't know how they're gonna do it for the PS4 version. Hopefully they don't cut it completely.
I played KH1 and 2 as a kid. I'll always love Simple and Clean because of how it takes me right back to childhood. Kingdom Hearts was probably the first time I realized that the world was beautiful and harsh all at the same time, and Simple and Clean is a sure fire way to erupt those emotions.
Gotta give it to sanctuary
Sanctuary is a better song.
This song never fails to bring the feel
whatever the third song is gonna be
Put Hikari at the front and this might be right
>mfw people think KH2 was bad
Finny Fun
Yeah no, just kidding
>people think KH2 was.good
>people think BBS is better than 2
I feel like i'm missing out, some people seem to REALLY like KH games but whenever I sit down to play one it's just a bad playing hack and slash with Disney fan service
>people think any of them were good
Magic confirmed for STRONK
>Yasue: When we first come up with ideas for the characters, we have an easy sort of concept. For 0.2 Aqua, she’s a female character, she’s related to water, and she’s very strong with magic. She’s also very strong and elegant. You have these keywords for each character, enemies and player characters alike, to define them. That’s very much linked up to the story. We want to integrate those keywords into her movement and her abilities. Aqua uses powerful magic in a flashy way because she’s a magical character
>people play video games
Tfw ten years of level grinding
Aqua did the same stuff in BBS, though they couldn't put as many particle effects into the game. Although that specific attack looks more like something Ventus would do.
But could you surf on your blizzagas in BBS?
>Yasue: For 0.2, that was sort of the untold story that we hadn’t shown our users yet. At the end of Birth By Sleep, she was trapped in the dark world. We felt we had to explain her story. When you have a good story, it makes you care about each character. Sora’s adventure is intertwined with Aqua’s story as well. We wanted to give players a reason to care about Aqua and her adventure. That way, when you play Kingdom Hearts III, you understand Aqua’s standpoint, and that makes Sora’s experience richer as well.
Why do we gotta understand Aqua's standpoint?
I liked it a lot, but i can see why some people might think that.
Gameplay and freedom were dumbed down, and you can finish the whole game just by pressing triangle.
Yes. If I remember right, there was a whole Style that did that.
You couldn't surf on the impact of your Blizzaga in BBS, though. DIamond Dust let's you skate around a spell but it's a far cry from surfing
>in b4 that one buttravaged autist that hates the Osaka Team spends the rest of the thread screaming at user for not playing on Critical
Last I remember, isn't Sanctuary have a paradolia in where it's about Axel for some reason?
We have to understand that she's completely lost her marbles
It's about someone trying to re-unite with a loved one, which is a theme that's important to pretty much every character in the game, not just Axel.
Obvious Heel Turn
They're making it obvious with the Original Baymax coming back as a "bad guy" after entering the Realm of Darkness
who /HIKKI/ here?
Biggest Fight
Me. Reminds me of my girlfriend at the time who was very into hikaru
holy fuck girl, get your recording studio to convert them into HD
but yeah, can't wait for her new album
Her new album actually comes out soon
I think Disney is going to hit her in the face with a sack of money for KH3
But didn't Riku and Mickey stay in there for some time?
Sanctuary played backwards somehow became my favorite of the lot.
I still have no fucking idea how they managed to hide songs in BOTH SaC and Sanctuary if you play them backwards.
Thanks for the excuse to post my favourite youtube video
are they saying that Aqua was wrong?
Well, Mickey did find Aqua there
Didn't save her for some reason, but w/e
No, they're saying she saw some shit in the RoD
Listen, I played almost every fucking kingdom hearts game up to the release of DDD. They keep releasing this shit. What the fuck is 0.2, backcover, and unchained X. I know I'll have to play them to even fucking understand what's going on. is there anything else I missed? Damn it...
cause when they said "give players a reason to care about Aqua and her adventure" and "understand Aqua's standpoint"
it just came off to me as they thought Aqua was in the wrong, while the guy who fucked everything up did nothing wrong
cause honestly who the fuck doesn't care about Aqua, who the fuck doesn't understand her standpoint.
they don't need to tell us that we gotta understand her, we already do
If we're going off the orchestral versions, then Sanctuary wins.
If we're going off of the songs themselves, then Simple and Clean wins because Sanctuary is a lyrical mess. I still cannot get over the backwards lyrics parts. They sound so wrong and fucked up and have no place in the song, especially because the lyrics don't mean jack shit to begin with in either song.
>Love everything about the first part of KH2
>Get back Sora
>Quit and stop caring
They tried doing the same thing as KH1 where you lost all your friends but actually gave them personality. Even Roxas is a much better character. Yet the game decides the best course of action is to kill the actual likeable characters and just hand back people the blandest people.
You should be fairly good. Two of those are in 2.8.
Remember the Secret Episode in BbS Final Mix? This is a continuation of that but using KH3 assets.
>Back Cover
A form of the Chi story but from the perspective of the Foretellers.
>Unchained X
A form of the Chi story but from the perspective of the Player (You).
For me KH2's prologue is the best thing about the game, it was so well done in every aspect, twilight town is my favorite world too.
KH2 felt so.. hollow and bland after Roxas.
Its like the game's charm just disappeared.
Simple and Clean>Sanctuary After the Battle>shit>Sanctuary>that Simple and Clean remix in BBS
.....The fuck did I just watch?!
As I said I think they wanted to kind of redo the opening to KH1 but actually do it right. Since Sora seem to not give a fuck about Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie. So they did the whole thing over with actual characters and gave them personality and such. But because of all that I actually liked them so when the game more or less killed them off and hand you back to Sora who never actually had a personality it really pissed me off. I played a few places to see if he actually grew as a character but nope still someone I gave no fucks about.
I get that's kind of the point since it is a game that is just meant to be fun with tons of Disney/FF characters but if they are going to give you a playable character that actually is likeable and for you to stop playing as him for a bland character I just stop characters.
Hell I get the same feeling as FF8. Where Laguna is the best fucking character in the game and whenever you do play as him it's actually fun and interesting. But the game loves going back to boring old Squall.
Dont be so asshurt that your vacation is over with, Roxas. All things come to an end.
This. Nobodies don't have any right to exist.
Sanctuary doesn't even make any sense.
It's a good thing they don't then.
I remember being young and for reasons I couldn't even fathom getting hyped over this commercial. I'd never even seen many Disney movies.
Not him but personally, I found that the first part of the game was well done because it was really solid, it has great characters, interactions, setting, gameplay, ''quests'' and the whole 7 days thing was done very well.
It felt like an actual square rpg to some extent for lack of better words.
From there on everything got worse, the worlds were boring and shallow, the character interactions were worse, the story went to shit etc.
I feel like KH2 was the start of KH downfall, KH1 and KHCOM were amazing imo.
Damn straight.
While i agree with you on the worlds, interactions, and overall nature of the game...i think thats just how it was meant to be. Roxas is a fucking anomaly. The constant tv noise in cutscenes affirm this. This aint his story, its Sora's shitty story looking for his gay love interest. Its always been that way, he never foubd Riku and le King in CoM.
As for CoM, holy shit, I have renewed interest in that game..both the GBA and PS2 remake. That game too is an anomaly, its story doesnt actually exist. But how could they take a goofy ass character like Sora and give him real rage? They really wrote him well even if they magicked all of that away by the end.
They knew what they were doing with their commercials.
I actually like Sora and the dumb shonen protagonist archetype he falls into but I hope that 3 has more of him being tested to his emotional limits like in CoM because that shit was great, in every other game he always seems to know exactly what to do in every situation because of his blind determination and muh power of friendship.
Soras was at his best in COM, they really gave him a personality and that really showed after killing Marluxia without a trace of regret/care.
He really evolved but since he got his memories erased might aswell complete fuck his character over in the next games right? :^)
when is there going to be a 3ed fucking main thime?
Absolutely righteous my man. Fuck his character! Haha.
Seriously though, at least they got some good characters out of Roxas and Axel.
Did you not see Big Hero 6? The old baymax had no programming since it gave the chip back to Hiro, and darkness just took over the empty husk
I think they mean she sees shit in 2.8 which changes the game
Everyone likes Aqua just fine, I think they meant her viewpoint "Coming into KH3"
Which kinda worries me, cause it makes me think Aqua is going to be an antagonistic force if Nomura and Yatsue want us to "see where's she coming from."
But is there a ghost in the shell?
Seriously, the Old Baymax is a great parallel not just for Aqua, but for Nobodies, and Lingering Sentiments
Gonna be a Feels trip for sure, especially when Old Baymax asks Hiro why he abandoned him
>play kh2fm for the first time
>battle with roxas
>this starts playing
>later watch a video interview of Shimomura saying that when she first created the song it was kinda different and way less intense
>i made the v2 version and Nomura was still not satisfied with it so finally i decided to go all out and Other Promise came to be
Fucking hype, i wish i could find that interview again, she was so happy while talking about Nomura giving her instructions, probably sucked his dick too.
Is it weird that when I first heard sanctuary I immediatly started to cry?
I have some vague memories of my childhood due to some memory loss and shit but, I'm not sure if I played KH2 or if I had ever heard the song before but I felt so nostalgic and as if I always knew that song.
Pretty weird shit if you ask me but I feel the same way.
Based Nomura. The Other Promise is GOAT and just makes that battle an 11/10.
Too bad the fight is piss easy though
I love them both and if my wife has anything to say about it, she can suck my emotional romantic cock
>Everyone may already know this, but Roxas has his own theme song.
>When the final mix, a version of the game with additional features was being made, i received a request "to transform it into a battle song and to make it more intense"
>That was pretty hard to do because the original song had few notesm and a very fragile feel, so i thought long and hard about how i could "make the song more intense"
>But Tetsu-san had told me he likes the piano, so i thought about doing something with the piano, like a concerto.
>When i tried it out, it went surprisingly well. I was really on a roll once i started creating the song and i thought it perfect when i submitted the demo, i was really satisfied with my work.
>But, Tetsu-san's respone was "i want you to make it more exciting, more and more intense"
>I said "it's impossible this is the best i can do" but he insisited so much that i make it more exciting.
>In the end i was crying as i wrote the song... I filled my mind with sad memories and in that regard my memory of this song is a bit exhausting, but thanks to that i was able to surpass my limits so i am very thankful.