Breeding Season Failure Breeds Stupid People

Why are furries so stupid?

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They wouldnt be furries if they weren't stupid to begin with.

shut up and post the gifs/webms already

S Purp did nothing wrong. Fight me.

Sup Sjew

>Why are furries so stupid?

I dunno, but they give great blowjobs.

Nah. Fucking wish I could draw tho.

He was too smart. He made over 200k for barely any work, self destructed the competition and started a new project where the scattered audience of the previous project could move to. He is of the right material to become a first rate jew.

It was obvious BS wasn't going anywhere. The coder fucking left for months at a time. Anyone actually following BS during it's development who watched streams saw the Spurple was on with some regularity, and when Hbomb did ever stream, he'd dick around for 10 minutes, then play dark souls or something.

- Breeding Season was going nowhere. The people donating for S-Purple's art are holding faith that he will produce proper results when he is fully in control of a project.

- A proper RPG is a lot more fun that the repeating demo people have played dozens of times over.

Since I haven't donated a dime, I'm hoping for positive results.

It was obvious for years now. But still he decided to first leech of as much moeny as possible till he killed them off with his master plan.

So there were two posts regarding the downfall of Breeding season.

One was by the bitter project head, who didnt use any sort of evidence for his claim and pretty much acted like his whole project wasnt in the shitter before Purp came. Some of his claims have already been outed as lies by others who worked on the project.

The other was by purp, and had evidence, employee testimony, and pretty much admits that the whole project was dying before he was hired on. So far the only one calling any of his claims lies, is the bitter project head.

Any more pics?

>as much money as possible

Debatable. He obviously struggled with pulling the plug after having so much money sunk into the project, and probably felt personally responsible. Setting up a new project and telling people to migrate where he had more control is just logical if he believes what he wrote and isn't just going a song and dance.

Keep in mind, they're offering some free trial shit for people who can prove they backed BS in his new project.

>6000 $ to become a full time animator for a 2D pixel game
bakers got what they deserved, there's a point where you feel bad about taking money from people, but we're way past this

Who cares that BS was literal bs?
The point is that spurp was paid a ridiculous sum of money for barely any work to show for it and then he claimed all the art back and kept the money. If this isn't the alpha jew I don't know what is.

God damn.
If people are that stupid then I guess he deserves the money.

It's just a screenshot from a video.
Possum tasting her big wuffie on Motherless.

>Not taking advantage of a retard giving you full rights to all the assets you designed and free money.

You'll never get rich with that attitude, goy.

It's a dream in itself to work in a completely riskless enviroment where you can push barely any work out for 3 years and fuck all the time and your salary still continues to grow.

Call me when they have a better artist.

I'd rather just make my own game and put my fetish in it, then leave it to the hands of people with shit taste

You'd rather make your own game, somehow, despite having no skills in game making, then proceed to give it to people with shit taste? Sounds about right.

>Sounds like a Rune Factory game but you can fuck the girls
>You fuck the animals

And nothing of value was lost.
Take that Fur fags

Hbomb made good bank for being merely a programmer. Too bad that he will need to work in his life again unlike spurp. Hell, he is retarded so the money won't last at all.

The patreon business model is kind of terrible when it comes to actually incentivizing actually completing products.
If anything it does the opposite and incentivizes procrastination since the money flow will end when the work is finally actually completed.

Patreon makes people want to make sure they can keep cranking out updates, without them actually being substantial enough to actually complete the end product.
And people still give them ridiculous amounts of money.

> People once again mad at furries because they have more disposable income to spend on whatever they want
Their fursuits are worth more than your yearly allowance, and they make multiple a year for each convention they attend
Compare your life to that of the average furry and kill yourself you worthless underages

Oh look this same thread again.

Your not wrong though.

>Keep in mind, they're offering some free trial shit for people who can prove they backed BS in his new project.
Which is just a cheap marketing move to grab as much of them as possible.

t. furrymaster98

>Compare your life to that of the average furry and kill yourself you worthless underages
Why would I kill myself for not being autistic and wanting to fuck dogs? That's some pretty backwards logic.

>Guy leaves an incompetent team, taking things he legally owns with him
>Starts a project that is a spiritual successor, and even offers free shit to people who backed the original
>It's all marketing!

Preeeeetty cynical, user.

It is marketing, no matter what the intentions behind it are.


So the artist kinda just ran off because he was, I guess, tired of Breeding Season?

Why are the exact same threads on this shit being made? Who gives a fuck about furry shit.

>receives 190k for two years work from public
>decides to destroy 2 years work but gives 3 months back
>sells 2 years to 3 months conversion as being the hero
>user applauds

How does he destroy 2 years work? Oh right, cause the only thing being done for 2 years was art.

There's literally nothing to the game besides text if there's no art though. It's a very visual game to say the least.

Yeah forgot you can program a game from start to finish by drawing pictures. Fuck Shwig for doing his job and leaving when the other half of the team wasn't doing his job. Fucking jew!!!

Look, the art's the single most important role in making fap material but it's not the only thing. There's programming and animating. Taking it all and fucking off is kinda dickish regardless so now the others are boned.

Everyone with a brain already realized breeding season was a scam.

And this is a scam too.

Stop giving them attention, you can find better porn on internet with no hassle.

Is there any way to actually run the breeding season development files as a game?

Keep skirting around the fact that the programmer wasn't programming and literally taking year long vacations with a paycheck. Shwig could be making art for 20 years daily and the game would never be finished because the programmer wasn't programming.

The animations build on the art, the dialogue builds on the characters, the story & quests builds on the characters. Anything touched by him or adjusted for his characters would have to be removed or changed as its a legal minefield. The only save approach would be to revert back to a version pre spurple.

I said this in the other thread.

The art is the single most important thing to this game. Period.

Gameplay would always be secondary, but that doesn't mean you couldn't have completed it.

Programmers should've at least had the skeletons of storylines. The skeletons for win and lose conditions, the skeletons for quests, and NPC interactions.

The thing is, Breeding Season was just fucking boring. It's a game about spreadsheets that just so happened to give you a sex scene every time you clicked a button.

Say what you want about Purple, but at the end of the day him and vanilly where the only ones producing content. H-bomb wasn't doing shit, and there was such little code being produced.

The amount of flavor text was also terrible. It's one thing to make flavor text, its another to make a shitload of it.

It was doomed to fail. Especially with the fucktarded contract that H-Bomb signed. He owned literally nothing being produced, WHILE paying S-purple the lions share.

Not to mention Patreon's model encourages you to sit in development hell to continue to get petty cash from your user base while trickling out a new animation every 2 months or so to keep people mildly invested.

first post best post

I didn't know that. Well the game's unsalvageable now

They're both greedy Jews with wallets bigger than their attention spans. The game was dead from the start and now they're both trying to desperately salvage the potential revenue from the autists who funded this in the first place. There is no correct side here, unless you want to lose more money

You guys are idiots who don't know how games work. The art is the most important thing to jerk off to, it's not what actually makes the game. The stuff that goes on behind the game is what makes the game work, and if no one is doing that job the game will never progress despite regular art being pumped out.
All art and no programming leaves you with an image gallery, not a game, and that is what Breeding Season became; apparently you IDIOTS are operating under a delusion that Breeding Season was ever going to be finished with this direction of art regularly being made but the game never being developed beyond it's initial concept 2~ years ago.

some backstory about breeding season please? what happened?

Wait, this game was Rune Factory with fuckable animals?
I never pay much attention to porn games, but if that's what this was going to be now I'm fucking pissed it didn't get made. Where am I going to get my action rpg goodness, farmining simulator, interactive townspeople, and lewds from now?

>muh programming is important
I'm literally a game dev. This kind of game doesn't need a dedicated programmer, you can make do with GameMaker or some shit, and use free music. The art (and to a lesser extent storytelling) is what's mandatory here.

That said, hasn't shwig already participated in the development of a vaporware? I would not be confident in giving him the full reins of a project.

naw mate, more like monster rancher with spread sheets and maybe some benis in vagina

>Their fursuits are worth more than your yearly allowance
My Per Anual pay is £55,500.
Fuck off.

>am independent game developer
>you don't know how games work

I know that when people play porn games the end result is to beat off. Lets not pretend otherwise.

Breeding Season would've been exactly the same if you just had an image gallery, because the actual gameplay isn't exciting or fun, or satisfying. It's a spreadsheet simulator with a dice rolling aspect in praying you get the right traits and high stats to get a big payout from a client.

That's it.

I was never under any delusion. I've watched the patreon on and off for the entire development cycle because it's an example of pure insanity.

Breeding Season should've been done, in a year or two max. They kept increasing the scope. They added more monsters, more monster variants (neoteny, futa, feral) but the problem is when you add any variant it makes an exponential increase to the amount of work you have to do since it needs to pair with everything. But like I said, the "game" should've been done. I understand art and animation takes a long time, but the actual skeleton of the game should've been done within a year, and it simply wasn't.

Breeding Season is a perfect example of a bunch of lazy manchildren with some knowledge of game development who had a decent idea that became successful and then became lazy.

But who really lost here?

H-Bomb got paid, S-purple got paid, Vanilly got paid, everyone was getting paid.

The only losers are the patreon supporters, who now have invested potentially hundreds of dollars into a game that is Dead on Arrival.

And -now- a large amount of tehm are just backing a new project without even thinking about it. In a way I'm envious of S-Purple because he's just going to keep printing money, meanwhile H-Bomb has had a very public meltdown and has nothing to show for it since his game is incomplete and now has no art assets, which like I said, is the most important thing to a porn game.

But I want a porn game with fun gameplay that I can play for its gameplay first and just enjoy porn as part of the experience. Or just a huge ass fun game full of constant lewd.

Shut up you stupid idiot.
Take all your favorite smut .jpgs, okay? Put it in a folder, and now think of an awesome idea of how you can use these art assets for an awesome game.
Did you just make a game? No you made a folder full of images. No matter how easy the task of programming whatever might be, if no one is willing/knows how to do the job it doesn't get done and you don't get a game.

Breakout except when you win you get a sexy image
Bam, gimme my money

Again, GameMaker exists. You don't need to be a programmer to use that. Fucking 12 years olds can do it. Hell, he could probably make a VN with a premade engine that just requires you to put in text and pictures, and people would be happy.
>stupid idiot
woah m8 u rly got me here

>But I want a porn game with fun gameplay that I can play for its gameplay first and just enjoy porn as part of the experience.

Porn games are inherently contradictory. Your suggestion of how the format would work is the same that a lot of people use - standard gameplay with CG scenes if the player wins or loses. The two don't mix together. The alternative is the porn being integrated directly into the gameplay as an interactive element, at which point the player is too mechanically distracted to actually get off. And yet despite this square peg/round hole system, people continue to churn out these games because the concept of having two great things together is inherently appealing.

>Wouldn't it be funny, though, if just somehow some particularly dedicated fan were to guess the password to my Dropbox account (I'm the worst with coming up with secure passwords, I always put something obvious like the name of my favorite fighting game series or something) and were to get ahold of the folder containing every file involved in the game's creation? Then wouldn't it be funny if they went around posting this to various places, like say *chan and the LoK forums, etc?

so where are those files?

>furries because they have more disposable income to spend on whatever they want
I also have a shit ton of disposable income but unlike furries i'm not retarded and blowing it on usless shit

Sorry retard but using gamemaker or renpy counts as programming the game.
And no one plays barebones renpy games with no custom python bullshit.

>using gamemaker or renpy counts as programming the game
I mean I can do this but that doesn't make me a sprite artist.
You're deluded if you think people wouldn't play that, when they play shit like CoC that has no gameplay or good pictures.

sounds like my type of game

It makes you a shitty low effort artist and no one cares about your art.
Using renpy or gamemaker without any effort in the scripting makes you a low effort shitty game developer and no one cares about your game.
People like CoC, TiTs, Freecities because they're realized games that have appealing gameplay that caters to their fetish.
We're getting off topic though because the real issue is whether or not you can turn your shitty picture into a game just by drawing that picture and doing nothing else, because art is the most important thing even though you used CoC as an example of a successful porn game.!IAQHDQDY!nZlPPeLbBmfKIgLcQYe3iIpH87-qzGa9f6EUKKq5ljc

>creating 100 permutations with 5 sex scenes with alternate forms is a big project so it was a destined failure
>let's slap on some rpg battles in there too in the next project
Shwig was right but tacking more pointless shit makes him a massive hypocrite


with HBomb as sole programmer it was destined for failure no matter how little needed to be done, assuming he has hired literially anyone else this could be easily completed in a year.

>Why are furries so stupid?

Because furries are always far too focused on sex. And when all you think about is sex your productivity goes down.

There have been Tons of furry projects spanning over decades that have failed because the people working on them always have to stop after 30 minutes to masturbate.

I have watched this literally happen among some big-name furry artists. They think of a project with a sexy theme and work on it, stop to masturbate constantly, and in a few months they're bored of their material independent it only to come up with something even more Dastardly and degenerate.

See: Adam wan was once working on a short animated movie about a straight couple years back. He kept stopping to fap to his own project until he got bored of it and abandoned it, and he has been doing progressively more taboo projects because his subconscious needs to go deeper and deeper in order to get its sexual fix. Now he's working on cheating and cuckolding comics as well as light pedophilia. Normal healthy relationships are no longer interesting to him.

I hope you meant *than, because your argument sounds retarded.


>making a spelling error that changes the context of your argument to be the exact opposite of what you're arguing
>muh deflection

God, you're an autist.
If you don't know any programming languages, you're not a programmer. Plain and simple. GameMaker doesn't require you to write a single line of code, they even advertise on it.

my patreon's isnt even close to that shit but i still make content
why are people so gullible to scams?

That image doesn't work because we were never arguing. In your previous post that did not reply to another post, you said the following:
>I'd rather just make my own game and put my fetish in it, then leave it to the hands of people with shit taste

This implies that you'd make a game and following upon that action, you would leave the game in the hands of people that had a taste of lesser quality
In my post, I corrected you because I assume that you actually meant that you would rather work on your idea on yourself than leaving it in the hands of the people mentioned above.

Mate Ive just seen the 9 hours of work Spurple and the animator put today. If it fails it wont be for lack of effort.

9 hours of drawing I assume? Lots of new concepts and ideas?


He's following the planned schedule. No new ideas, just making the required assets, menus, and sprite animations.

So who's doing the coding

They're negotiating with the lead coder still. Should be a day or two before he's working.
Another guy posted on Sup Forums claiming to be coding on the project. Not sure if there was any merit in that.

Some dude called Wilson Wobbletop

Just goes to show you that we're gonna need three hands for them.

Hbomb might've been a faggot and only been in it for the money while doing nothing, but Spurple also took the money, did a bit more than Hbomb and in the end decided to jew everything by making Could Meadow.

Both guys are fucks and jews, but Spurple is even bigger jew by doing it all again under the pretense of "wanting to deliver." I'd do it too if I could.

The thing that worries me is that they are animating frame by frame. I cant imagine how much that will take.

you know at this point, you are shilling them
youve made this thread enough times already, now fuck off with your reverse psychology shit.

Its common to have higher motivation with new projects. The progress with Breeding season was also faster in the early phase. We have to wait and see if he will keep that up for two years after enough patreons are on board.

In a legal sense, you're right. What he did was morally fucked up, but legally he had every right to do so.

If it's true that he made one of his colleagues do work for his personal project without telling him what it was for, I doubt that is legal.

Unless that colleague lied about not knowing to keep HBomb off his back.

yeah, but it was a scam that i never paid into and still got fap material and even some drama out of

so i call it a win