Breeding Season - Cloud Meadow

>Player character is the only one getting animated breeding scenes similar to old BS animations
>Monsters get pixel animations similar to pokemon sprites
>Monster color variation is a maybe/no, breedable monster characters are probably samey.
>No horse monster
>No neoteeny
>All monsters will be anthro
I dunno my dudes, sounds pretty cheap to just say no to all of what made BS successful in the first place.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone who gives this hack money after all that bullshit is a spineless cuckold.

The scope of the old game was too great to do with such a small team. By reducing the amount of stuff that needs to be drawn there's a better chance of the game actually coming out.

They're starting with 10 mons, more than I remember BS having, they're not adding horses and neoteeny out of a purely stylistic choice.

And also some legalities referring to the latter of those. The rest is some what understandable, but the pixel graphics for all mons is not really what acceptable.



>foxy demongirl animations never ever



>>No neoteeny

Don't these guys get ~$20,000 a month? What's the scope of a game with a $20,000 a month budget?

Breeding Season has been shut down, the main artist split off and made his own adult game, they're on about 3.5k a month right now.

The actual PC on mon scenes actually look pretty good, but they have no plans for mon on mon scenes like this. That's kind of a deal breaker for me.

So who actually killed the BS project? Was it S-Purple or HBomb?

Both sides are just flinging shit at eachother. Did any of the other people in the team respond?

>those faces

Read both of their blog posts if you really want to understand it all.

But the tl;dr is that H-bomb was an emotionally unstable with a streak for lazy coding and flogging off all his work to others, no management, little to no work put into it, and demands to scrap entire months of work and animations in favor of working on stupid shit like better flash animation storage systems etc.

He took many months off work and basically left the project starved of progress, everyone was going to leave at the end of the month, when he found out he basically made that QQ post on his official game blog calling purple a thief among many other things.

Purple isn't those things but I don't like some of his ideas and prefer some of the original concepts, but we're not getting BS and probably never were/

Sup Sjew

I'm OP, I've already mentioned my distaste for the direction of the game. Boogeyman post elsewhere.

Why didn't Purple sell the assets though and then went off to make his new project? Would have given him a better reputation. It's not like he gained anything from keeping his art.

Right? He could've immediately brought the new game close to completion.

Well he said the project was doomed, the leader """coder""" never did anything, if he had sold him the assets then the guy would still be stringing along donators who none the wiser would be paying this guy to sit around and not develop the game.

In short he didn't want his legal assets to be used to scam more people out of their money. His reputation is fine, his funding shot up as soon as he made his side of the story public.

So male protag for the game confirmed or no?

Yeah confirmed, also confirmed that only male and female protag on mon gets animations which is fucking stupid if you ask me as the purpose in a monster breeding game is to breed monsters, and preferably watch it. What we have now is a glorified pokemon game with a few adult scenes.

>Yeah confirmed
Great. I can't wait to get no animations of them and for it to be femprotag only.

>Implying this game will get made even with all the cuts.

I'm going to laugh when he dicks his backers over. I mean really, who can be stupid enough to give money to a guy that has PROVEN he'll take it and run?

Again, I'd recommend reading his side. He didn't take any of the money he was due for that month, what you're referring to is H-bombs lies. Again, I am OP and I have no bias towards purps side, I personally dislike the game as it is being described right now.

What about the rest of the money he took while doing nothing? He's a fucking snake. What kind of trustworthy person goes behind his coworkers backs like he did, anyways?

If you give these people money you are a retarded

>dumps the original team to make a cheap ripoff
S-purple confirmed to be worse than phil "choke on it" fish

Wow, such a hero.
Does that magically ignore the elephant in the room?
Straight up pretending the project was healthy and ongoing.
Being a dickless dumbass despite being half of lifeblood of the project.
And not helping in the slightest by completely redoing the art direction.

I really liked the female protagonist design for Breeding Season, perfect amount of lewd. Shame to see it go but fuck everyone involved in this fiasco.

>While doing nothing
He had already decided to jump ship, the money he was technically owed for the month of inactivity he did not take as I mentioned. He spent that month working on the Cloud Meadow kickstarter page.

I'll lay it out simple, the leader owner, the managing director took plenty of time off, months at a time, to the point where part time contracted coders and artists had to cover for him in terms of work and public transparency / patch notes and so forth.

This guy had legit emotional issues and was not fit to work on the project, I'd leave too with a project so disorganized and hectic. The guy did not outright leave so that he could gather what he needed to start the project.

Again, if you aren't going to read his side of the story I won't bother commenting anymore. I honestly hate trying to redpill or shill people into adopting my ideals, so come to your own conclusions from now on.

Read. His. Side.

sure you do s-purple, why else would you defend his actions?

I'm not a patreon of his, and I won't be unless he adds mons on mons. Simple as that.

I did.
What now?

To be fair. HBomb left for half a year doing fuck all, leaving an already disorganized team without so much of a leadership and pushed responsibilities that were clearly his upon others.

Both sides are retarded, but one more so than the other.

I believe this:
to be the most neutral post about this, which paints the clearest picture.

It makes HBomb look like an idiot and Spurple look infallible

s-purple obviously, h-bomb would have had to remove all art drawn by s-purple due to legal reasons(the contract didn't give h-bomb permission to use it, they retain with s-purple)+s-purple took a lot of stuff with him so h-bomb shut it down.