Which one is the scariest
2 is often regarded as the best, but is it the scariest?
Which one is the scariest
2 is often regarded as the best, but is it the scariest?
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Probably the first? Because, you know. It was the first one and nobody had any idea what it was
SH2 is more depressing than scary
Fuck off back to your animatronics games, imbecile. You have no idea what the horror genre is about.
Fours apartment segments are the scariest
SH1 and 3 are way scarier than SH2, which is easily (and most often agreed) to be the least scary and difficult out of the original trilogy. SH4 also is way more disturbing in many ways.
Anyway, Silent Hill thread?
Let's repost the DL links + SH PC Guide pic:
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" fix works as a no-cd crack as well, and is included in the pack.
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
1 and 3 feel like funhouses
2 really captures horror
>4is more disturbing than 2
Feel free to fuck off anytime.
here's the recommended emulator settings for SH1. Works great on all other games too.
The plugins used are:
-Pete's OpenGL 1.78; (more options & better performance than 2.x version)
-Eternal's SPU Engine.
alternatively just use a software renderer for very 1:1 PS1-like graphics, including 240p only.
...OR just buy the game from PSN Store for few bucks.
Sorry, shit taste, but the room itself is way scarier than anything SH2 has to offer.
Not saying SH2 wouldn't have some slightly disturbing sections, but it really is way too calm to be truly unnerving.
1, because the controls are bad enough that getting stuck in a tight hallway with a monster can be genuinely harrowing.
In 2 & 3 it's too easy and too quick to lock on and shoot, and it's basically impossible to run out of ammo, so you just blast everything the fuck away.
4 was a step in the right direction with limited ammo, but it was still too easy to avoid combat by walking through a door.
>too calm
>I need action in my horror
just use mednafen
SH games are never that scary, they are more unsettling and depressing than scary.
3 is the "scariest" but 2 has a pretty oppressive atmosphere, I usually say both are my favorite games if all time because I love both types of horror they bring to the table, 1 is still actually pretty damn freaky to this day, and 4 really isn't that scary until the apartment hauntings start and your place of safety now has some of the heaviest atmosphere I've ever felt in a game
Don't you go there, mate.
SH2 is just too empty and too easy to be threatening
>just use the biggest fucking mess ever created, that takes a whole hour to set up and does not support enhancements
how about you go fuck yourself with a cactus?
I'm jonesing to play SH3 again. is that DDL link any good?
>extract mednafen from zip
>drag sh1 to exe
>set up controller
>enjoy an emulator more accurate than sony's ps3 one
how about you do it yourself
silent hill games are more enjoyable when you put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist
youre trapped in a town (or otherwise) and every attempt you make at escape is futile
not being able to escape by any logical means coupled with the infinite amount of possibilities as to your fate under these circumstances generates an atmosphere of unrelenting dread and oppressive tension
it is. made it out of my own legit copy, and been sharing it for months.
just fuck off. Mednafen and Retroarch are horrible Mac-fag shit.
No, SH2 was simply the game that had the most impact and arguably the most iconic monster (Pyramid Head)
1 and 3 are generally said to be the scariest in the series, with 4 being up there as well.
And if you want to count it, P.T. is the scariest out of all of them
Honestly think Silent Hill 4 is the scariest solely because I can kinda relate. Living alone and not going out much has given me pretty spooky expirences.
SH2 is the more tame of the original four. It's atmosphere is thick, but in terms of actual scares SH3 beats it by a mile.
SH3 was the only game where I was forced to take a few seconds to compose myself before leaving a safe room multiple times, shit's overbearing, intense and terrifying as balls.
The movie, desu. But not the sequel. It's shit.
i dont understand your hostility towards mednafen, in terms of difficulty of setup, mednafen is child's play compared to epsxe or anything else
accuracy means jack shit when the game already runs fucking smooth as butter. Also enjoy NOT having perspective correction and anti-wobble tech with your shitty Android emulator.
If I wanted to play at 240p and no filters, I'd just use a software renderer or PSX emu.
movie was shit and filled with plot holes
>in terms of difficulty of setup, mednafen is child's play compared to epsxe or anything else
it's not.
I learned to tweak ePSXe and the likes when I was like 15, but Mednafen just boggles my mind, and lacks just about all the functions I've come to expect. It's also painfully clear that the people behind it know jack shit about GUI design, or even about making their software user-friendly.
Yes I thought it was the most unsettling.
Also 3 is best
>"Get Retroarch! It's the best emu eva'!"
>Download and unpack it
>can't use mouse to control GUI
>no basic Windows GUI at all, just consolitis-menus
>"Oh, you want to play games? You first need to download 'CORES' !"
>these cores = literally other emulators that you install on the system
>"Aight, you got cores, but you're lacking configs? Better download those too!"
>the configurations done via the Retroarch itself don't stick
>"Lol what a noob! You gotta edit .INI files in a text editor, you pleb!"
>finally get a game to start, yet performance is fucking awful, even in fucking SNES games
>"Seriously son? Try some OTHER core! And this time configure it right!"
At this point you've wasted 30 minutes just trying to get this shitty husk of an emulator LAUNCHER to even work, while the results end up being terrible. Meanwhile any actually smart person would have already downloaded all the emulators and the plugins needed himself, set them up as he pleases, and got playing the games.
>I can kinda relate. Living alone and not going out much
This. Henry is pretty obviously agoraphobic and/or autistic. I'm surprised there aren't more videogame protagonists with these traits, given the audience.
Those assets were never designed to be displayed in such a high resolution. It looks awful. Stop ruining the artist's vision.
drag the iso you want to play on mednafen's exe, set up controller with f8. thats all you need to know
dont use retroarch, just mednafen
Mednafen is considerabley more difficult to config than ePSXe and uses command line, unless you use MedGUI or Retroarch. that being said, it's worth it. Mednafen is the most accurate PS1 and PC-Engine emulator out there; ePSXe is the ZSNES of ps1 emulation.
>Those assets were never designed to be displayed in such a high resolution
Just stop posting.
Team Silent's art team were fucking magicians, and their games do hold up up-rezzing fucking fine. Hell, it's a JOY to see all those small details you'd otherwise miss!
>2 difficult
I found 4 to be the hardest out of all 4. Making combat more melee oriented than the others. Seeing as melee is the last resort in the series and you cant really run away in 4 as all the areas are hallways or dead ends it made it difficult.
I loved all 4 but 4 was the weakeat link in the originals.
looks like ass when upressed
>muh HD
I must be doing something wrong, because no download I've found has had an exe, to which people always tell me that "oh, you need the Retroarch to run it! :)"
Also, no GUI = no buy.
I can drag and drop my games to ePSXe and such if I wish, but I greatly prefer my lists and actual MENUS when using a Windows program.
Avoid the retroarch meme and get a functional GUI too. I can vouch for it.
>the most accurate
I see people repeating this same mantra, but what the fuck does it MEAN?? I've been emulating my PS1 games just fine for a good decade, and any potential glitches have been merely a result of poorly adjusted settings.
I can get my 100% authentic experience on my PS1 and CRT television if I wish. I demand a bit more than that on a 1000€ PC.
unzip, drag iso to mednafen.exe, f8 for controls, enjoy
runs like ass at that res
ran fucking fine at that res on my old WinXP machine with core2duo and 8800GT, using ePSXe.
PCSX-R and Pete's OGL2 plugins run like shit at that res, I give ya that.
like said, no GUI, no use.
maybe at 30 fps, mednafen runs at a solid 60
>like said, no GUI, no use.
your loss
I think Silent Hills could have had the best shot of being up there as one of the most horrifying but I guess we'll never know now.
>he thinks the implied framerate is the game's actual speed
learn to emulation. The game itself doesn't run that fast.
what "loss" ? I've played the game happily dozens of times now, with much higher resolution.
If anything, I feel sorry for fucks like you who jumped on the "It's sooo accurate guys!" hypetrain.
>ePSXe is the ZSNES of ps1 emulation.
what's wrong with ZSNES ?
ePSXe has worked just fine too.
SH1 is the fucking scariest by far. The sound was godly and the lighting was perfect. Also the minor spooks were amazing such as the elevator, the crying, the teleporting bathroom, etc.
It was ahead of its time.
This. SH1 is almost underrated these days, and way too many rookies overlook it because of its "poor graphix"
I've never truly been scared in any of the SH games I've played, but I have to say that SH1 gives off a good feeling of uneasiness.
As this user puts it , if I start thinking I'm Harry in the first game it takes on another meaning to me, I'm just trying to get the fuck outta this place with my daughter, and then I'm being brought into this fucked up religion or some shit that involves my child, all while killing things that barely look human in a foggy dirty town with all that fucking radio static, all while trying to see the game in 240p
If the puzzles were a bit more straightforward in the first game it'd probably be my favorite.
>if I start thinking I'm Harry in the first game it takes on another meaning to me
That's called immersion. And at least in my case, it comes naturally with any game that's actually well designed. Either I "am" the MC, or I feel responsible for his/her life, like some long distance support person.
>If the puzzles were a bit more straightforward in the first game...
Why the hell would anyone wish such thing??