Why are yuropoors so obsessed with pcs and shit on anything that isn't at least tangentially related to europe...

Why are yuropoors so obsessed with pcs and shit on anything that isn't at least tangentially related to europe, european history or mythology? Why are they so afraid of anything that is even remotely American or Asian?

Mount and Blade
Deus Ex

So bad but praised like the second coming of christ.

The few europeans I know only ever consume something if it is european related.
dark souls, children of men, krampus, witcher, karl pilkington shit, warcraft, lord of the rings,

PCusers and europeans alike so often insult everyone else calling them dumb and or close minded, but you never consume anything that is not somehow europe related

>PCusers and europeans alike so often insult everyone else calling them dumb and or close minded
Well it rings true :^)

>How dare Europeans make games for Europeans
>where is my diversity quota

you can fuck right off

>Why are yuropoors so obsessed with pcs
They're the smallest market so not sure where you're coming from with that.
The small group in EUland is very hardcore because everything in EUland is like twice the price compared to America.

But I am playing lots of japanese PC exclusive games.

all of this can be applied to amerifats

>why are murikkans so afraid of non-white people in their games

>eu is one person

>Why are yuropoors so obsessed with pcs

They have good taste

>and shit on anything that isn't at least tangentially related to europe, european history or mythology?


You're hauling assumptions out of your ass at a rate that would impress even Freud,

trying hard to make sense of this thread

citacion needed

No they aren't. In fact, it was one of the biggest for several years...

Yuropoor here, thats simply not true, i also play games related to america like GTA and go around shooting cops its pretty fun.

What absolute nonsense. I love Fatal frame and Resident Evil. I played the shit out of Halo 1-2-3 ODST. Mortal Kombat is (technicaly bad) but one of my favourite fighting games.

Of what you listed I only like Thief and Deus ex. (Isn't that canadian/japanese though?)

Might have an argument when your shithole has an influence on PC standards.
North American market
Asian market
3rd world shitholes (EU land)

I don't even know what the fuck he's on

warcraft's americlap
mountain blade is turkish
deus ex is american/canadian published by japs

Maybe because our culture is the best and is responsible for creating all American culture because we created the colonies?


Maybe because America are responsible for mass producing shit media?

European culture is subjectively superior in every aspect to American culture

Not to mention asian.

Murrican company.

I play games from every country. The only ones I genuinely cannot stand are ultra weeaboo shit from Japan

Even France has made some good games

And you all took the bait. Low-quality bait too. Sage.

American culture is shit. It's lowbrow. It produces nothing but un-motivating media that makes you feel jaded.

do i even have to comment on americans and their view on their history?

But Americans are not white themselves.

You sound like a demented old man spouting amusing anecdotes about why jews and niggers ruin everything.
Disturbed, yet somewhat cute.