>who cares about DX12, everyone is going to use Vulkan!
>who cares about Vulkan, DX11 is good enough!
woah, 10 fps avg more for 100 dollars more. truly unbeatable value
>o-o-o-o-only 10 f-f-fps
>27 frames vs 10 frames
Nvidia btfo
>tfw bought my PC with 10 RX480
>fuckign cant even get 20 fps in GTA
>50+ dollaroos do 3-10fpa
Im #amdmissile now
>nviddrones will defend this
>you fell for the meme cards
Haha wow another GRAPHICS CARD released hahahah wow
NOBODY GIVES A FUCK. Fuck off with this peecee gayming bullshit. Wow guys my shitty card gets an entire 4 fps better than yours xD
When will you retards talk about games? Fuck off to Sup Forums and circle jerk about meaningless numbers. Fuck AMD and fuck NVidia.
good one m8
What did they mean by this?
yes user, only 10 fps.
Dollars per frame...jees...what the fuck could that possibly mean? Another meaningless benchmark. And a retard posting a stupid ass pic for fucking EA Battlefront. What a goddamned idiot. Fuck off.
AMDrones desperately trying to hide the truth. I fucking love how like 90% of the vocal internet is proAMD and they're all in damage control modo.
Damn you stupid.
>price to performance is a meaningless benchmark
Where's the witcher 3 benchmarks?
You're fucking retarded keep masturbating over shitty card
Fuck you retard. Stop jacking off over EA Star Wars you fucking retard. No one plays it especially on PC.
too obvious dial it back a bit.
>he fell for the AMD meme
1080GTX master race here.
So is it worth upgrading from a 770? I don't know if my 770 can hold on till volta at this point I only play at 1080p anyway
There is no bait. You're a cuck. Keep crying over your wasteful card. You aren't even playing games, or coding, or doing anything of importance. Fuck NVidia and AMD. Fuck you. Garbage fucking product; you have no games, only silly numbers with no real world application. Keeo playing overwatch which a fucking gt 520 can run well. Idiots
post your battle station.
i7-6700K x 1080GTX. Buying next month.
Dial it back not amp it up, it's not hard man.
What's you're full set up is what I'm getting at.
>costs a bit more
>performs a bit better
i dont get it. this is bad for nvidia considering that AMDs software suite is better and you dont need to pay hundreds extra for a gsync monitor.
Poor AMD
>Costs more
>Performs better
AMD truly is finnish
Going for this. Will use my current HDD hence why I don't buy a new HDD.
>8-10 fps maximum difference for a rehashed, more expensive card
so the power of nvidya...woah...
>Nvidia now has the high end performence and the budget price per performence crown
Why does AMD even exist?
Oh I am laffin
>conveniently omits that a 480 at $200 has a better ratio
seems like somewhat of a double standard
>could upgrade to either from my 770
>cant think if any game worth upgrading for aside from mankind divided which will probably run fine on my 700
>people buy products made by disgusting curry niggers
>expect anything other than shit
>b-but muh dx12!
What's your monitor?
Nothing special, a 1080p monitor. I'm mainly going for super stable 1080/60 and VR eventually.
>people waste money on pc gayming
>assmad when so.ething better pops up
Wew lad, absolutely pathetic
How many weeks before my r9 290 is faster than the 1080?
what's wrong user?
1080p60Hz is way too low for a 1080, unless you plan to play the Witcher 3 exclusively.
then wouldn't a 1070 be a better investment?
the 1080 is a bit overkill, you'd be save yourself some money.
>youtube reviews
is this a thing now?
We're still some time away from DX12 and Vulkan dominance.
>NoVidya approved and doctored benchmarks where HouseFire cards have a slight edge over AMD cards
Didn't see that one coming! Really makes you think, huh?
>AMD sponsored game
>m-muh shitman
That's fine user. I'm getting 30K euros next month.
You've been rused, the 1080's overkill for that monitor, you would've been better off with a 1060
here is my long hair nigga
>Nvidia is housefire
Nice outdated meme. 1060 runs cooler than RX 480.
get a better monitor then mate, you're not utilizing that card to the fullest and that in itself is a tragedy
Goyworks-fueled games aren't proof either.
>tomb raider is literally the only DX12 game where it gets better than the amd cards
>on every other dx12 game it gets stomped by 4 year old cards
a true step into the future
What a surprising turn of events, novidya released a card that's faster on the innefficient software methos we are using and will continue to use whereas amd released a card that's faster on the revolutionary methods that are much better but nobody uses.
Name ONE game worth upgrading for
not bad. what the 760 cost when it was dropped
I hate this place
Well VR will likely use it at its full potentially, wouldn't it?
>m-muh hairworks
Fuck off
770 here too.
I'm keeping my 770 and waiting for HBM next year user.
You should too. Economy is in the toilet everywhere except the US at the moment too.
again a 1070 is still more than adequate
VR hasn't been totally demanding and even the 480 has been running VR well.
Yeah, but AMD a shit.
Any AMD fanboy who has a problem with this is fucking retarded, more pressure on AMD and its partners means better prices and quality because of competition
Goddamnit. Im not gay but i would fuck Billy in his best days so fuckin hard.
>320 watts
>240 watts
amd will never into tech
>tfw just bought a graphics card last month
Interesting to know then. Well it doesn't really matter too much since I'll have lot of money, may as well go overboard *just in case*.
This guys gets it.
I hate this fucking place.
>its ok when Nvidia does it
it uses purehair created by amd, imbecile
lol fucking crossfire 480 barely beats the 1060
so, as long as i don't plan to play any DX12 or vulkan games i should go with the 1080 instead of the 480?
spending 300€ on a card that will last a year is hardly a bad move.
spending 250€ on a 480 that will only be useful in a year doesn't seem like a good idea
The masterrace is always evolving. If you can't keep up, you get left in the dirt.
No, it isn't. The shitters that post Gameworks games are wrong as well.
Doom 4. I have a 560ti 1GB and that's a full gig of VRAM below minimum specs.
>Build expensive as fuck computer
>Play games that literally any computer can play
>MFW PC gaymer master gays
I have the world's most basic computer and I'm able to run every game I play on ultra at 1080 at 60+ FPS, I don't get why people drop like 5k+ on a computer only to play shit like WoW and LoL...
And even then, you don't need an insane computer to play the newest releases, so why spend all the money? it's pointless.
amd will always be for cheap fags.
amd will never have a top tier card
amd is for cheap fags, I repeat. cheap fags.
btw amd willnever into tech. enjoy your 300 watt power hog
I guess money really is meaningless for autismbux recipients
by all means, I'm just trying to save you some cash, when a cheaper equivalent will be out next year.
I'm assuming you're new to PC building but the safest bets are always going to be the mid to upper midrange builds
>I have a 560ti 1GB
I think the user assumed we weren't running cards from back in the stone age
Mostly kids/people leeching off their parents, or people with way more money than sense and time to learn.
fuck off to plebbit then
>The fucking RX 480 is that hot
Jesus. Are AMD's high end cards going to require a waterblock when they're finally released?
>just bought a freesync monitor
Fucking kill me lads
ITT: nFaggots brag about their card being good at playing old ass games no one plays anymore while it is complete shit at games which use DX12 and Vulkan
does nvidia hate the future?