User, stop wasting your time playing video games!

>user, stop wasting your time playing video games!

Other urls found in this thread: /

Meanwhile they watch TV or talk on the phone all day.

>you want $60 for a video game? NO WAY
>you want $800 for a tablet for school? Here you go, son

I wish i could

>fast forward ten years you're still wasting your time playing videogames all day

they were right

>both parents

>Oh boy look at all this free time I have
>Time to vidya
>Lose all energy and interest within 15 minutes of starting the game

Where do I get that spark back?

>user go outside!
>nothing to do outside

i know that feel,bro :(

Pokemon GO

No wonder there are so many mentally ill people on Sup Forums

>be 14
>lock the door and start jerking it
>hear door handle jiggle

Holy shit leave me alone

>Walk to friends house and play games


>mfw 26yo NEET

I had jobs before, like 5, and because of my depression and asperger and autism i've fucked up in every sinlge one.

I'm sending 150 CVs per day and nothing so far.

Play a game where you achieve goals every minute or so. You need something quick and challenging with instant gratification.


atleast you're still handing out cvs, i gave that up years ago

I always had the best grades at school and college and I even managed to get a scholarship due to academic excellence that saved you money, and you still want to annoy me with this crap like I can't enjoy myself after working hard and having something to show for it? Fuck off and get out of my room.

Go back to foolz sucking Niggerell dick stupid spic.

When I was a teen, my parents find porn on my computer and confiscated it. I just used my imagination but then they caught me jerking it and literally removed the door from me room. I kept jerking it but extremely fast so I wouldn't get caught.

Thanks to then, I can't last in bed for more than 2 minutes before cumming.

>Nephew of mine is an autistic bernie support that watches anime for 12 hours a day
>He give me shit for playing video games after work

I never understood how some people can binge watch television and still give people shit for games

>Leave me alone or I'm putting you in an old age home when you hit 65

Smooth sailing ever since.

Tits or GTFO, mom!

My cousin is the exact same, though he's a trump-supporter so spouts memes in public which makes it even worse.

>literally removed the door from me room
I can't begin to understand what goes through a parent's head when they decide to do this crap. What the fuck, I'm so sorry for you user.

>and literally removed the door from me room.
Were they Christian?

reminder to filter and ignore tripfags

>Get good grades
>user be more social!
>Get bad grades
>user video games are ruining your brain!
>Play with my friends
>user its time to come home/No you cant go to [friends place]!

Woo helicopter mom.

They have a point

>Fapped since 5th grade
>25 now
>Just moved out last year
>No lock on door
>Never been caught

I've done some pretty risky maneuvers too. Even fapped in the back seat of a long car ride once while everyone was asleep. That subtle, stinging shame just serves to make me ejaculate harder.

It hurts so much.

Thanks for making it so easy to filter through one more narcissistic assholes retarded opinions. People complain about tripfags all the time, but to me honestly its just one less asshole I'll have to see next time.

>Complaining that I'm wasting time playing video games
>Meanwhile they waste years raising/supporting a child

Don't see me complaining about that do you MOM!!?

>30 years old now
>come back from work
>get drunk off a bunch of beers
>play Overwatch
>have lots of fun and do well

I can't get into the mood play vidya when sober and when I do, I'm mediocre or just suck. What the fuck is wrong with me?

No they don't. Time has no value other than what we apply to it.

You die at the end regardless.

Rather play games than become a funiture store mogul or whatever retarded insecurity your parents attempt to instill so they can use your successes to justify their own failures earlier in life.

>this butt mad because you're a neglected piece of shit who your parents didn't love enough

>user stop playing video games all the time
>but mom, if i stand up too much or lift weights, i risk my internal prolapse to turn into fullblown prolapse, after violently shoving cucombers and champagne bottles up my ass
>even have to dig out my poop due to weak rectum
>mom: "ok i let you off, this time"

tfw blood on toilet paper

You can teach people not to meme. However you can't convince people they don't deserve a free ride.

Are your dads niggers or something? Why don't you have two parents?

The workforce has blasted your soul and societal shames have shackled your killing edge. Only when the alcohol strips off your inhibitions do you revert to the high impact sexual violence gamer of your youth.

>have only 60 minutes to spare with vgs.
>start mussou mode. Hu Lao gate, normal, Zhang Fei.
>Lu Bu fucks my shit up.

What the fuck? Why do I like this?

>Parents hide console / PC

This only made me find out ways to discreetly play games in my room. I at one point hid my xbox hueg in my closet and my laptop in my pillowcase. Fuck off, I lived in a deadbeat, redneck town full of old people. My fucking grades in school were fine too, but oooooh no some dumb fucking prehistoric cunt on TV said DEM VIDYAS IS THE DEVIL N SHIET so my parents blindly followed that fucking bitches advice.

If its on TV its true, kids!

>user, here's a car and go outside
>OMG user, why are you coming back home after midnight and is that a hickey on your neck?

What the fuck did you expect? /


I meant both my dad and my mom hate it when I play video games.

Yes, please go on, get that last dig in before I filter you, it pleases me that it angers you that one less person will have to read your drivel, you narcissistic asshole. Fuck you.

*slams door*

That's actually one of the most poignant things ive read on Sup Forums in a while

Get a job son

>Kroni is still alive

>calling other people normies
>not even normalfag
>not even /r9k/
how long have you been on this website

>still replying even after claiming to filter him because it is you who truly wants the last dig

Kids these days are out all night (were I live, small town so it might be different for others) on the weekends, hell sometimes on Thursday. Out drinking, partying or having fun at the pub. Me? I didn't go out past 12 till I was fucking 19. Wonder where I get my autism from.


Is it /foolz/ raid o'clock already?

He's been on this site for too long.

I knew he'd reply, and I love getting (you)'s, what can I say.

Please god, no.

I'm not much for being outside too late either, mainly because I'm everything but a night owl and I already start getting sleepy at 11 PM. I still have friends who understand that and who hang out with me without the need to go out partying all night long. Having a comfy get-together with friends just to play vidya at someone's house for an entire afternoon and night with pizza is the best.

A boonie

When you got a welt on your neck because a girl was suckin' on it.

Usually only happens with teens because women eventually learn to not suck on your neck with retard force.

Remember to report and filter this autistic fuck.

We can get him banned.

>sick of playing videogames
>pick up shooting and guns as my main hobby
>shit tier shooting areas where I live with restrictive range rules


Few weeks ago I do believe.

Do show me the ropes.

suicide is always an option

Why don't you shoot up some schools user?

Kroni, tell Niggerell to kill himself and stop raiding Sup Forums

Then kill yourself and livestream it

>son, why are you playing as a woman, do you want to be a girl?
>well, yes actually.
>oh, ok, let's take you to therapist and see if it's a phase or if you need to go on hormone replacement therapy

Thanks video games. I got to transition when I was 12 and be passable instead of looking like a dude in drag if I transitioned when I was older

>Small break in the day
>I can play a few rounds of any game
>I choose to pvp in DS3
>Rest of day ruined by lingering grumpiness and a dull feeling of time poorly wasted

This is my fault. I brought this upon my self.

Damn, looks like I need to get #HumpedByTrump

>implying it doesn't come tumbling down when you hit 35 and look like a melted manbeast

Good luck, brave trap.

Age is not kind to the fakepucci

This is bait, but I hate millenials nonetheless.

>mom used to be a huge arcadefag back in the day before she had me
>dropped out of college because she'd rather just work at her job and play vidya
>now she's been stuck at a shitty job for over a decade
>be kid
>mom yelled at me all the time for playing video games too much
>i didn't listen
>drop out of college because i'd rather just work and play vidya
>didn't realize what was happening until too late

Go to the gym. Cant be more expensive than shooting and guns. Plus, in a way, seeing your lifts or cardio go up gives off the same dopamine as when you level up so its similar, familamahambam

Can you explain ruggeralls obsession with trying to recruit barneyfag?

Why are all tripfags weeaboo who love anime pedo shit?

>Be 2005, 7-8 years old
>Dad plays on his PC all day
>TV is barely used
>Mum is at work
>Decide to play some PS1 games
>Load up Hogs of War
>Dad comes in
>Turns off PS2
>"user, play with your toys"
>Dad continues to play video games

>I'm a single child

Fuck you, dad.

>No, you can't play Doom! That's violent!
>Here, play Daggerfall instead. It has violence, a cut-throat political story, and full frontal nudity! That's much better!

It's a good thing she outed herself as a manipulative cunt and pushed everyone in the family away because it means I don't have to deal with her shit any longer.

You don't have to be embarrassed that you're attracted to transwomen ;)

Because they can be as annoying as ponyfags but can't be banned for spam because anime is in 4chans "culture".

It's 2016...

>2005, 7 or 8 years old


wait 7 + 11 = 18

Fuck me

They are failed children simple as that.

dont give up mang, keep sending cvs

Don't go to ranges then, faggot.

Hell you could have gotten a lot worse than Daggerfall


>Don't go to ranges then, faggot.

They're the only places to shoot where I live, faggot.

Where the fuck do you live?

You've opened my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, it's one of my favourite games to this day and I still play it a ton.

I'm just saying her logic was fucking retarded.


>Where the fuck do you live?

south florida

Oh. I'm sorry, user.

>Even fapped in the back seat of a long car ride once while everyone was asleep.
>he thinks they did not notice

crazy people all of you

>being a faggot
Sorry I don't like dicks like you.

But you like anime.

>"Okay dad, but how about you grow up and stop watching japanese cartoons you 52 year old fuck"