Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves

Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves.

Not after the nerf nigga

Try killing this shield u fgt.

>Incoming PTR patch

We'll see about that.



12 o'clock



Lunch time




McCree is going to be fucking retarded after the new patch. Blizzard does not know what they want to do with this character.

>announce new character
>it's another sniper

>Ocelot McCree
>Old Snake S76
>Raiden or Gray Fox Genji
>Sniper Wolf Widowmaker
>Para-medic Mercy

yeah increased dmg range so he can snipe ppl with his tiny revolver will ruin the game. fucking 1 year olds git gud

>not Old Big Boss S76

eyepatch and coat, nigger

What the fuck are you even trying to say? His buff has nothing to do with his skill set, in fact Blizzard seems to want to draw attention away from the fact he had close-range killing power.

Before the end of summer.

New skins confirmed.

Hopefully one of them is origins mccree, aka young mccree.

did u even read the patch notes or are u one of the people from the "MCREE TOO STRONK WAAA" reddit thread? All they did is allow him to deal same amount of dmg in long range as he does normally, which means he can snipe people like pharo you dumb cunt. Blizzard isn't trying to draw ur attantion away, they are trying to balance a game u baby. It's not a "OP MCREE CONSPIRACY" it's only fair

Yeah, might as well say fuck it and give Mccree a revolving rifle instead, it would make more sense

>McCree starts pulling out a stock and attaches it to his revolver
>and then he meows

I'd buy a "You're pretty good" voiceline in an instant

he feels so fucking good to play on ptr

fan the hammer is useless and his ult gets cockblocked way too often, but god damn left clicking niggas from a hundred yards is satisfying

It's not whether he's OP or UP or whatever, it's whether the buff fits with his skill set.

He was supposed to be able to deal with flankers like Tracer and Genji and his skill set revolved around that. Flashbang to stun them, fan to do a large burst of damage (or you could just headshot them), combat roll to quickly reload. In exchange he has the worst mobility of any "attack" character, only 200 health and both his primary and secondary dropped off a lot at distance. It's very obvious what he was intended to be: short-range character who could stomp other flankers.

Of course the main problem was that McCree could simply fan->roll->fan to stomp literally everyone. So they nerfed fan, but that didn't help at all. McCree can still stomp any tank except D.Va with a doublefan, but the nerf made it harder to kill anyone with mobility except Tracer because you could not reliably kill them before the stun wore off.

So now to counter the nerf they removed the damage falloff on his primary, but now that's going against what he was intended to do. He'll be a mid-range sniper which makes literally the rest of his kit except maybe combat roll useless because you'll be sniping farther than the effective range of either the flashbang or fan. So he's basically half a character, even with the buff.

All because they refused to put a short cooldown on fan like they should have.

>Metal Gear REX Bastion
>Mei Ling as Mei-Ling
>Paz in Metal Gear ZEKE as D.Va
>Nastasha Zarya
>Fortune Pharah
>Skullface Reaper

Six shots...
Twelve shots...

It completely goes against their design philosophy for McCree. Blizzard THEMSELVES said McCree is for keeping fast characters like Genji and Tracer in check. They overnerfed his FtH, reducing his effectiveness against them. This buff does not help him deal with them better, this buff helps him deal with every other character in the game better, his new range buff was the wrong buff and he's going to be fucking ridiculous now.

But what if seven things move?


>People complain that McCree is useless and is never played
>Buff his damage falloff a little
>Omg McCree is now broken and overpowered, blizzard can't balance shitty game

You people are retarded


He's broken and retarded in a way that doesn't mean overpowered. He's broken in the sense that they don't know what his character is supposed to do and are just throwing shit at the wall.

>People hate rock paper scissors gameplay
>Why can't blizzard make it more rock paper scissors?

He needs to be useful outside of countering specific heroes or he will get stale

Thanks brimsby

He has a close range stun and burst damage
Putting out 270 damage in a second is low now?

He supplements it with long range damage so he has utility. He's supposed to stay by the tank and healer providing supporting fire and chasing off or killing flankers

>screaming mantis zenyatta
>colonel volgin zarya
>raging raven pharah