What are your thoughts on Killer7?

What are your thoughts on Killer7?

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really overrated and not that fun to play.
typical suda game.


Great game. Sup Forums is a bad place to try and discuss it.

Wouldn't call it overrated. Most suda games get pretty shit review scores, killer 7 included.

Killer is overrated, but not very fun to play. People give up on Killer7 easily because of the art style, controls, and gameplay. It's very easy dismiss Killer7 if you skip through the dialogue and don't bother experimenting with the controls.

example of people trying to enjoy Killer7 but get frustrated by the gameplay:

Suda51 games are more style than substance. People praise the cutscenes, story, atmosphere, music, and dialogue, but everyone hates on the gameplay.



I don't even care if this was scripted. It was still so fucking good: youtube.com/watch?v=ra51ZcAAYxc
Also the first time I saw Ayame gave me a good confused laugh.

Excellent game with god tier OST. Story felt more like a tv show with multiple episodes as the opposite the more "classic" linear approach that most games had.

Really underrated.

I beat off four times a day when I play

One of the greatest games ever made. People who hate on the gameplay are just mad because bad. It's surprisingly fluid.

how were you supposed to know that you can access the different personalities from the pause Menu?

how were you supposed to know that you can reload using the yellow C-stick?

The game is bad because it didn't try to make people like it. If the developers cared they would have made it easier to learn the controls and how to play. A lot of people quit the game without finishing the first level.

Well, I actually liked NMH 1 and 2 and Shadow of the Damned. But I was never able to get into Killer 7 nor The Silver Case.

Overrated as hell, especially for Suda games. The gameplay is watered down RE4 and more shitty ass "put medal in this hole" puzzles. The story is filled with fillers on the middle parts and the only ones who really important for the plot it the beginning and the end. The fillers also felt unfinished, confusing, and didn't really give a clear answer, which is almost makes it like masking the fact how shallow it is by saying it's "have different interpretation and complex man" (best example is the sentai episode). It's genuinely disappointing for me, since things that it had going was the style.

Not sure but I think it was all told by the guide in the save room. That's how I figured out to kill the first egg tosser because on my first attempt I somehow missed my charged shot.

My favorite game.

Die like a dog, and then laugh it off. I'll see you on the other side with a grin as wide as the truth.

Spoken like a sixth gen console starter. It's called experimenting. You shouldn't needed to have your hand held to that extent.

It's called reading the manual

Greatest game of all time.

terrible gameplay. story and characters aren't good enough to be worth going through all that shit

If you didn't buy a game new, you didn't get a manual.

Didn't reading the manual spoil the plot in this case?

everyone's first playthrough:

-you got stuck at the monster that spawned eggs
-you don't realize you can reload with C stick
-you didn't realize that you can shoot the glowing yellow area for a one hit kill
-you didn't realize there was a pause menu where you can switch personalities and heal. You kept going back to the Harman room to switch personalities
-you in the room where you first encounter the yellow explosive Smiles
-you stopped playing the game when you met Suzie for the first time
-if you went on, you got stuck at the library puzzle
-if you went on, you got stuck on the blood puzzle

If a game doesn't draw you in by the first level, it's bad. It's so confusing if you don't have a manual or looking up a guide.

Killer Is Dead had a bigger budget, but less soul.

Amazing game that subverts just about every video game trope.

Story doesn't have a lot of coherence but the cutscenes are very well voiced and animated.

Looks great on Dolphin.

Literally kill yourself.

>-you got stuck at the monster that spawned eggs
>-you don't realize you can reload with C stick
I do.
>-you didn't realize that you can shoot the glowing yellow area for a one hit kill
Yes I did.
>-you didn't realize there was a pause menu where you can switch personalities and heal. You kept going back to the Harman room to switch personalities
What is wrong with you?
>-you in the room where you first encounter the yellow explosive Smiles
I did not in the room where I first encounter the yellow explosive Smiles.
>-you stopped playing the game when you met Suzie for the first time
I fell in love with the game when I met Susie for the first time.
>-if you went on, you got stuck at the library puzzle
-if you went on, you got stuck on the blood puzzle

You are the fucking worst.

If you have to look up a guide on the first level then the game is bad.

"HUR DUR you're supposed to play around with the controls for 10 minutes to figure out how the game works"

The game is really ambiguous when it comes to using abilities and letting you know which Smith is best for each situation. I'm not going to spend 20 minutes in the Harman Room having to sit through slow dialogue to learn how to play.

how was I supposed to the know which Smith is The Thief?

>I'm terrible at videogames so everyone else must be too
>Couldn't find the fucking pause menu

Alright, you got me.

Here's a (You), you earned it.

Explain this.

These guys are good at videogames, but could not figure out Killer7 and ragequit. The game is too unclear about what to do.


>i-i-it's not handholding me!
>i-i-it's shit!

truly millenials are the worst.


Fun, frustrating at times (fuck every boss except Curtis which was pretty cool) but I didn't really understand it towards the end.

Specifically, what was real and what was just in Garcian/Emir's head? From what I can gather, Emir was an assassin who killed the original Smith Syndicate at Union Hotel some years prior to the game, then had a mental breakdown for some reason and "absorbed" the Smith personas into himself. But if all the real Smiths were dead, then why do you get stuff like Curtis referring to "Dan" as Dan (if it's actually Garcian)? Can Garcian shapeshift, or are the Smiths somehow still alive and are just incorporated into Garcian's body somehow? I dunno, can someone just explain this to me?

Which game is worse:

Killer is Dead or Killer7?

The Smith Syndicate dying is World News to the criminal underground. However, after their deaths they start killing again and everyone acts like it's completely normal. We don't know what other supernatural stuff that goes on this world for people not to question assassins coming back from the dead.

An interesting experimental game. The controls are unorthodox and refreshing. The art style and music is superb. The story isn't as deep as it seems but I like it for it's unconventional structure. However too many puzzles were either turn into special character to do thing, put item in thing, or memorize image to reuse in thing.

>the art style is superb

Watch any blind Let's Play of Killer7 and see that the first thing anyone says about the game is how the cell shading looks like shit.

>PS2 babbies

The cell-shading looks absolutely great on GC.

This it the normal reaction to the art style


A lot of people say it's ugly.

suda has never made a good game

Kevin Smith is an underrated Smith.

-quick shooting
-no reload
-if things get too heated, can turn invisible and breeze through enemies .