Yo, Sup Forums

Yo, Sup Forums.

How are you doing today?
What multiplayer games are you playing my friends? no overwatch evolve sucks 2

BF4 and Rainbow6 siege.

I like that pic.


Sauce on the white girl.


that photo is amazing.

Overwatch was the biggest disappointment of 2016
Still play bf4, wish I had friends to play with as they all are casual cucks and play overwatch or smite nowadays


Rainbow six siege. Just unlocked Frost and I love her. Also fuck you faggots who clearly have mics on but don't say shit. I had a team full of mics just sit there quietly, and this one faggot who just got mad when he died and rage quit. Give me fucking information if you want to win you assholes.

me on the left


Lesbians a best.

I'm going to inject this marijuana and play 7th Dragon 3: Code VFD (if I have that title right) then I'll probably play Grim Dawn which is multiplayer but none of my friends will play it. ;_;


Their butts are too big bruh

I remember there used to be some tripfag pretending to be the chick on the right. Good times.

That White cutie has to be from Ireland.

i'm trying to play lethal league online, but it never works, so i'll just go back to grim dawn probably

It's Shillary.

multiplayer is for fags, I'm playing THPS3

No wonder Pimp. L Clinton didn't leave dat piece of booty.

jaysus CHREYST

There's a bigger version out there somewhere.

Quake Live all day erry day

Melting in this fucking heat.

It's so fucking hot.

Waiting on my friend to get here and were going to split screen some rocket league. maybe nhl 16 later

dat florida feek

Actually in the UK

Why do you cunts say ice lolly instead of popsicle?

>UK dying of 80F degree summer a few years ago
o i was laffin

Thinking about going out to get pizza and debating whether or not I should buy Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator

Bunch of babies. Been in the mid 90s for weeks now on the east coast.

You mean cold-on-the-cob.


>burgers killing themselfs by the thousands when some snow falls

oh i laffin

South Carolina fag here, the heat index has been consistently over 100F for over a month.
For a few weeks it was over 110F every day.

That's just the south. Up here in Michigan, we'll endure three feet of snow and sub-zero temperatures without batting an eye. Such is the Michigander's lot in life.

this is what i have been playing recently according to steam

>spent last night getting drunk with a qt, then getting punched in the face and bitten by said qt for not letting her drive home belligerently drunk from the party we were at
I can't win, can I?
Anyway, I bought the first three Ratchet and Clank games recently. I think some of them have local multiplayer, so I'll probably try that out with my brother later.


>going to parties
Get out of here, normie.

That pic is so sentimental and artsy, it's stirring up weird feelings in me

its an ice lollipop. Because it is a lollipop made of ice.

Why do you call it a popsicle, what pops about it?

It was really less of a party and more like 5 or 6 people drinking around a bonfire.

>Why do you call it a popsicle

Corporate branding became culture.

We have some of that.

Like sellotape

It's called an icicle.


Kinda depressed about a semi-recent break up but feeling like this doesn't happen too often anymore.

No multiplayer, I have a toaster laptop that can't even run Hotline Miami.


I meant the other pic user

Stop this beta shit. There are plenty of women around, and they are all pretty much the same anyway, so I repeat: stop.

damn, even in the 1800s she still looked old.

do not find the sauce on ops pic

very disappointing

Would've smashed the fuck out of her anyway. A shame what she turned into, both physically and mentally.

>guitar hero 3

But the cunt sold my Bluray collection.

I couldn't give about her; I just miss my possessions.

>machine not even on
Even in the 80s there were fake gamer gurls

>white girl on black girl lesbian action

Pretty nice to watch.

Here is a slightly bigger version at least.

What the fuck, lad? Why would you allow this to happen?

I had hoped she'd calm the fuck down and we would patch it up.

Stupid me for having hope.

And thinking women can be rational.


ive pretty much been playing only GH3 for the past couple days. finally playing on expert and the guitar solo on Rock and Roll All Night is kicking my ass

you said steam though

oh, ye, cause i added it as a custom game