Smash wii u tier list made by reddit

Smash wii u tier list made by reddit

Other urls found in this thread:

A smash Wii U tier list made by Dabuz, a top smash wii u player, after EVO

He said Lucina should be around 16th btw but he did not rank her since she doesn't have enough results


It's smash wii u not brawl user.

>Sup Forums tier anti tripcode mentality
just stop

No, I'm fairly sure absolutely no one that you're speaking to actually gives a shit who you are. Is it really so hard to just not use your tripcode unless you need it? You're not going to become some important poster who everyone remembers the name of.

Using a tripcode doesn't give you any advantage -- it just distracts from your post's point.

You are accomplishing nothing.

It's a site that has the option to have a username if someone wants to have it. i want to have it, and i use it.

Please don't try to copy the Sup Forums mentality of hating tripcode users. like, everyone knows Sup Forums is one of the worst boards in the internet, even Sup Forums themselves know it, yet some people copy the way they act without even thinking about it.

don't be like that.

>Tier Lists

Smash 4 is great
Tier lists are fun
Reddit is a bunch of very different communities and the smash reddit is one of the communities that are pretty fun.

I was going to let it slide the first time, but
Do you really think that likening other people's opinions to Sup Forums in any way invalidates them? I don't care if my mentality is similar to something associated with Sup Forums. It doesn't mean shit. I'm not "ashamed" of Sup Forums, nor am I afraid of seeming Sup Forums-like.
Your argument is invalid.

Btw if you want to watch many hours of Dabuz analyzing his tier list and the smash4 meta, go to dabuz18 at twitch and watch the latest broadcast. contains 5 hours of post-evo smash4 meta analysis.

Just stop tripping, you insufferable cumsleeve.

>the tripfag is a shill
Why am I not surprised

Whether i have a username or not literally shouldn't matter to you.

Oh please. i just gave that to people who are interested to hear an analysis of the smash4 meta.

Literally just sharing information.

Look at how fucking abysmal this thread is as a direct result of you using a tripcode.

Fuck off, nigger.

I could also say the problems with the thread also occur because you complain about tripcodes. just as legitimate.

Actual reliable tier list

>a tripfag arguing with a avatarfag
Why cant you resolve this argument by killing yourselves at the same time?

You are the problem. More specifically, your ego. No one likes snowflakes here, its exactly contrary to the point of this website: anonymity.

>lauds reddit as a tolerable website
>thinks tier lists are fun
>advertises streams without prompt
>responds to each individual person once
Quite obviously a rusemanne

No one asked for that shit. Who the fuck is Dabuz? I don't CARE. If I cared, I'd have asked. Most people who are in this thread are here because you're being a fucking retard.

You lured people in because they wanted to argue about tiers, and then shilled your shitty twitch channel. Of course people are going to be displeased with your low quality ass thread.

Please inhale more semen.

just using up my folder of mario-related reaction pics, bruh
dont hate pls

Do I sound like him yet?

Literally just a few letters that don't even convey any message other then being a name bother you this much?

Why do people keep putting Cloud that high if he never wins shit?

Anti won CEO using Mario/Diddy/Cloud in grand finals, with Cloud being used at the last matches.

kill yourself bud

>molestation tier

Please leave and go to Sup Forums

You first, baby

I have absolutely no reason to go there

See, the reason this thread sucks right now is because (you) are dominating the thread. You have to let people talk.

you can practice on Sup Forums :^)

Smash4 DK is pretty hype (this video was before the sheik nerfs btw)

Literally just a few letters that conveys a message of stop being a tripfag bother you this much?

Fuck off

>all those posts about minecraft and how mad he is at melee being more popular
kinda sad honestly


I'm not mad and melee is not even more popular.

Melee just gets more views at the biggest tournaments (while getting superior time slots).

But in smaller tournaments like weeklies? im pretty sure smash4 gets more views.

Also smash4 tournaments in general tend to have more entrants than melee tournaments

>Redditors are now tripfagging here and posting their shitty tier lists they make on their own

You are a fucking retard and your list is shit fuck off

Wait so is Pikachu actually viable? That's a character I wouldnt mind learning

Yes Pika is pretty good!

(he switches to pika after samus)

What about the tiers for Smash 3DS?

Lol how is he a shill for posting a twitch stream, literally just don't click on it or don't read his post, stop being fucking autists

Need an answer from someone who didnt make the fucking list in the first place

What's a good pocket for a Villager main? Something that covers his weaknesses.

Don't really play Smash 4 ROB's horizontal movement during up B supposed to be really slow? Do I have to press something else to make it go faster?

God damn nigger did melee kill your dog or something

Are you retarded? That's exactly what shilling is. He posted a link unwarranted to advertise someone

I'm not the one who made that list

I'm not him and no Pikachu is not viable. ESAM has fooled retarded redditors like him into believe he is but Pikachu has never come close to winning anything relevant and very few people use him. He's a higher mid tier character but it's good compared to actual top tiers

Theoretically, but he takes a lot of skill to use properly.

>linking to reddit

I literally gave a video in this thread that showed pikachu winning Xanadu which is a very relevant regional, one of the bigger ones.

R.O.B is very vulnerable during his Up B so yeah

I'm linking this dumbasses threads if you couldnt tell

MVDA is one of the weakest regions in Smash 4 and don't place well at all at majors winning Xanadu is nothing you idiot its a fucking weekly, know what your talking about before you open your retarded mouth, filtered.

This is an ANONYMOUS image board tripfag no ecelebs here


Xanadu is not nothing. It's not SoCal true but players like Seagull Joe and Pink Fresh are still borderline top 50 players. Seagull Joe maybe less by now actually but he is still a good player.

I doubt the regionals that user will go to will be bigger than a Xanadu.

It literally has the option to have a username. it has that option because it was meant to be used by people who want to

Now grow up and get over me having a username

Look I know you're new and all but that's now how it's done around here kiddo

I can't tell how much autism this guy has or if he's just pretending.

We've always had trips here, how new are you?

I'm in Sup Forums for years im REALLY not new.

>Mewtwo all the way up there
>Bayo not A
>Falcon not A-
>Robin not B-
Mostly good tier list

Abadango won Pound and got to top 8 at both EVO and CEO, all with Mewtwo.

Mewtwo is insane right now.

Actually, *almost* only with mewtwo cause he counterpicks dabuz with meta knight since MK obliterates rosa

Bet on me for 2017.

Meta does not counter Rosalina, its 6-4 at most. And Rosa with any idea how to avoid grab mix-ups after his basic pokes has an easy punish, and an easy edge guard due to the angle he is forced to approach at. Have you ever won a single minor event?

>Attempting to cyber bully someone in Sup Forums

You show miserably low moral standard, user.

Does anyone know how I can git gud at Sonic?

Meta Knight hard counters Rosa because he has no problems killing Luma and he can kill rosalina from a dash attack at 30% if he knows what he is doing.

also edgegaurding MK is very difficult.

You have to be 18 to post on this site.

>Being thin skinned on fucking Sup Forums yet you've "been here for years"

You are embarrassing yourself drink bleach

How can one man be this retarded
Oh wait

why are his teeth so fucked up

Like it or not, but basing things on how you act right now, I'm literally superior morally to all of you right now.

Grow up a bit and get over your childish urges to swear random people over the internet

Reddit hates opinions they don't agree with.

Google search Smashboards.

This is an obvious master ruser fishing for attention and replies. This has to be his 100th Smash thread today alone.

Regardless, annoying as shit. Filtered!

Aaaaand done.

>I'm literally superior morally to you all
Only someone from reddit could be this retarded

>made by reddit
It all comes full circle.

Except your trip is the catalyst that set the thread aflame. The "complaining about tripcodes" wouldn't exist without your badge of attention whoring.

Thus, your trip is a detriment to the board and a threat to video game discussion. Leave, or drop the nametag

>Cyber bully
Well, I can't stop now, I trigged the 14y old

You just keep proving my point.
Show some observation and self criticism skills and realize that what you are doing right now is morally wrong.

Oh shit I don't think he's baiting he's being serious go back to your home if you want a hugbox faggot

Look at my new tripcode :^)

Except in reality it's literally the opposite, lately it's almost always
>anons shitposting
>tripfag posts something relevant to discussion
>"fuck off tripfag RREEEE..."
>it either becomes this argument or anons simply drown out whatever possibility of discussion through more shitposting

Your >muh anonimity attitude makes you just as much a special snowflake as you claim trifags to be

>tripfagging isn't a bannable offense


Just popping in to voice my opinion that you're being an obnoxious attention seeking moron and that you really should get off this site.

A trip is not a "username", a trip is not meant to persist outside of a single thread, and (You) are literally not welcome here.


>I'm literally superior morally to all of you right now
Im done, you win tripfag.

melee beats it at almost every smash focused event though.
it gets the better timeslot since people enjoy it watching more, even Mr.McRibs said it

>melee is not popular
>it just gets more views
But that's exactly what being more popular means you retard


>Dedede always lowest tier
Honestly why?

>Sup Forums is one of the worst boards on the internet
So is Sup Forums. What's your fucking point tripfag?