What has been your experience with Russian gamers?

For me, they ALL hack, without exception, on Rust, DayZ, Arma, CSGO, and more.

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Russians are cunts.
Eastern Europeans are in general a bunch of dirty bastards who always try and scam you.

Brazilians are worse.

Never played with them

fun and autistic

non-russian slavs tend to be alright

They can be your best friend or worse enemy (or ally), there is no middle ground with them.

How do you know someone's nationality if they don't speak?

Иди нaхyй.

Me mid Idi nahui pidor amerikos

some russian hacked my steam account
steam support nailed him surprisingly fast, got account back
turns out dude only played KF2 and CSGO, got firebug and gunslinger to 15ish in like a day, some arms race in cs. didn't even touch any of my inventory

weird day

He just wanted to play some games besides dota2.

Because their country is a third world shithole but they don't want to acknowledge that fact so they prop up their delusions of greatness by acting like cunts to every other country online.

They mostly keep to themselves, and on the rare occasion that they spam the chat with English and not slavrunes, it's atrocious and barely legible. A lot of hackers and cheaters. I avoid them where I can.

That's about it.

Every Russian i play in SFV play Cammy for some reason, does nothing but DP all day and then rage quite when i beat them

>Getting Scammed
You deserve it.
Just like rape in most cases

Russians are cool guys though. Interesting people if you can overcome the language barrier.

My only experience with them has been pleasant albeit mediocre, all the ruskies i've ever met don't even talk, they just play the game.

I made one say "get out of here stalker" when i spammed CHEEKI BREEKI IDI NAHUI

>Russians are cool guys though
Literally white niggers.

>kurva suka blat )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Cancer. No teamplay skills or social skills when playing with non-russians.

That is true.

Literal assholes. Constantly screaming in slavshit.
Usually compromised of little kids.
Team up with BRs and take over dead multiplayer games. Biased.

Some of the worst people I've ever met were Russians.

>ITT: underage gathered up to express their feelings after being blown the fuck out in a video game

oh vey vey hahahaha

Hy и ты иди нaхyй.

>delusional ruskie faggot thinks people are actually upset about his slavrune insults
People from civilized countries have no idea what you're saying, dumbfuck.

I always try to put aside my difference and try to work together with ruskies, because our common enemy is the kebab and removal of it.

I'd love to tell you, but I don't play online, тoвapищ
Most of my friends don't. We usually gather to some Extreme VS sessions via skype and that's it.
PC gaming in russia is mainstream, so most faggots you meet online probably either school brats or just regular punks.
True patricians here play on consoles.

They're alright when you're on a full Russian server. Used to play in those sometimes when I was up early and had nothing to do. They do get pissy if they feel they're a minority on a server and will hack everyone else out until Russians are the ruling nationality.

Чyвaк, эти игpoки oтcтoй.
Я, бля, нeнaвижy этих людeй.

>civilized countries

like what ? Aren't you the one who voted for the nigger Obama and now screams black lives matter?

I'm Australian and I played GTA5 with three Russian guys some time last year. We achieved Criminal Mastermind (all heists, in order, same team, hard difficulty, no deaths) together. Only one of them spoke English.

>when a Russian gets pissed he starts typing out in his crypto-greek alphabet because he can't articulate his thoughts in English
Hahaha fucking subhuman slav retards.

As a canadian, russians living here in canada or the US are bros among bros. They're super fun to be around, play games with, and god help you if you drink with them. You'll have a good time, but your liver will die.

Russian russians are not an option. Do not play with them.

Congrats user, you were lucky.

I mean I'm of russian origin myself and I'm not having this luck of meeting russians I can play with.

Nope, not a burger, try again.

they refuse to talk english, hijack eurogames and it´s a shit game if i get connected to russian servers
also i feel like murdering someone when i spot they got legit wallhacks on + aimbot and dont kick the cheaters out of servers. fuck those faggots to death

I am upset by admitting that russian players are indeed the worst and by using slavrunes to show that I'm not biased?

мaкc peпocт!

Лaйк и peпocт!

aхaхaх двaчyю хДДДД

t. Ivan

fucking summer

Self-loathing is bias too.

That would be Polaks.

You can dvachevat' from school as well, you know.

Nah, Polaks are based.
They actually make some good vidya and they stopped speaking polish in online games like 3 years ago.

Teach me how to read your russian runes, mister

Well blyad', you got me then

Played PR and Squad, and Insurgency with Russians. Very chill dudes, skillful too.
As you can see OP, i play good games and thus I meet good players. You play shit games with shit players

>Dude, those players are lame.
>Fuck, I hate those people.

Go to bed, Vladimir.

back in my days GPRS was too fucking expensive
playing Midtown Madness on school PC was the shit tho

They are white niggers outside video games.

No, that's still the Russians. Poles are alright.

Sure thing Pawel

t.britbong mad that polaks tuk his jerb

Well maybe you should stop playing in shit games nigga.

All of them are hackers and shits.

Except that one bro I found on a Sven Co-Op server.

Thanks, tovarisch

>You play shit games with shit players
Thousand times this.

Not for much longer :^)

Rule Britannia

I'm Lithuanian, which is probably the 3rd worst european nation in video games after Russia and Poland.

That's kind of what we do in america...

To be more precise, it's
>Man, these players stink.
>I fucking hate these people.

>95% squeekers going "BLYAD SUKA!"
>5% really, REALLY good, communicating players

Why someone would spend their time doing this graphic?

"Ruski, yes?"
"Cyka blyat!"

Russians are bro-tier. Every old game has a good ammount of based mods made by ruskies.

Pornhub would. Because it's from Pornhub. Pornhub does things like this.

Data is cool.


You take that back cunt

There's a lot of underage russian players because there's virtually no parental control over video games in Russia, they play whatever the fuck they want to play. Most of the russians you meet in f2p garbage or CS:GO are just 13 years old retards, aggressive and prone to cheating. Older russian players are actually extremely chill and usually pretty skilled but their numbers are way lower compared to underage crowd and they prefer playing in singleplayer or older games.

Russians are literal shit


>Hey, where are you from?
>I'm from Russia.
>ololo suka blyat :DDD vodka say suka blyat
That's why I usually don't say anything about where I'm from.

How there's no parental control? Could you be more specific?


>implying there is parental control in america.

Can confirm what he said about older gamers. Or they're filthy weebs like me.

The one time that russians weren't ABSOLUTE cancer was the one time I popped onto a ruskie RO2 server. They were still cunts, granted, but at least they could play the game and not just CYKA BLYAT RASH B

And american players are fucking horrible as well generally.

Nah I got carried by legit playing ruskies in GO once.

>LIthuanian calling anyone a nigger

the irony is rich

why not both

Parents literally don't give a fuck what their children play.
t. a Russian that played Postal 2 when he was 13

Shouldn't you be in jail now?

Fuck. How do you know? But i dont regequit

>playing war thunder ground forces
>one tank on my team has a ukrainian flag decal
>two others have russian decals
>they start spewing potato runes at each other
>start shooting each other
>match starts with three of my team already destroyed

>stuck with poles and ruskies in CS:GO
we didn't last 10 seconds

This happen in most third world countries actually, so it's not something exclusively from Russia

You can buy any video game despite its rating as a 10 yeard old kid in any store.
Parents don't give a shit about what are you playing as well.

They are a nation of cheaters. Not as in they are more skilled or use in-game tricks to gain advantages, but that they Chinese-made hacking software to alter game code to literally cheat at any game they play.

We can only hope that they are banned from the Olympics forever, too.

That's fucked up


W-why would I?

that's normal
>implying "adult" media somehow influence people

Don't you keep in touch with the news? Anime is illegal now and you're a pedo for watching it

In that case
>lithfag mad that Polaks still claim Lithuania is rightful Polish clay

>reading news.
I prefer remain sane

No, it doesn't influence people, but it's ethically wrong to sell violent games to small children.

That's not at all more precise.

Wait what?