Do you agree with this chart Sup Forums?

Do you agree with this chart Sup Forums?
vidya charts thread

I never agree with any chart.


3ds chart please I ordered one today


>this bait

Methinks it is a joke, sire.


What is up with that way of holding guns? You see it everywhere.


I don't know about later FF and later RE, a lot of people don't really like them.

They're entry points, with the thumbnail being the "best" game in the series.



>They're entry points, with the thumbnail being the "best" game in the series.
>Xenoblade X
>the best


Similar lists, but the one
I posted has a few non-freeware games in it (though they all have a sort of "freeware design philosophy" to them).



It also looks terrible. I wouldn't really want to put Killing Floor on the same list as Cave Story but that's just me.

Darkstalkers Chronicle isn't any good. It's like if you bought Super Mario All-Stars but then found that it was only an inaccurate SMB3 port with level layouts form SMB1, LL and Lost Levels clumsily pasted in as extra worlds.


I agree, Killing Floor shouldn't be on there.

Also, I don't think the list was complete. I saw it in a thread, and the OP was adding to it based on suggestions. Still, most of the games in that list are quite good.

Isn't complexity a bad thing? I've heard design professors always say you want "Low complexity, high depth."

Dear god why is the Dead Rising port on there?




>Isn't complexity a bad thing? I've heard design professors always say you want "Low complexity, high depth."
I agree with this mindset, but lots of people don't. Some people really like having a wide breath of features in video games (see Dwarf Fortress).

Also, it just so happens that the video games that require the most thought also are the ones with these wide-ranging, complex features. I would like to see more elegantly designed, minimalist games that require thought (think chess), but they are very hard to come by.


>Other M
>Dead Rising 2 zombies edition
>multiplats and ports
>casual and sports shit

Low complexity, Low depth: Mario has only one jump height
High complexity, Low depth: Mario has only one jump height and it requires you do a Quartercircle motion to perform it
High complexity, High depth: Mario has several jump heights, bound to their own dedicated buttons.
Low complexity, High depth: Mario has several jump heights done by holding a single jump button down for different times.

You can have depth without as much complexity. Dwarf Fortress is good, but it is not as well designed as it could be.

What about Rivals Of Aether?

I dunno. With its bad net code and its lack of features, probably mid tier.



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