Why is Sup Forums so hostile to the simple idea that girls can legitimately enjoy videogames rather than pretend to...

Why is Sup Forums so hostile to the simple idea that girls can legitimately enjoy videogames rather than pretend to like them for attention?

girls have bad taste in videogames
then again so does Sup Forums


>inb4 le simply epic degradation of a hobby strawman comic

I'll believe it when I see it.

you made this thread last night with the same image, did you not get enough (you)s?

We've already had this thread.

>Sup Forums is one person

I'll bite the bait anyway, the only girl I knew to play video games was this sort of ugly girl who didnt go out much and mostly stayed indoors watching films or playing games. There really aren't many girls with a genuine interest in games the same way there aren't many guys with a genuine interest in knitting

Because girls don't like anything. It's about attention, it' about socal validation. They're vapid, vacuous creatures. They're only good for filling with seed and shitting out children.

Why are you a white knight

Fuck you. I do like knitting it just too fucking time consuming


Because that's a fact. My girlfriend used to play Combat Arms and Crossfire, told her those games are shit.

Goddammit you know why. Actual girl gamers are in a very small minority.

Because 90% of grrrrrl nerd gamers love to play bubblewitch on facebook.

Mobile games aren't designed for people who like games. They are designed for playing during a shit that's taking too long.

they started doing season 16 here on tv in europe and i can't wait for them to reach that hilarious episode just to hear ice t says that "it's better than civilization v with the brave new world expansion" in my own language

i should make a thread when that happen

Because as fans of something we assume a general fellowship in sharing experiencing with the same thing, which is often shattered when we meet someone, regardless of sex race or anything, who we do not feel this connection with. It reveals how identifying as a fan of something doesn't mean much.

They're hostile over everything.

Because they don't actually know any girls. They just see Twitch whores and instantly assume that's the majority.

They do. It's more about the fact that they have to scream about it every chance they get.

Normalfag girls don't play video games, except for maybe cell phone games.

If you're a girl that likes legitimately enjoy vydia and doesn't want attention, you don't need to say your gender in an anonymous imageboard nor claim you like games out loud.

You're a gigantic retard.

Not a single person on Sup Forums thinks pic related is the majority of gamer girls. You must be really fucking new.

>How I Realized Women use Difficulty to Keep Men out of Knitting
>Knitting: Where's the Easy Mode?
>Just Because I Don't Have Time to Knit Doesn't Mean I'm Less of a Knotter than You
>Whiny Knitting Girlbabbies Throw Fit Because Knitting is Changing for the Better
>Knitting Isn't for You Anymore, Ladies

Mind explains what language?

I'm not opposed to the idea as long as the girl in question doesn't attempt to gather attention by screaming it out that she's a GAMER GURRRRL. I've been friends with women who enjoyed video games in a healthy way, and they were alright.

Assuming everyone is male is as sexist as getting mad when a girl says she's a girl

Nothing wrong with a girl saying I'm a girl

Because videogames started as a way for men to get away from their daily lives
Women came in and ruined it

If women play video games I'll lose my male privileges and I won't be able to rape whoever I want.

Who would want that?

>Assuming everyone is male is as sexist
Fuck off.

Who the fuck cares about that shit?

how do you not see anything wrong with that line of thinking

this is your mindset:
>everyone on the internet is a male, and If I see anything that contradicts this view, I am going to chimp out

It's okay when it's relevant. Which it almost never is.

Granted I have seen a few people get triggered even when it was relevant, which was a bit stupid.

>>Just Because I Don't Have Time to Knit Doesn't Mean I'm Less of a Knotter than You
Those women have no idea how much stuff I've knotted in my life.

>the internet
>in an anonymous imageboard
pick one

>a faggot

pick both

>it's another Sup Forums discusses gender episode

Too much /r9k/ crossboarding.

Sup Forums was right, we must shit on anybody who ever shows signs of browsing other places.

You got my reply

Sup Forums, get out and stay out.

so much for not being sexist.

Sup Forums complains when people point out their gender on Sup Forums, not the entire "Internet"

Because they're usually thots.

So why are anime posters allowed here then?

anime posters have always been on Sup Forums, where did you get this idea that there was ever an anime free Sup Forums?

Not him, but my mindset is "there is a person on the other side of a cable" instead of "there is a gendered person on the other side of a cable". 90% of the time it's pointless to know someone's gender.

>everyone on Sup Forums is a male, and If I see anything that contradicts this view, I am going to chimp out

this mindset is equally as stupid

Sup Forums dislike people who want to fit to much regardless of gender.

Not it's not, see .

now you're getting it

Well, where did you get the idea that Sup Forums was ever /r9k/-kind-of-people free?

lol it's the fucking internet who cares about sexism and besides it's Sup Forums where everyone is anonymous why does your fucking gender matter and need to be told?

>there is another person on the other side of a cable

so why would you be mad if that person was a female instead of male?

I guess I should have mentioned i'm not that guy I didn't "chimp out"

There is nothing wrong with assuming you're talking to a guy when guys are the majority of what you will talk to at any given moment on Sup Forums, its exactly the same as using he/she instead of a non-binary pronoun on government papers

I didn't, I am also not that guy, I started browsing the original /r9k/ while I was still on Sup Forums so... yeah

Crossposters from Sup Forums and /r9k/

Video games are mainstream now. I'm all for equal representation, but you're not going to fucking call me a sexist because I say I have no interest playing Tomb Raider. Your'e not going to fucking guilt trip me into paying for an experience I don't want to take part of.

>implying that actually works

Because there's no need to tell your gender in 90% of cases. If you're doing it, it's for attention seeking, which is annoying in a imageboard where you're supposed to be anonymous.

Poor guy. He was just suggesting she play gone home but he misspoke.

My sister plays a good amount of vidya, and a considerable portion of females I've been acquainted with plays video games in some amount. Maybe they just have never seen a girl play video games outside of twitch streams.

>Just Because I Don't Have Time to Knit Doesn't Mean I'm Less of a Knotter than You
Holy shit, muh dick

I say we raid Sup Forums daily to remind them what Sup Forums was originally made for.

video games

Go back to r9k then

I knew one girl who rivaled me in autism expertise. She was a huge touhou fan and talked to me a lot about dangan ronpa and jojo. She also literally had minor autism and pretended to be a guy.

original /r9k/ predates /soc/, I would go back to the original if I could but I can't.

>If you're doing it, it's for attention seeking

this is where you are completely wrong

notice how nobody chimps out when there's a post indicating you are a male but everybody chimps out when there's a post indicating you are a female

it's simply nothing more than people chimping out for no good justified reason

women never ever have hobbies. not in the way men do.

their only hobby is social climbing everything else is just a vehicle they leech off of, like gaming

I didn't know they made em this new. This post still has its umbilical cord for Christ's sake.

I think you're retarded for thinking they don't.

I'm pretty sure they at least legitimately enjoy the Sims.

Why does it matter bringing that up anyway?

Do you actually care about the games?

yeah kind of consumed my life at some point
had to go see a therapist
now I just get by with crocheting on the weekends

because they can't, the ones that 'do' just act like it to attract dudes

you don't actually see the ones that really enjoy vidya cause they're inside doing the same shit you're doing, not socializing and staying hidden from society

Source: your anus. Hardly ever I see someone stating he's a guy unless there's actually a reason to do so (the 10% cases).

Because we've mostly only ever seen the attentionwhore side 90% of the time. The other 9% actually play them but are bad and have more internal issues as people than most of Sup Forums then you have the 1% that are good at games, and most of that one percent arent even real women but trannies and neckbeards pretending.

>tfw crochetbabies think they can hang with the grown knittas

Brazil might be a shithole, but if there's something they got right was banning girls from their imageboards.

or maybe you just don't see it because you subconsciously associate every post as being male

you also don't need to explicity state your gender to imply you are a male, plenty of people make references to their dicks but they don't get called an attention whore

Some girls play games just like some guys play games. Not all of them do it for attention. Either you guys only legitimate interaction with females is extremely limited or you guys are retarded. Considering its Sup Forums im gonna go with both.


A lot of people like to trump up gaming news as an identity. Sup Forums used to do it. Then that identity became shared with people Sup Forums hated, so they frantically rejected it and tried to establish a new subculture.

Most of people in Sup Forums are males. If it was the other way around (most of anons were female), making reference to your own dick would become attention whoring.

>I beat this game and I'm a girl
>But you don't understand I'm a girl and I like video games
>But I'm a giiiiiirl

If you enjoy video games that's fine, but you don't have to point out the fact that you have a vagina all the time.

If you're genuinely interested in video games you shouldn't have to bring up your gender at all, the only thing it does is make some fat neckbeards become white knights who want to give you everything because they think they'll get to fuck you after

>being on Sup Forums for anything else than shitposting
Only might and magic threads are there to be nice and comfy
I remember spending my christmas eve three or four years ago in a m&m thread after family dinner

girls play vidya and only shitposters or Sup Forumstards get pissy about that

it's when they go out of their way to mention that they're a girl AND they play games that it becomes blindingly obvious that they're just attention whoring. It's not just a girl thing, mind you. If a gay guy or a furry or whatever did the same shit they'd be just as much of an attention whore.

>There are people that actually think Kaceytron is actually how she behaves on stream

She's legitimately pretending to be the biggest GAMURGURL she can

>what determines whether you are attention whoring or not is simply existing as a minority


Video games are for autists.

Girls aren't autists.

Bullfucking shit.
My first gf loved mortal kombat, she sucked at it but loved it.
My second gf hated vidya at first but then got mad addicted on star wars battlefront and played twice as much as I did in the end

>know people chimp out and are permavirgins
>they play vidya for escapims
>let's trigger them, tehehehe

Sup Forums is worse than DSP sometimes, and i mean (You) not my permavirgin spergs, i love those guys.

But it has no relevance, I don't say I'm a guy everytime I post, what would be the point?

>He's never met an autistic girl

Good one.

I sew, c-can I ride with ya'll?

Fuck off underage

>then you have the 1% that are good at games, and most of that one percent arent even real women but trannies and neckbeards pretending
Life is suffering.

>I love video games!
>I love video games! Btw I'm a girl ;)
Notice the difference?

Nobody fucking does this

If you're part of the majority, nobody gives a fuck, you won't get any attention, so it's not a problem. If you're the minority, you'll get attention.

Shitposters do this to trigger the autism of permavirgins.
It's always so fucking obvious but we all know how bad autists are at getting shit like that

>or maybe you just don't see it because you subconsciously associate every post as being male
Cool it, Freud.

yes, you'll get attention.

but that doesn't mean you're making an effort to attention whore. that's my whole point.

just because spergs sperg doesn't mean it's justified sperging.

I agree, only fine gentlemen like us can enjoy the real pleasures of life, not like the rancid swine that bitches are today, good sir!

Who cares if you're making an effort or not? It's unnecessary to do something you know will gather attention.