Post games that ruin friendships

Post games that ruin friendships


Give way to the king

>dolphin netplay is already ded

Cmon lad no one who plays this type of game has friends to begin with.

That was actually the marketing slogan for Mario Party on the gamecube.

i seriously miss when mario party was just a solid board game.
i've thrown chairs at my cousins over this shit

now its "everyone wins" utter garbage


Jazz for your soul

>stocking up on reverse mushrooms to keep passing boo and steal absolutely everything
I think that was the first time I've ever made someone rage quit.


>everyone wins

Do you know what that phrase means?

i don't think you've played the newest mario party.

its utter coddling completely random by chance garbage. just about every minigame is 100% luck based now and there are no more turns. each game lasts 5 minutes. the competitive mario party spirit is dead

I hate that you're forced to go with the rest of the group. Why did Nintendo think people would find this fun?

>its utter coddling completely random by chance garbage.
So, Mario Party.

>just about every minigame is 100% luck based now
So what? Nobody cares about how good you are at fucking Mario Party. Just because you could get 10 coins by winning Hexagon Heat doesn't mean it would turn the tides. That just makes you a bigger target for someone to completely dick over. Though if you're really this concerned with being skilled at, again, fucking *Mario Party*, then chances are you're already #1 on all your pals' hit lists.

>Just because you could get 10 coins by winning Hexagon Heat doesn't mean it would turn the tides.
One minigame can change everything. What are you talking about?

So, Netplay thread?

And thanks to Dokapon Kingdom, they never will.

>its utter coddling completely random by chance garbage.
Mario Party is entirely based in RNG, and was always based. It's the reason why it ruins friendship.

>the competitive mario party spirit is dead
How can a luck-based game be COMPETITIVE? A party board casual game was the definition for Mario Party, and will always be. I think you need to stop being blinded by nostalgia.

The only actual complaint I have with 10 is that at the end the player that uses bowser is hugely advantaged because there's only a 1/3 chance that you'll get it right and if you don't you have to repeat the whole thing again which is pretty much a guaranteed loss.

>I think you need to stop being blinded by nostalgia.
>friends who have never even played mario party before even realize the old style is better after i introduced them to the games
Nice meme argument though. Games like 3 are a nice mix of random and strats and aren't as boring. Fuck the car shit and newer games.

>playing a long Civ 5 game with friends
>turn based warfare is on
>declare war
>realize I fucked up and can't possibly win
>spend the next hour trying to think of a way out
>one turn before having my capital razed
>never end my turn
>can't be kicked because I'm the host
I'll admit it was a dick move. I apologized later and my friends were bros about it.

This one

It's obvious you didn't play the older games when you say stupid shit like that. There's a lot less luck-based shit than you're claiming, and even if it's not Risk or Monopoly it's still pretty competitive because there's actual player input and choices, unlike the cart shit that happens in the newer games.

Had a friend that was adopted and attention hungry, I felt pity for him so I got him the Xbox version so he had something to occupy himself. The moment he found out that it was seen as hardcore by some people he became the most retarded person I knew that only cared about looking like a try hard while failing miserably at try harding. He then proceeded to become a hugely competitive dick after this and tried to fucking people over, funnily enough every time he did he fucked himself over and out of getting the thing he was trying to get by fucking others over.

*tried to fuck people over

>over at friends house for a birthday party recently
>some people are playing mario party 3
> the guy in dead last switches out with me because he gets too drunk to play
>steal stars from the birthday boy, win minigames left and right, end up in first
>somehow the guy in second get THREE (3) extra stars at the end for random fucking bullshit
>ends up winning
The mini-games are cool but all the bonus stars are just stupid.

You can turn them off.

Holy fuck I remember wondering what that option was when I was a kid, it all makes sense now.

The bonus stars are always the same in the first few Mario Parties (most coins in minigames, most coins at one time, most happening spaces). I always did my best at minigames and hoarding coins when playing.

Dokapon Kingdom is the ultimate friendship raping game.

Expecting people to play through a 9 hour long campaign mode when the utter hopelessness starts sinking in at turn 10. Not even from your friends deliberately stealing your shit and changing your name.
At any time the game can just decide to make you pay 50k for every town you own, release aids monkeys into random battles for a week, have the boss half your stats until death, get abducted by aliens and lost all your stats, the king could give your hyper developed town to the asshole thief that stole the chapter item just by walking past you, weber could give you the blackmail or bug that eats all your revives, or your enemy could get a stat boost at the perfect time to fuck you over.

I've never seen a game of dokapon through to the end. I've never even seen the 4th continent.

>There's a lot less luck-based shit than you're claiming
Are you forgetting Chance Time? It could either do almost nothing for a game, or change entirely everything. How is the older Mario Party not any less luck-based?

>it's still pretty competitive
Listen at this. Mario Party can't be competitive because it's RNG. No matter in what board, in what situation you're, or whatever. There will be always something or not that will change your progression. It all depends in luck.

I haven't played the new Mario Party games with car, but the reason why it has the car thing is basically because the older games harmed friendship. There's no reason get upset, or tryhard, in a casual party board game because luck can't be defeated. If people were not THAT angry to play, Mario Party would not have to be changed to car gimmick.

>Games like 3 are a nice mix of random and strats
Oh, sure. I mean, Chance Time does make the game very balanced and very fun, right?

Not to mention Bowser Party is probably the best thing that's ever happened to the series

>It all depends in luck.
That's not true though, or else I'd be losing to my sister instead of beating her every time. If you don't think skill is involved with mini games, item management, stage gimmicks, and predicting your opponent's next move, you're insane.

ironically, games with chance time are less luck based then games without chance time.

Playing the DS version with your bros on a long bus ride was hell because you couldn't just walk away

>Grab your soon-to-be-ex-friends and charge into a true contest of strategy, wit, and beating each other senseless

Fuck Dokapon Kingdom.

>playing with bro and friend
>bro has a big advantage over us
>both of us attempt to take him down
>friend becomes darkling
>rolls darkling spaces on my bro
>limit his battle options so that no matter what he would lose
>last turn with the darkling spaces
>bro ends up spinning a fucking 0

Never before have I felt such utter rage and contempt at a video game.

I remember how my sisters used to get PISSED whenever I stole coins via Boo or something similar.

Retardy when

Step aside, the King of Ruining Friendships coming through

So, then, you wouldn't mind if I stepped in, and suddently, rob all of your coins and stars, and be in first place, and while you be in last place?

Oh, and what about Bowser space? Surely, you wouldn't mind if he take his decisions, and do whatever he wants to do for you, would you?

I mean, it's just a game, right, user?

i'm just saying.

there's less random factors involed in earlier games, somehow.

like, lets take the last one i played, mario party 8, the boo map is literally randomly generated and you can't see where your going at first, no older game has a map like that.

if i'm not incorrect, its also the game where bonus stars are randomly generated instead of preset, so it could be anything from "winning the most minigames" to "landed on the most blue's" or "eating the most candy".

The dice in the game is what makes the game luck-based. You can't choose the number of times you want to walk. Having skill in the game will only just adjust the RNG.

I lost so many friends simply because I didn't like this game.

Probably for the better

This . Mario Party 2 and 3 were legendary for the amount of salt generated.

Everything is fucking rigged in that game.
One time we played the prologue all the way, only saving at the very first turn, lights went out and we restart from there.

Every roll and roulette item was the exact same, even the random encounter enemies did the exact same command.