Who Comfey here?

Who Comfey here?

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The porn will be weird.

What's the matter, user? Never stuck your dick in a wreath before?

All Pokemon porn is weird.

>tfw being a Raichu fan

Flower klefki?

At least it's not Bewear

>Not wanting to get laid by a lei

I said it was weird, not that I wouldn't fuck it.

why isn't this an evolution of flabebe




I guess I shouldn't be surprised that retards here like this since there were so many who defended literal ice cream cone.


>tfw finally came to gripes with how Pokemon designs are changed for good and how I'll just have to deal with it if I want to play the games again
>Try my hardest to try and see the good in design choices from last gen
>"I guess I can tolerate these, times are changing and I'll always have my older pokemon"
>See current gen designs
Nope. Nope. Nope. Fuck this. I am NOT the problem. Fuck all you guys who even tolerate this shit. I can't enjoy a pokemon game in which Yokai Watch has better designs. Nope. Nope. Nope. Fuck Pokemon. I refuse.

Raichu's got some pretty good and relatively normal porn though.

Nah, fuck that, these are objectively and genuinely subpar designs and you should feel bad if you like them. Not hearing none of that meme shit this time around. Call me le epic genwunner and quote your may mays, I don't care, I feel much better knowing I don't have shit tastes like faggots like you.

>yokai watch
>better anything

lmao sure thing user

no one cares whether or not you like it

Cared enough to post. Fuck off if you're so great and above my opinons, retard.

Relative to the source material/pre-established tone and designs it's superior.



>mosterous hivemind seeds bad

also, eggs are naturally occuring objects that embody life. having them as monsters is reasonable.

But why would a MANMADE NECKLACE be an animal? AND WHY CAN IT FLOAT?

How can LITERALLY A POKEBALL be a pokemon?

klefki has porn, theyll find a way

>having them as monsters is reasonable

Good thing they're Pocket Monsters then.

You don't know what objective means do you?

mimic. It's suppose to resemble the item overworld sprite, thus the design is gameplay focused.

LITERALLY A NECKLACE doesn't have that excuse. its just lazy

It's not a necklace you dink. It's a creature with a tail that has flower like growths on it. Kinda like

>pokemon porn is normal

is Sup Forums = /fur/ now?

>why would a MANMADE MAGNET be an animal

It's possible, I can already see how could it bee

comfy porn it will be

ever had flowers in your ass?

>another flower Pokemon that isn't Grass type
Seriously, GF?


>That one pokemon you'd have to resist the urge to fuck if it were real

What's it's name user

But theres no design more Comfey than comfy

Because it's too Comfey

They're just as wierd as gen one, take off your nostalgia goggles

>Sup Forums actually believes this

>complains about a flower that gathers other flowers existing, let alone floating
>somehow magnemite gains a pass, despite being made of screws and magnets

It's Hawaii, it'd be weirder if there wasn't a lei Pokemon

all o em



>comfy wraps around your erect clock as it constructs it with its rope like body. It begins to open up its small mouth, stretching it over your cock as if it were a snake devouring it's prey whole. It's little flowers begin to tickle your ballpark teasingly as it pleasures you with its mouth. As you scream out that you are about to cut it begins to tighten it's grip around the girth of your cock as you shoot a stream of warm, oozing cum into its mouth. You ate a lot of pineapple by the way before this started

quit false flagging already

>All Pokemon porn is weird.
Not if you're a Lopunny fan.

>tickle your ballpark

I just posted in this thread for the first time.

Fuck you.

I know not all of Gen One is perfect, but for fuck's sake, why deviate from a money-making, appreciated scheme.

Can you change clothes, hairstyle, appearance in Sun and Moon?

>your erect clock

20 years too late for that

Any Hawaiians offended by this?

Yes, yes and yes.

There hasn't been a single Pokémon that I dislike this gen outside of Beware. This gen is already better than gen 6

Thank god. That and wonder trades were the best things from X and Y.

Yes, me.

>Durr why is this fairy gathering flowers?


You can even go Hatless

>you can even be a weak piece of shit

Or a gardefag

Them finally allowing IVs to be changed is the tipping point for me. I've wanted this for so long

I'd say Absol, but mostly because people seem to see dog fuckers as weirder than say, dolphin/horse fuckers.

Why should they be? It's a Hawaiian thing, it's not offensive at all, plus it's interesting

Ah, so that's what that Hyper Training bit was about? I thought it was just Super Training but with a different name.

Basically any humanoid looking mon that has a female appearance.

They just confirmed it today, although they call IVs "individual strengths"

That's pretty cool, about time too, Nature Changer coming to Gen VIII next hopefully :)

I just want to know how to get bottle caps. Hopefully it'll not be a bullshit way.

Eh natures are at least manageable, there's only a handful of them and they can be manipulated with Synchronize for encounters and Everstone for eggs.

I like small cute Pokémon with long tails. So why do I hate Comfey?

Senpai, you're wanting to fuck an animal either way. It's all degeneracy whether it's a dolphin or a horse or a dog.

Absol's my own #1 of Pokemon I'd pound though. Probably the hair and my weak spot for fluffy things.

Didn't we drive all you faggots off this board after it was universally agreed that SuMo are the worst Pokemon games with the worst Pokemon designs?

>tfw I just need a synchronize pokemon with the right nature to get wild pokemon which can be competitive
Fucking finally. No more egg hatching for me, unless I absolutely need an egg move.

Foongus did it better faggot, Voltorb is literally just a fucking ball.

It's gonna be biblical.

I'm going to guess that they're not going to be much different than the Shards used for move tutoring.

>judging a game that's still 4 months away from release and barely anything is known about

>are the worst Pokemon games
We haven't even got a glimpse of even 1% of the game yet. It's too early to call it before we know all the features and how it plays.

>with the worst Pokemon designs
There's a few shit designs, but the cat and owl are alright, and Mimikyu is based as fuck.

Though, I have a hard time saying any generation has the worst Pokemon designs because I've ended up having Pokemon I've liked from every gen.

I don't even know why they restricted hyper training only to level 100 pokemon, but whatever. I can live with that.

Any of them if they looked the way Liveforthefunk draws them.

This. Or sindoll.

This is retarded

The next pokemon game is going to take place in Canada and one of the pokemon will be a anthropomorphic bottle of maple syrup called syrupi

Remember when Pokémon was marketed towards boys and not girls?

>implying AFUCKINGLEAF isn't gonna literally be a pokemon

>Hockey-Mask Pokemon
>Mountee Pokemon
>Bieber-Haircut Pokemon
>Weed Pokemon
>Shitty Flash Cartoon Pokemon

That cover all the bases?

anime was a mistake

Fuck off with your nugen faggotry

It almost wasn't.

It might have something to do with how IVs correspond to 1 point at level 100. So if somebody who didn't know how IVs work did Hyper Training at level 25 or something and two sessions didn't get the Pokemon even one point of growth, that person would probably deem Hyper Training worthless.

>Hockey Star Jim would like to battle!
>Go, Bidoof!

That position doesn't seem to be that comfy


Fuck off with your genwun faggotry

What even is this? I catch a few Pokémon, beat a few gym leaders, go online and get my fucking ass handed to me by Smogon-worshipping twinks abusing every exploit in the game? Surely I can battle people who didn't put 80 hours into crunching numbers somehow?

Online is full of smogon fags and kids with legendaries, but you still find a lot of fun fights.

>fuck people who actually play the game they paid for
>me, who doesn't want to waste my precious time with a kid's game when i have 10/10 chicks to fuck, must beat them effortlessly

back in the day that's what the overworld sprite for an item looked like you idiot. I like the gen 7 mons and foongus but don't be retarded.