I thought Sup Forums told me this MMO flopped, but now it's the 2nd most actively played in world. what happened?
I thought Sup Forums told me this MMO flopped, but now it's the 2nd most actively played in world. what happened?
WoWrefugees are migrating over and FFXV hype is making people play more Final Fantasy games.
It means 6 million people have made an account. Doesn't mean 6 million are playing the game consistently.
Proof that final faggots will play anything with FF in the title.
Also doesn't hurt that people in the wow community are FINALLY sick of blizzards shit.
Frumix a cute.
It's on PS4 so it's a hit with the FF normies.
Fuck off shill
Very nice artwork.
>SE refusing to tell how many players are actually subbed
>Instead they keep posting how many accounts were made
If Blizzard did it I'm sure they'd be over 20 Million.
Palace of the dead is garbage
I think it's fun, but I can understand why some people won't like it. What I don't understand is what those who hate it were expecting in the first place.
Announcing sub numbers is a good way to kill your subscriber count, just look at WoW. From a business perspective, you don't tell your consumers your investor related data. That's just setting up expectations from your consumers which is a bad thing to do when you run a huge development team.
>this thread
deep dungeons are okay but I'm more focused on Thordan bird farming now. That's the real change of 3.35
Fucking hate WoWfags who play the game now. They are shitting up duty finder and novice network with all their stupid ramblings.
>2.5s GCD is too slow
>why can't I do the expansion content right away at level 1?
>it's my sub I'll play how I want
It's also a good alternative to high iL weapons. With a dedicated group of four, you can easily get a single iL235 in a day, two at most. A lot less time spent than Anima and a lot less effort than Nidhogg EX or Savage Alex. That said though, it's a little weaker than Anima and Savage Alex, and Savage Alex is much faster as long as everyone knows what they're doing. I'm just glad the game is offering more options and I find PotD to be pretty fun.
>it's my sub I'll play how I want
What is it that makes you think this is solely ex-wow players?
If anything I would say it's dipshit weaboo FF fans looking to play a singleplayer MMO.
>FFXIV will overtake WoW someday
I expect a Legion bump but from what we're seeing the subs will tank harder than WoD.
>it's my sub I'll play how I want
This is what kills me the most.
You're a WAR. You're a tank, not a DPS. Get over it. Pick a different job if you must but as long as you're a WAR, you're a tank first and foremost.
People used to say the exact same shit in WoW.
I'm just wondering to be honest.
That's not "ACTIVE" players, just people who have purchased a retail copy. That could also be counting the free trial. Still it's probably doing financially decent. Game would do better and keep players longer then a month if the sub was cheaper.
I do
ask me anything bro
Well yeah, both games have these types of players. I still get blaming WoW for it.
>6 million players
What a majestic clickbait. That's total accounts, not actual active players.
I don't anymore.
It's not difficult to beat a dead horse (aka WoW)
Does Frumix have a cute boipussi?
It seems to be headed in that direction but it's too early to tell. If anything, it seems more likely that MMOs will just fall out of favor altogether in the coming years. I feel like the next two expansions for WoW and FF14 will paint a much clearer picture for the future of MMOs in general.
Isn't this game just some ERP simulator?
I've wanted to try it for some time now but that lame trial is nowhere near indicative of endgame quality and I'm hesitant to spend a monthly fee on something I may drop in 2 months.
Recurring or Concurrent is the word your looking for OP, total number of accounts doesnt mean shit
Bruh, 2.5s GCD IS too fucking slow, that's the one change that really killed the game for me as a legacy player. It's just fucking garbage and has no real place.
I'm liking PotD too because it's a relaxing catchup to do for someone that didn't play since HW launch, but I feel like the RNG from dungeons will mess my progress up in getting a 235 wep.
I quit for the same reason why probably most people quit i.e. the lack of content and the rehash of the same kind of content since 2.0
MMORPG's shouldn't be used to eternally stagnate but try out a lot of experimental stuff to give the players fun.
Only on one server
The rest of the game is about sitting through a game of throne wars plot ,doing epic raids, and dealing with stupid players.
People have said that dumb shit since MMOs first started popping up.
>6 million players
Translation: 6 million accounts have been created.
Now why don't they say how many of those have been active in the past month.
6 million paid accounts is pretty good for a modern MMO
Isn't 1.0 even slower? From all the videos on youtube I see it's even sillier than 2.5 sec.
I'm still playing vanilla wow
Neither can retain players for shit.
It first happened in the middle of 2.0 around 2.3/2.4, and the community went to total shit once it happened.
It'll happen in another big wave a few months after legion comes out
I hope 4.0 ends up being good, I had an amazing time with 2.0 and met a lot of people that I still talk to and play games with today. 3.0 was so shit that it made me quit
I already knew that. It's like some people don't understand that I'm not fapping to the person behind the keyboard, I'm fapping to their character.
I have an account and I didn't pay jew enix a dime. Saying they have 6 million accounts means nothing.
Not even dickriding, I think SE pulled through a really difficult shitshow of their own making and Yoshi P's team deserve a lot of credit even if they dumbed it down to WoW standards, but I too want to know where they are *now* and not at Heavensward's release.
this desu
I dig this game a decent bit but it feels like molasses, they try to inprove it with finger gymnastics on some classes but aside from that meaning you end up with a lit of useless abilities, the classes that don't have as much OGCD work feel deathly slow
1.0 wasn't played like wow/xiv, so while it's slower it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
XI was slow as fuck and was better than WoW ever was
quality over quanity. Only people that play this game with ps2 graphics and limitations are fat ass retarded neets that don't know what to do with their good boy points.
god I fucking hate balmung
degenerates should be put into camps.
You can get the base game for $20, which includes the first month, and each month after for $13. There's no point in buying the expansion until you hit Lv50. If you're not having fun by the time you hit Lv50 then you might as well drop it. If you hit Lv50 and you want more then you can go all in.
If you take your time with the story it could take you about two to three months on and off to hit Lv50. If you skip through everything and rush through the story you can hit 50 in two or three weeks. There's not much grinding for your first job since story quests and sidequests will carry you most of the way.
Again, if you hit Lv50 and decide that the game is shit then it's not for you. It does get better as you continue beyond 50 but if you don't like the basics then you probably won't like the rest.
>2.5s GCD IS too fucking slow
>a lot of meaningless abilities
Are you max level yet? When I played as DRG, I had three full hot bars of abilities that were all a part of my rotation
P-please remember the play XV, too!
It also has waifus!
Quote from the article you linked
>SQUARE ENIX® today announced that the critically-acclaimed, FINAL FANTASY® XIV has now drawn in over six million cumulative players globally--excluding free trial—in under three years
Wow, 6 million cumulative in 3 years! That's fucking terrible. Another dead game.
They are, the camp is called Balmynf and people literally pay for the privilege of being sequestered there
I don't think a lot of mmo makers have the ability to be able to put an mmo back into development and rework it entirely.
Does Frumix have the cutest character?
as someone that's played ffxiv since august 2013, let me send a message to all those curious about the game
the good
>game is pretty aesthetic
>great bgm, art direction, lore(it's FF, duh)
>classes are all well balanced
>crafting/gathering is relevant, rewarding, and actually requires cooperation, even if it's just through the market board
>very little "dead" content, roulettes keep everything alive for new players
>character's head tracking your target = immersion supreme
>emotes/attention to detail is overall high
>game is heavily anti-RMT, what you see is easily filtered
the bad
>2.5s GCD will turn some people off, it's not really that slow due to many off-GCDs + many mechanics compared to other MMOs
>raiding revolves around weekly lockouts, 8 people only
>raiding scene currently recovering from a massive fallout
>new systems are usually half-baked or just plain boring, like Diadem or PotD which was just added today
>almost no open world content beside hunts
>some servers completely dead
The game is really death right now, currently here less than 1.5mil active accounts.
Haha what nigga, I hit 50 during the fucking beta and was playing casually, this shit is literally a hand-holding McMMO for people with short attention span (whole gameplay relied upon that getting out of red circles gimmick and the straight progression killed sidegrades and micro management/minmaxing).
Yes, I played 6 or so classes to max, and everything to 50
As you said you end up with three actionbars full of shit, you really don't think a lot of it is unnecesary fluff?
Every class (dragoon included) has a large number of redundant or lame abilities
>fujo fantasy XV
It's not unnecessary if it's a required part of your rotation to get the most DPS dumbshit
>Mobs have anti-bigpull countermeasures in POTD
Oh I am laughin'. Flat out murders the entire group
yea but, isnt tht exactly why wowfags where mad when they change the skills, that blizzard remove situational almost useless skills. and in ff14 you have those.
If you're playing solo, then you're pretty fucked. SMNs have the easiest time and PLDs can maybe make it but every other class is going to be severely handicapped.
If you have a party of four dedicated players, then you can easily do it in a day. DD can be easily cleared in four hours and by then you're almost guaranteed to hit +15, if not more. Simply run it another 2 or 3, maybe 4 times tops, and you have your weapon. It's low effort with a small time investment of one or two days per weapon. You'll need a decent group though, or get lucky not to be paired up with shitters.
It's a lot faster than Anima and a lot easier than Alexander Savage or Nidhogg Extreme, although it's slightly weaker than those weapons (equal to Nidhogg) and still a lot longer than a good group doing Savage.
Another interesting advantage to DD is that you can do it before you get to Idylshire, let alone the endgame. I remember hitting Lv60 on two jobs before I even started Heavensward and the DD weapons sure would've been nice to have at the time.
>people who make webms of their character doing a rotation on a dummy
mmos have to be the worst games to make webms out since generally it's boring unless you're the one playing.
>liked 2.0
>hated 3.0
I don't understand that mentality; it's just more of the same. Unless you got tired of the game then that's fine but to say that 3.0 is worse than 2.0 is just weird to me.
>2.5s GCD IS too fucking slow
I fucking dare someone to play NIN on 1 second GCD without breaking your fingers.
>invisible walls everywhere
>loading screens every 10 minutes
>jump is there just for kicks
>gear grind that becomes pointless the moment a new patch hits
>expansion that starts opening up mobility only because they jumped on ps4
>it's a fucking console based MMO so every single mechanic, event and class must work on consoles 100% with their shitty controllers and so the global cooldown is enforced and everyone must pay the price of consolefags for all this crap
Lmao won't even touch it with a 10 feet pole, and 6 million accounts /=/ 6 million players.
It's less of the same, in both quality and quantity
>Simply run it another 2 or 3, maybe 4 times tops
They knew better. Max weapon/armor levels are tied to floor range. For example, you can't upgrade them past +7 from 1-10 where upgrades are the most consistent.
Look at the filename
I remember when that was posted, didn't Wildstar die or is it still going?
Expansion =/= extension
It was literally the same shit, just with flying laid overtop. The main complaint of 3.0 is that the raid tier(Gordias) was fucking terrible and killed a lot of the playerbase
lol so passive aggressive, guess pressing an extra button every 2,5 seconds really makes you feel like you are accomplishing shit huh? lmao!
>jump is there just for kicks
watch they make an actual jumprope mechanic in the next patch. if you fail, you wipe.
What's the most whatever FF and why will it always be FF9?
About half of those people are coming back for a week before they remember why they left
So, is Edda back with Deep Dungeon?
3.0 is literally 2.0
why do you hate the game?
>1.5 million
I would be worried if there was only 100k players
>>character's head tracking your target = immersion supreme
stopped reading, you are a fucking autist
You forgot to mention that the races are shit-tier.
name one mmo that does that
It's still going. New raid is finally coming next month.
>invisible walls everywhere
so, an mmo...
>loading screens every 10 minutes
It's not every ten minutes at all, it's really only an issue if you have a shitty computer/internet
>jump is there just for kicks
unlike any mmo? people get all sorts of strange places with a jump, also just like any other mmo
>gear grind that becomes pointless the moment a new patch hits
so, an mmo again
>expansion that starts opening up mobility only because they jumped on ps4
so your a retard too?
>it's a fucking console based MMO so every single mechanic, event and class must work on consoles 100% with their shitty controllers and so the global cooldown is enforced and everyone must pay the price of consolefags for all this crap
GCD excuse again, there is no mmo with some sort of GCD there are plenty of webms that show your full of shit and that there is always shit to do.
The beta of what? 2.0's beta capped you off at around Lv20, if I'm not mistaken. I remember the final dungeon at the time was Hauke Manor. I'm pretty sure Heavensward didn't have a beta; it had an early access period for pre-orders but that doesn't make sense for you to hit 50 when you should be hitting 60.
Criticisms are fine but there's no need to spread lies.
>only 100k players
lol you fags are spoiled by wow. 100k would be damn good for an mmo these days.
Aren't MMOs supposed to grow and evolve? This did the opposite.
>boss does some big huge aoe
>you run back into it as soon as the cast is done
>your character is literally standing in the impact but you take no damage because you dodged the cast bar / ground indicator
This game is so unsatisfying somehow
What killed this game for me were the classes. You can tell they tried to deviate from ff11 with the armory system but it's not good or at least not implemented well. They should've embraced ff11 class system and ability to change on the fly while still keeping crafting classes as well.
it took me an unreasonable amount of time to understand that damage was applied when the circle disappeared instead of when the animation occurred.
imo if they synced up the indicator disappearing with the boss doing his attack, it would feel a lot better
i think the final boss of Labyrinth of the Ancients is the only one that does it
but you are fapping to the dude behind the character, who are you trying to fool faggot?
>SNM has the easiest time soloing
You can cheese all 50 floors with just you and the Titan pet for tanking?