ITT: weird peripherals and controllers
pic related, Dreamcast maracas
ITT: weird peripherals and controllers
pic related, Dreamcast maracas
how the fuck do you play this?
>here's your controller, user
They tried it again on the Gamecube. I think like 3 games supported it total.
>tfw thinking everything like this was cool as a kid
the classic SNES bike
>Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is one of the best games on GameCube, and the peripheral actually makes the Game better
>no one played it because bongos
is it emulatable on dolphin? do you need the bongos?
The game emulates flawlessly and you can use a standard controller. But you can actually use the bongos too if you have a USB adapter.
I have these. Good times
>you'll never play Samba de Amigo
>wanting to be a spic
kill yourself
You can get a dreamcast and game+maracas for like $120
I had this too. It sucked.
Yeah the smash Wii u one works among others, you really need to play with the bongos to get the most out of the game.