Pokemon is dead

Pokemon is dead.

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introducing pissjarmon

spookachu looks cute

Incorrect. Remakes and GO have ensured it's kept alive.

Whether or not that's a good thing is up to you.


the only good looking one is Pikaboo

I actually kind of like the wannabe pikachu

horseshoe crab pokemon ans firehorse don't look to bad.
the fuck is up with the pikachu?

Monster Rancher is dead.

Pokemon is up to its seventh generation of new games and media.

What is dead may never die

you fags have been saying this every time a new pokemon is shown for the last four generations.

ill go with horrifying

It's a ghost that just wants to be loved so it made a pikachu costume.

The horse and the teddy bear look awful. I like the rest just fine, imposter pikachu is amazing.


Heh, just read their stories of each Pokemon, along with their names here.

It's a ghost that's hiding in some old Pikachu merchandise

Fire Red was pretty fucking good though.

The horse looks like it has some type of fucking disease

It's been since gen 2.

Gen 4 was weak and it's been weak since then

What is checked may never meme

but I see new pokemon there, that means it's alive.

It was exposed to nutagen

why is the horse a nigger

>playing this shit series after Red and Blue

You deserve the misery

The dreads remind me of Ares. Doesn't help the skin is red, too.

Horsehsoe Crab, Demon Horse, and MimiQT are all pretty cool. That ley is retarded, and holy shit that bear is JUST epitomized.

The only bad ones are diaper fruit and the bear.

I want to love and take care of Mimi

I found a new pokemon leak from nintendo, can you believe the retarded shit they're churning out these days?

Nigga I would main the fuck out of that that trylobit and ghost mimic, what the fuck are you talking about?

the nut one isnt surprising either, we've had cherrim a few generations ago

>tfw your favorite monster raising game is dead, but pokemon gets new games and monsters and its fans complain

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Are those ass cheeks on its head?

I like the bear

Is that a fucking Woolie horse??

Oh shit a horseshoe crab finally

I actually think they should stop making new Pokemon (as in the monsters), they look woeful.

Just give us a game where we have to collect the original 150 again.

Pedobear and Diaperfag? They're the resident mascots of this site.

Really? Is this the pokemon they made after having 20+ years of experience making designs? Oh its literally the first set of pokes? I'm sure the later gens will get much better!

>hating on Magmar

Nice cherrypicking.

What's the point in that? Just go play RBY again.

Things you call dead have never had the chance to be born.

They already did. Twice now.

>Pokemon Go

Nostalgiacuck Genwunners like yourself have been catered to harder than any other generation that exists. Fuck off.

>liking magmar
Not even having him fight almost evenly with Charizard made him look cool

the bottom right and top left are cool

Seeing as it looks like it has a Galea on you might not be too far off the mark

Top left, top right are good.

Bottom middle is godlike.

Holy shit shut the fuck up you retards who even cares that much about Pokemon besides little babies?

Those look exactly like all other Pokemon. Who gives a shit?

damn kid, you waled into the WRONG neighborhood

I actually really like the Pikaboo.

Pikaboo and that depressed looking dude on the top right are fine.

Holy fuck that's adorable

>I have no taste and have to compare him to the bland dragon


at least its evolution is not that stupid.... right?

Still not even half as cool as electivire

I should really buy a dog.
I really want to be sodomised by a dog.
Maybe tomorrow insh'allah.

This is already one of my favorite 'mon.

If you don't even play the games or haven't for years why does it matter to you what the new designs are?

What's the context in this picture?

I pity your dog

Literally my favorite Pokemon.
There's just something so hideous and goofy about it I can't help but love it.

Makes a cool tag team with Electabuzz, too.

Shit looks awesome, like you could have an army of these and kill nations wholesale.

>All 10/10 pokemon being shown.
>the only pokemon that is remotely lame is the fucking bear.
>people still complain.

Honestly, if you think the pokemon being shown are bad, then you are full on nostalgia. They look nothing like digimon, they are going back to their more realistic designed roots with solid feet and real base designs.

If your only problem with the new pokemon games is "b-but muh old water color style" then nobody cares what you think.

>Cherry picking is okay with the new gens, we see constant shit posting about the same handful of Pokemon all the time
>D-don't touch muh gen wun

I do play the games, but the faggots in /vp/ can't stop sucking GF's tiny Asian dick.

Kabuto was a horseshoe.
This one just looks a bit more like a trilobite like Some user said
Either way, I'm pretty excited for this gen, the designs are kinda unlike the other gens, and they seem like they fit well within the regiin

Not sure you know what that word means. An example of a badly designed Pokemon is an example of a badly designed Pokemon, regardless of generation. Just because you may or may not have a hard on for older gens means nothing.

Glad I bailed after gold and silver.

>Pokemon army composed of Magmortars that destabilize military zones cross the world

Movie when?

I had forgotten this ugly cunt existed

Do you think i should get a bitch instead to penetrate her ?
I don't know, it seems strange to have sex with a beast.
Prostate stimulation is much more healthy.

>Evil fat clown with literal cannons for hands
I see no problem here. It's one of those ugly Pokemon that actually look like monsters.

>All 10/10 pokemon being shown.
0/10 don't try again

best original pokemon sound of all games

The bear is ugly and ridiculous. Have you seen the fucking fish? It's ugly as hell as well.

I like both of them, they remind me of Megaman bosses.

>that entire post

Mature pokemon story when? One of my fantasies not mature like that

From the top, left to right:
>Bounsweet: Grass Type; Ability: Leaf Guard / Oblivious
>Bewear: Normal/Fighting Type; Ability: Fluffy/Klutz
>Wimpod: Bug/Water Type; Ability: Wimp Out
>Mudsdale: Ground Type; Ability: Own Tempo / Stamina
>Mimikyu: Ghost/Fairy Type; Ability: Disguise (Negates any first hit damage per battle)
>Comfey: Fairy Type; Ability: Flower Veil / Triage

okay the fish is also kinda lame. But every gen has some shitmons. Theres a lot of good we've seen so far.

pokemon wont be dead unless they stop making furbait pokemon

The horse is pretty neat, I might have it on my team

Mimikyu lives its life completely covered by its cloth and is always hidden. People believe that anybody who sees its true form beneath the cloth will be stricken with a mysterious illness. People in the Alola region are convinced that you must never try to peek beneath its covering. Mimikyu’s health fails when it’s bathed in the rays of the sun, so it prefers to stick to dark places. It’s rumored that the reason it covers itself with a cloth is to avoid sunlight.
The rising popularity of Pikachu-styled merchandise around 20 years ago is the reason that Mimikyu makes itself look like Pikachu. In fact, this Pokémon is dreadfully lonely, and it thought it would be able to make friends with humans if only it looked like Pikachu.
Mimikyu has the Disguise Ability, a new Ability that no Pokémon has ever before possessed. The Disguise Ability allows it to escape damage from an enemy’s attack just one time, and then its appearance changes.

Never happening again. They tried with B/W and nostalgia fags fucking hated it. They're never gonna attempt a Pokemon game with the story being the focus again.

Me too. I love scruffy, scuzzy things. Ears with missing pieces, broken tails, missing legs, ugly mutts, all that shit. What ever it is, it deserves a little happiness.

This. They're both pretty rad. I miss having actual evolutions for old Pokemon instead of Megas.

My only gripe is I can't unsee the Electivire's extendo-dicks.

The bear in the Crown of Dusk is the only one that looks bad.

Not in a game, I mean like a manga or short story

>Pokemon story of a trainer in older adulthood
>he's been divorced and has almost nothing
>except his Pokemon the bitch didn't take
>decides to go back out into the world like he did once as a kid
>trains and fights and even starts mentoring younger trainers

Gen 3 fags are the worst. They hate every other gen and circlejerk over MUH HOENN MUH BATTLE FRONTIER

ORAS was a garbage remake, and did not do gen 3 justice, but it confirmed that gen 3 is not as good as people think.

No shit you underage fuck, because that episode featured Magmar V Charizard. of course he would draw such comparison but clearly you never saw it.

Magmar and Mr. Mime are the two worst pokemon of gen 1 deal with it

get the bitch

Forgot to add an image. But oh well...

Here's their trailer: youtube.com/watch?v=vKosBJ1Uko0

One of the banned episodes
like james with tits

what is happening




people have been saying this since Gen III, and im sure kids felt the same way about some of gen II. People who overthink criterias for what a proper pokemon looks like are autistic as fuck.

>They're real
Oh fuck, jesus. Why?

>calling Magmire and Mr. Mime the worst
>not AYO HOL UP the Pokemon

Your a fucking mongoloid.

Just think about how those things on its hooves are actually flesh.