Rise of the Tomb Raider



>p-pls buy our failed game big, strong Ps4 owners


It released on Xbone the same day as Fallout 4, will the PS4 version be release alongisde a big name AAA game like Battlefield 1?

oh no

you can't be serious

No, Final Fantasy XII Zodiac --REMAKE--.

>Also available for free on pc and xbox
Yeah, haha, enjoy your 30 fps

Stop shilling this fucking garbage

>20 fps

I like this garbage.

it's better than uncharted 4 but sonyggers jizzed over that turd.

Not even Crystal Dynamics believes that

Thanks for betatesting XCucks and PCucks :^)



>post yfw you buy this trash for $20 used

>post yfw Square & crystal dynamics don't get a cent of your money

You could see their regret last year when they backed down with the xbone exclusive stuff.


Sony masterrace wins again can't wait to plat this

I would pirate it if I could.

>this piece of shit

Anyone play both know? I imagine U4 bets it at graphics and story. U4's story, while cliche, was damn well executed. How pretty it looked didn't hurt. But the gameplay was boring, if solid. I preferred TR 2013 over U3, due to the metroidvania feeling gameplay. U3 was just lots of shooting which is what U4 basically is when you get to shoot. The grappling hook adds something but I don't think it adds much. U4 did have a lot of verticality though. That was neat. Again, great visuals.

have fun sucking that cum out of her vag while you slurp up these sloppy seconds sonycuck

what way is she facing?

>Sonycucks begging for PC scraps


How is this game shit? I'm out of the loop

I don't even want it, why would you even waste money on a tomb raider game?

I will fucking put you BACK in the loop if you keep going

Anything not a perfect 10/10 is shit on Sup Forums

But if it's popular and considered a 10/10 it's automatically a 0/10

Question... Are they going to make it 60 dollars despite the fact that it's been out for a fucking year?

Honestly this will probably be better than uncharted 4. U4 was the most boring of all 3 games. I actually liked tomb raider 2013 more because it at least wants to be a game while uncharted 4 would rather have you watch cutscenes and climb for 20 minutes while your quip lord protagonist never shuts the fuck up. And the gunfights last for maybe 5 minutes before there already over. T-thanks Niel Druckman :(

More than likely yeah. It's $60 on Amazon.

>Honestly this will probably be better than uncharted 4
It's not, I've owned both games since launch.

I remember liking TR 2013 but the thing is I barely remember anything about it. And I usually have a good memory

Does anyone even remember the other characters names?

I'm surprised so many people dick suck u4 while acting like it has no faults. I'm sorry user but u4 had terrible pacing issues with a story that wasn't needed after we got pretty good closure with uncharted 3.

you seens to know how to do soo well...o yeah you are PCuck

inb4 my mom answer...that only shows you get my dad sloopy seconds #REKT

I'm not saying Uncharted 4 is without faults, but Rise of the Tomb Raider wasn't any better on Xbox One.

Shitty aiming with tons of input lag
Retarded story with Russian Jesus who speaks perfect English alongside all of his English speaking Russian friends
Jonah just disappears in the beginning and you don't see him for like 10 hours
shitty quest system that tries to make the game seem open world

No. I enjoyed it a lot but the game was about Lara, everybody else was static and just around to try and have some kind of weight. I didn't mind because I thought Lara was compelling enough to carry the game on her own (which may be a controversial opinion) and most of the game had her and didn't try to force the other bland characters to do things.

I like the new lesbian lara

>That box art

What did you like better about U4? Aside from the story and graphics, I thought U4 was a little boring, though challenging. The added verticality and hook in the gun fights was neat but a little messy. But it was gun and shoot and platforming. Maybe a puzzle. That's Uncharted. If not for some real nice story moments like Elena and Nate on the jeep elevator and the drive afterwards or the ending, it would have been a solid but unexciting game. Well, except the visuals. U4 looked so damn good at the most mundane things.

why is always sloppy seconds when a game comes to PS4 but it's thanks for betatesting when the game gets a shitty port to pc, Sup Forums?

TR2013's story was pretty garbage. The other characters were even more garbage. Cliches upon cliches. But I think TR2013 was a lot of fun to play. Specifically, I enjoyed tool-based traversal and pathway discovery. Opening previously block paths with the gear pulling whatever, creating paths with the arrow and rope, and climbing made me look at my environment as more than just a pretty backdrop.

actual combat was more enjoyable and fluid, graphics were much better (than the Xbox One version of RoTR), and there was more variety breaking up the gameplay.

Uncharted 4 definitely is not a perfect game but RoTR is every bit as flawed. It's only advantages are arguably through its upgrade system.