I miss her, Sup Forums.
And Linca.
I miss her, Sup Forums
I've only played Shallie but are all the Atelier games stories so disjointed and quick? People are suddenly friends for no reason and inviting people over for tea. There's no real threat, besides water drying up, and the end boss is just a switch.
The lighthearted story and characters is part of the appeal
The Atelier games are pretty comfy and has less dangerous threats than other RPGs. The only dangerous threats are when you encounter a dragon in a dungeon or some other large enemy
Ayesha is my waifu and I'm going to miss her.
Is it just me or Sophie's character models worse than Shallie's? Don't think anyone in Sophie is even close to Wilbell in terms of quality.
Atelier Shallie Plus when?
If that's all it has going for it why don't they voice all the scenes? They obviously just recycle the engine.
>If that's all it has going for it why don't they voice all the scenes?
Most scenes are voiced in japanese. It's the english dubs that cuts out tons of voice acting.
all the scenes are voiced I don't know what you're talking about
Wilbell is the lewdest
I want her to sit on me
>There's no real threat, besides water drying up, and the end boss is just a switch.
If you're looking for some hard boss fights, I recommend Atelier Ayesha Plus. It has some extra new boss fights that weren't on the ps3 version. It can be extremely hard if you aren't prepared.
Rare smug Wilbell
Is that outfit DLC?
I don't remember.
Atelier Sophie was shit.
Why is Wilbell such a slut?
she's not you pedo
>hasn't played Sophie nor Shallie yet
>already a new Atelier announced
How popular is this game to the nips?
The newer games are notably shallow in regards to character development. Play Rorona.
I skip like 70% of the voiced scenes because they don't talk fast enough and I already read what they were gonna say.
If I had the option to skip dialog in anime, I'd do that too.
How many tries did that take you?
I haven't even finished it or E&L. At this point I'll probably just skip Shallie and hope Firis' new direction gets them back on track to making something halfway decent.
Shallie+ fixes a lot of shit vanilla did wrong. I suggest to play that
I played the arland series and I skipped dusk because the characters looked kind of unmemorable.
Does mysterious change that?
is it in english?
>Shallie+ fixes a lot of shit vanilla did wrong.
So is it a very significant revision this time? The other plus versions didn't do much.
Ayesha had great characters.
Sophie's characters are slightly better than E&L's, but they're still pretty bad, and much worse than any of the Arland casts. The big problems are that there's very little in the way of development, everyone revolves around a few specific quirks that are reinforced endlessly, and there's a massive disparity in terms of events. Some part members get shitloads of events and development, others only get a small handful. NPCs are even worse.
I can't decide on what outfit for Sophie to wear.
Left looks cuter, but right looks more comfortable to wear.
>right looks more comfortable to wear.
You must be joking.
Should be out around January. They'll probably announce it in the fall.
>right looks more comfortable
Are you retarded?
Thigh highs and detached sleeves are the exact opposite of comfy, you have to keep readjusting them, and having tiny corsets on your legs doesn't help.
Requesting all images of Corneria
Sorry I don't know how girl's clothes work.
It looks silky and light, that's why I figured it would be comfortable.
I really don't understand why you'd think an assymmetrical cosplay bait outfit would be more comfy than a 1 piece dress and a 1 piece coat with no moving parts.
Best Magician of All.
No exceptions
I miss Jew-chan.
I hope Wilbell makes an appearance
>Out of all the Dusk characters they brought Logy back
I don't really think there's anything wrong with that. Logy's a pretty cool guy.
Logy and Escha were the best dusk characters you faggot everyone else was either a homo or a fucking lesbian
Sophie does things to my dick.
The worst part is that it's not even the same character. They just reused his name and made a similar design.
They realised that making an annoying fat fuck doesn't appeal to their female playerbase.
Never played an Atelier game, where do I start? They look max comfy.
Was surprised about Logy too and it took me a while to realize it wasn't the same Logy which made it even more confusing.
Timelines in Atelier games must be convoluted
start with rorona plus, the arland series is undisputedly the best of the modern ateliers
I liked the old design, it had charm.
Not that popular but popular enough.
The amount of doujins and h-art things have is a good popularity indicator in a way
tl;dr Rorona Plus
Was removing the time limit worth it?
Did the mainstream audience suddenly say "Yeah I'm totally playing these games now"?
I'll trust you, anons. Rorona looks cute so I'm sold.
>I must go, the plants are calling
Is he the the new Sterk?
>tfw almost none of Ayesha
t. fat person
does he actually work to lose the weight or does he lose it magically
It was the best selling game since Meruru.
And Christ, Sophie's redesign is lazy. They literally just palette swapped her coat and gave her socks.
The thing is, he's a vegetarian that goes on adventures all the time. It never made sense that he was that much of a fat fuck.
I didn't know they bothered to model underwear, considering Corneria doesn't seem to wear any.
I figured I wouldn't be the only one who found the whole thing bizarre.
Corneria has underwear, it's just a similar colour to her skin which makes it hard to see in the few frames it's visible in her attacks.
But I'm skinny and normally tend to hate fat people.
>It was the best selling game since Meruru
>this means more Atelier games, which is great
>but I won't like them as much as the ManaKhemia/Arland games since I find the time limit to be core of the experience
At least have some interesting characters, ffs.
Well that's just confusing then.
ah still havent played sophie trying to finish Shallie atm that does make sense should have been skinny from the beginning then
They removed time limits?
What is the gameplay like now?
Just wander around doing quests?
There's still a time system, days pass and different events happen at different times of day.
But there's no hard limit, you can go as long as you want.
I don't mind personally, because I always found it easy to beat the main story well before the time limit, but I never had the time to grind up perfect equipment for the superbosses.
Pretty much. The pacing in Sophie is fucking horrid. Progression is now largely locked behind recipe ideas where you have to complete arbitrary tasks to get the next recipe unlock which causes the next plot event. And they're often stupid grindy shit too.
Should I bother fighting the optional bosses in Escha and Logy?
I slept 300 days to force the ending. I skipped the optional bosses
>Mana Khemia
>time limit
>user teach me how to play atelier!
How do you respond?
Why is Jesus making dolls?
Wait that's not the same Logy we know? Is this a spoiler? If so please tell me
It's not E&L's Logy.
He's like Pamela now, same appearance and name but a different person.
In Sophie Logy talks about how he can't do alchemy.
>someone actually bought atelier rorona minus
is Logy popular or something? I'm surprised he returned since I always felt Atelier games had a hard on for Yuri.