>Nintendo is now worth more than Sony thanks to a free cellphone app
Why can't we do it bros? Why must we always be the underdog?
shit aint right
>Nintendo is now worth more than Sony thanks to a free cellphone app
Why can't we do it bros? Why must we always be the underdog?
shit aint right
Other urls found in this thread:
>Nintendo literally going mobile
>this is somewhat a "win" for Nintentoddlers
I wish I made this up
How does their company worth make their (lack of) games better?
I wouldnt worry about it.
videogames in general are generally getting generally more worse generally speaking of course.
to think that there are literal retards wasting time using paint to do those stupid memes
>they are funny
>nintendo worth more for a meme app
What a time to be a nientiendo
The money theyre making doesnt mean jack shit if they only release 2 subpar games a year. Say what you will about Sony, but at least they have stuff down the line - Last Guardian, God of War, VR, Spider-Man, etc.
Right now, Nintendo only has Breath of the Wild, which has a very good chance of being shit. And theres no possible way that a mid-generation emergency console is gonna have a good set of launch titles, so we might as well wait another year before we even consider the NX to be a plausible success.
It's literally golden age of sonyggers
>Nintendo's best selling and most interesting product is fully playable on Sony smartphones
>Nier: Automata, The Last Guardian, Death Stranding, Persona 5, new FromSoft exclusive, Berserk game
The only reason why anybody would care about Nintendo is SMT IV Apocalypse.
Nintendo going mobile isn't a good thing faggot. Fuck off.
I'm sure those dorra Nintendo is getting with their shitty normiephone app is going to make them fund more games for the failed Wii U.
Oh wait.
Pokemon Go isn't even a true video game, it's just an app casual, kikebook using shits play to seem trendy.
It's pure cancer.
>money = quality
If that were true then The Rock is currently the best actor in the world.
exclusive third parties in general is the only reason to care about nintendo desu capcom, atlus, etc. I say this as a former nintendrone. former because they're definitely going full mobile after this. if you thought their casual output is bad now, it's gonna get even worse.
>Nintendo stocks doubled
nintendo never supports their last system going into their system
>unironically loving the new ghostbusters
wew lad
But that's wrong, the 3DS have plenty of games. The same thing can't be said for the vita.
>Only Wii U games for all of 2016 are literal fucking trash
Based Nintendo!
sony cut that fucker off ign.com
yet these cucks defend it
Besides MonHun and Pokemon theres really not many other reasons to play a 3DS.
>Meanwhile, MS is worth $404 Billion (According to Forbes)
Literally worth more than Sony and Nintendo combined five times over. What does this tell us I hear you ask? Absolutely nothing.
It's actually pretty good. Leslie Jones is a great actor. Go see it unless you're a woman hater.
Apparently it isnt as bad as people predicted. Havent seen it myself tho
Bait aside Leslie Jones was the only actor in the movie who actually tried desu
>Leslie Jones
If RLM is anything to go by, apparently she was the best part of the movie
everything else sucked though, apparently
xDD you fell for it! that was falseflag ahaha xD
>Being worth more thanks to a shitty mobile game.
If this is winning I'd rather be on the losing side.
>going F2P mobile shit is winning for Nintendrones
I'm glad this proves that Nintendo shills are geniune.
Because nobody that enjoys videogames can be this retarded.
more like
Good because that's where Sony will always be