Why didn't Snake love Quiet?

Why didn't Snake love Quiet?

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He did, though.

In fact he loved everyone on Mother Base that wasn't Huey. He was the best Boss.

Because she has a butterface as a result of Kojima hiring an ugly literally who because of nepotism.


X-men reasoning.
Snake is a stand up guy but he hates all of the dirty muties (born as or manufactured not withstanding)

He had no personality or motive, he was just a avatar for the player. Did you love her? Did you rike her?

>This thread again
>By the same Quietfag from all last week

Give it a rest already will ya.To take this POS half baked unfinished Konami cash grab game seriously and this deep is on the level someone with extreme autism.

Based Delly

This desu. I was in the thread yesterday when these fags got btfo.

Citation needed if you are going to keep posting this drivel.

Because she was a cunt and attacked fellow motherbase soldiers.

Would one of you fuckers spamming this quiet thread everyday just make a new metal gear general?

I love how this autist still can't provide any physical proof that venom hated quiet and just references a scene and tells you to look at it harder

Does this image stir up any feelings by chance? I've seen this behavior before somewhere...


And disgusting. No one was BTFOd but Quiet.

It's a better argument than yours. You cant provide any proof.

Ocelot clearly looks sorry for her :(

Bitches don't deserve love from the man they love.

The devil is in the details.

I don't actually have any proof: The post


Venom, unlike big boss, truly loved his men, because unlike Big Boss, he was one of them.

You are losing this debate badly. Post some proof. A screenshot ingame or from an interview with a writer or developer.

Quiet wasn't one of his men or a diamond dog, she was a bitch sent to kill him.

Venom didn't know how to say he hates her so he let her go even though she was in love.

Never did he make a move, he was telling her to fuck off

If it's the same fucking guy...

>There are people in this thread who are actually taking this thread discussion and it's autistic OP seriously

>Kojima hiring an ugly literally who

Joost has a very cute face. It just didn't model very well onto Quiet for some reason.

It was done this way on purpose since Quie is the walking cliche of so ugly she dies alone.