He just wants to be loved

He just wants to be loved

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i will never not be surprised how fast artfags can work

What is the name of that Pokemon anyway?
I hope it's a dark or ghost type.

what is Mimikyu's face trying to convey?

Literally one of the only good Gen 7 designs
It just wants to be loved so it dresses as the most beloved Pokemon there is


Literally the best Pokemon of all time.

Vid came out today or yesterday
Confirmed ghost/fairy
Ability absorbs the first hit made on it no matter how much it would have done

Here's another template. Have at it!

Thanks m80s

>Pikachu and Pichu are scared of another Pikachu
I don't understand this image.

Poor guy.

>Good typing
>Good ability
Hoping the stats aren't shit

r/ing that sad comic with Mimikyu becoming Pikachu because he wants to be loved


Here tou go sweet user.

How does this pokemon exist if it can't find a pikachu costume to wear?

How did this pokemon exist before humans developed the manufacturing capabilities to produce pikachu costumes?

Sincerely, hope it won't evolve into a cutesy-loved by everyone type of pokymen.
Something spooky would be better.

I hope it gets even more popular than it is now.

it's just a gray unidentified ghost blob

he simply hides away


Im gonna make it my objective to capture this lil nigga as fast as possible, hot dam.


Oh cool, a Grass type.

It's not a costume. This is what a decomposing Pikachu looks like.

you've never actually played a pokemon game have you? there are literally a score of pokemon that have "clothing".




christ this gen's designs are looking especially awful this time

I actually really like it so far.
Only one I don't like is the bear. Rest is either good or non-offensive.

So it is a substitute.

Pikaboo is cute


Rasta horse is kinda retarded though.

It looks like a whisperer from Ragnarok.


If this isn't the official western name, the translation team is dead to me.


i think it kept its original jap name

>a disguise within a disguise

What if it fought Zoroark?


Love the typing, weight and ability

Stamina with assault west is so going to annoy people.

Damn, I can't wait to see how they deal with this guy in the anime.

It was just a spooky ghost fairy that people didn't want to look at before

The concept is cool, but the fact that it incidentally chose Pikachu out of 8xx options screams too much of a forced marketing move and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>Don't want to buy the game at launch so I'll know where some of these guys are
>But really want to play and avoid spoilers
I don't want to miss out on this little guy.

That's literally the point. Pikachu is the most popular, so it's hiding under old Pikachu merchandise.


Magic clothes on magic ghost pokemon*

*some of the pokemon became people with some magic

Have you not read anything about it? It's a very lonely pokemon, so it made a pikchu costume because it saw how popular pikachu is and all the merchandise. It just wants friends, user.

Pikachu is the most beloved Pokemon. What would make more sense according to you?

It was dumb then, it's dumb now.

A FREE substitute
Since it's an ability you don't have to waste a turn building it

He wants to love YOU

But why just Pikachu? Did the entire species have a meeting and decided to all go for Pikachu?

It's not hard to see Pikachu fucking everywhere in any of the games

No I have not read everything about the details of one of a 800 pokemon revealed 2 days ago for a rehashed game that will come out in 4 months user.

According to whom? The fanbase? Almost nobody uses pikachu in the games. This makes no sense if you factor popularity by real world fans. It's just a marketing move.

As for what would have made more sense? Magikarp or one of the starting birds/bugs cause a billion trainers with no standards in the beginning have hordes of those. That's my pick.

Nigga it made it's own costume out of natural materials IT'S TIAL IS A FUNNY SHAPED LOG

You are actually retarded.


The bear is objectively a shit design.
It goes against all the universal design aesthetic standards.

>unbalanced figure
>completely sterile and simplified outline
>every minor shape is also ugly
>color palette is super neon bright saturated, more than pokemon already is at, on top of having an ugly color combination that doesn't even properly represent the source animal in the first place

It's a complete failure aesthetically. It's up there with the worst of the worst designs from gen 1 like voltorb.

That one in the middle of the bottom row
>trash is better than who i am inside
Muh heart

I cant read alien

It looks much better in 3D, it even has a mouth you can't see in the illustration

Then why are you even trying to participate in the conversation if you're this uninformed?

Do all Cubones have dead mothers?
Use some fucking logic.

>you need to memorize the pokedex of unreleased mons to comment on a design
I am sorry for upsetting you. I am sure the developers won't change it because I think it's a shallow marketing move that makes no sense, you have no need to worry.

I prefer this

Made me chuckle

What is wrong with Voltorb? Its a mimic. Makes perfect sense in the universe.

>a mimikyu using a sudowoodo disguise but it's actually a ditto in a zoroark shape

We're not living in a time of borrowing our parents' scanners while they're at work on a 56k internet connection anymore user.

Hopefully we get an Armaldo-tier evolution

>Reading 3 sentences is hard

People barely using Pikachu in the game in actual pokemon battles does not magically erase all the pikachu references in the game.

Saying that just because you can't see it in the game it doesn't exist is almost as dumb as saying Pokeworld's people reproduce by mythosis because you never see them having sex.

Pikaboo continues the trend since gen 1. There is not a single ghost type with a bad design

It's a mimic. It makes no sense for them to give it a different name from the JPN version.

>Wimp Out
>automatically flees or switches out when falls below 50% health
Catching this will be a bit annoying, but even in the meta, I can't imagine an opponent controlled switch out being very good. Wonder what its moves will be.

this mon has such a good design but the unfortunate thing is that it was announced with the bear which is by far the worst and it will forever be tied to it. I'm kind of hoping it doesn't get any evos to ruin it

I'm honestly not liking the design of this thing much at all, mainly because it looks exactly like a Shroomish with a Pikachu head on top.

>According to whom? The fanbase? Almost nobody uses pikachu in the games. This makes no sense if you factor popularity by real world fans. It's just a marketing move.
Pikachu has like Mario-tier levels of recognition.

It's easily the most popular Pokémon by such a large margin it's not even up for debate, it's the face of the franchise. Stop being a retard.

You talking shit about shroomish?

Except the Legendaries.

>I'm kind of hoping it doesn't get any evos to ruin it
>not wanting Mimikyu to gain self-confidence that people will like it for what it truly is

>dat Krabby in the top row

I hope it gets a friendship evolution and ditches the Pikachu costume so he can open up and form his own identity

will you love me now Sup Forums?
i'll even let you make porn of me too!

>yfw it evolves into a raichu mimic and people hate it even more

No one's saying otherwise. We're just saying it's always been a thing for some reason. At least it's explained that Mimikyu only appears when it finds a doll due to being able to withstand sunlight wearing it.

I only took up to gen IV because that's where i stopped
Also Blastoires should have been in my 8th place


That's not hoe pokemon work. Look at cubone. They're basically legends/myths that have somehow been put into reality.

it's kind of a fourth wall break acknowledging Pikachu as the face of the franchise

But it's wearing a Pikachu costume in an attempt to be as popular as it, wearing Raichu merch wouldn't make sense
It would something else that's popular, like Greninja or something

How does Cubone exist if his mother isn't already dead?
How can a Kangaskhan be born with a baby on its pocket?

A mediocre artist can pump out a line drawing in 5 minutes. Good artists just spend an extra hour polishing and coloring their works.

>some mimikyuu browse Sup Forums to see who's the most popular pokemon
>they see pokegirl threads and how anons fawn over them
>they begin making pokegirl costumes in hopes they'll get hugged and loved and all the things the anons say
>there were words in the threads they couldn't understand, though

This nigga is gonna be this Gens Pseudo legendary.
Calling it.

The pokémon page says it made the costume taking inspiration from Pikachu merch from 20 years ago in the hopes of being loved.
I guess there's many pokémon of those species that simply hide in the darkness without costume but GF is way too lazy to program something like that.

> Pikachu fucking everywhere in any of the games
Stop fucking lying.
Unless tell me where I can find millions of Pikachus in the Hoenn region cuz I certainly can't find any.
Pikachu was never anything special as the real world does compared to the games. The only time in Pokemon lore that was the case was Pokemon Yellow (kinda) and the anime (mainly in Gen 5)

>bug type pseudo legendary
Whew not even a bugfag but just thinking about that is doing things to me