>Nazis are still depicted as evil in every video game
>still no game letting you play from German's perspective.
Well Sup Forums...why is it?
>Nazis are still depicted as evil in every video game
>still no game letting you play from German's perspective.
Well Sup Forums...why is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Well Blitzkrieg and other strategy games will usually let you play as the Germans, more focused on the military than the nazi party.
If you want to know why the nazis are portrayed as bad guys it's because they were aggressors who lost the war they started, and the nationalist party did more to ensure the destruction of Germany than anything they did to build it up.
Because they lost the war. Had they won we would be playing as them.
>they were aggressors who lost the war they started
I love the contrarianism and blatant shitposting, but you can't justify any reason for not portraying them as they actually were.
>I dont understand the conflict at all beyond the bullshit I read on Sup Forums so I'll just post this epip reaction picture I found on reddit instead of refuting your point
Hearts of Iron series? Victoria 2 late-game?
It's fun to play as Nazi Germany and be a hero rather than the villain the world portrays them as.
because Nazis are evil dumbass, a better qustion would be why are the Wehrmacht always depicted as SS.
As opposed to what? At what point during the invasion of Poland, the invasion of Russia, the invasions of Belgium and France, then the subsequent turning of the tides on the eastern front does Germany have the moral upper hand?
Stop buying kike games.
The amount of ignorance in this thread is actually funny
Red Orchestra 2 and probably Red Orchestra.
>le Hitler Was Totally Right You Guys The Holocaust Was Justified And The Mass Slaughter Of Innocents Is Just Their Opinion And They Have A Right To It contrarian meme
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
>Germany was not the aggressor
Stop eating up Sup Forumsshit.
>kiddies actually think that evil exists
Now I knew that Sup Forums is reddit territory, but still, this is just sad.
Still, Blitzkrieg is a great game and I'm having fun with Blitzkrieg II, check em out
Nazis are the get-go villian you pick if you don't want to develop the enemy. Anything other than going full on Wolfenstein, like implying historical accuracy or even the fact that 80% of Wehrmacht wasn't even in the party and some of them were actual human beans could not be well recieved. Just look at Company of Heroes 2, where, let's be honest, it almost looks like Germans were the good guys.
I don't mind Wolfenstein's take on nazis though, RTCW is my GOTY
>By the way I also call the American Civil War the 'War of Northern Aggression'
War Front: Turning Point has the Germans as the good guys and the Russians as the Bad Guys.
the game is pretty fun
>the wehrmacht weren't nazis meme
>it's because they were aggressors who lost the war they started
I mean it was Hitler who thought attacking multiple countries at the same time was smart ...
They should have kept their profile low after france or better, after poland.
I mean no one really gave a shit about germany invading poland... except for the guys living there of course.
Because it's so taboo that just last week people got their apartments raided for liking nazi jokes on facebook in germany
>The Holocaust Was Justified
Have you been on Sup Forums?
That isn't even the argument.
I mean they just has to swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler and the party, that doesn't make them nazi at all!
The issue is not about playing AS the nazis, it's that you'd be playing AGAINST the Allies. How many singleplayer games do you get to shoot at US, Brittish or French soldiers?
To be fair, the only ones really unable to deny being nazis were the SS guys ...
And specific regions.
Oh fuck right off you uneducated autistic Sup Forumstard
Killing massive amounts of people for no other reason than as a scapegoat is evil. There are such things as evil acts but there are few genuinely evil people. Not all acts are black and white but neither are all things morally gray. There are some clear lines of what is evil.
Also I find it funny Sup Forums tards are always such muh moral ambiguity philosophers when this is the same excuse some liberals make for niggers commiting crimes.
How many WWII games actually have fighting French soldiers ?
Black Ops
checkmate kid.....
Keep in mind they are not saying that what built up to the war wasn't "justified" or whatever word you want them to use, but ATTACKING means you are an aggressor with literally no exceptions. They could initiate a union sanctioned embargo on your entire country, and you attacking them will still make you the aggressor.
See; Japan versus America.
>Wehrmact dindu nuffin!!
Except when they literally carried out the largest genocide in world history on the Eastern Front as per the Commissar Order. Literally so fucking efficient at killing PoWs and civilians Hitler advised SS branches to go join the west lines because the Wehrmacht was doing their job for them on an industrial level.
>I mean they just had to swear an oath of enlistment to to join the US army, that doesn't make them Bush's fucktoys at all!
no shut up that was fake vote trump you cuck
Red Orchestra 2 F A M
>Tfw you'll never play as an SS member defending the fatherland in 1945 against the bolsheviks
All these idiots buying into this bait. Guy probably isn't even from Sup Forums
Because the Nazis were actually the bad guys. As in: legitimately recognized in global history as "those weird bad German fucks who actually tried to ruin everything the rest of the world liked." It's not just their fucked up fisting porn from the early 90s that makes people continue to have a negative opinion of the Krauts.
It's the same opinion the rest of the world has about America right now.
>Enlistment Oath :
>I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
>The Wehrmacht Oath of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, 2 August 1934
>I swear to God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath."
Really sounds the same.
>massively obvious Sup Forums bait thread
>people are actually replying to it instead of reporting and hiding
Sup Forums truly is Sup Forums
>legitimately recognized in global history
Why would a video game put you to Nazi shoes? What would it add? A greentext of a homoerotic martyr death, or playing as a wermacht dindu or going full over the edge with historically accurate depiction of the forces don't last for a game.
The (((publishers))) would never allow it to be released.
>As in: legitimately recognized in global history
Its not like we have actual good videogames to discuss.
Check the catalogue, Im tired of WoW and overwatch threads.
> Holocaust did not happen but it should have
> 20% of an organization take part in atrocities
> There is nothing wrong with the organization itself
Nazi's aren't German
They just invaded Germany first like a cancer
Yeah, right. I bet you think that Islam is a scapegoat too.
WW2 started because Germany invaded Poland, after Germany took back the lands it'd lost in WW1 like the Rhineland, England warned Germany if they invaded Poland, they would declare war on them.
Because western devs are cucks who are incapable of separating the propaganda that's been vomited down their throat and historical fact.
Playing as the side that's always been portrayed as the "bad guys" has always seemed cool to me.
The whole "Nazi was bad guys" thing isn't really a reason to not make a game about it.
There could be perfect game like Spec Ops The Line, where you playing as a simple wehrmacht soldier who goes to war and then thing are getting fucked up. Some day we will probably see it.
Playing against soviets wasn't big deal for Sniper Elite (it caused some controversy in Russia, but no one cared).
>I bet you think that Islam is a scapegoat too.
Quiet down user, Ahmed might get triggered and hop into his truck.
Because the Jews control the media and if anyone shows even a little bit of sympathy for an innocent most likely conscripted German soldier than they'll get angry and cause public outrage and protests and other nasty things
We really do need an AAA game that portrays Nazis as what they were: true heroes.
If you lost the war you were the bad guys. That's how life works.
t. Jozef Kowalczyk
>shoot at US soldiers
>it's a "pol's secret love for 404 threads" episode
What propaganda?
>Germany's official army at the time
Because people totally weren't conscripted during WW2 on both sides of the conflict.
>the rest of the world
>Northerns taking away rights from Southerns
redpill yourself bro
nazis were fucking epic
>Honestly thinking there were any "good guys" in WWII
Red Orchestra
CoH series and Faces of War had nazi campaings.
>>WW2 started because Germany invaded Poland, after Germany took back the lands it'd lost in WW1 like the Rhineland, England warned Germany if they invaded Poland, they would declare war on them.
Oh yeah if you mean
>we declare war on you!
>but dont actually do anything, we even actually tell the poland resistance guys to fuck off and even remoice all our shit from german borders
then yes, yes that was a real damn shamn for germany
>Calls everyone ignorant without showing them a shed of his own knowledge
>Is going to copy/paste shit from Wikipedia about ww2 in response to this comment to show us how smart he is
would you like me to tell you what you'll eat for diner next?
Cause Nazi's were evil
II'd be down for a German WW2 game though
le nazis were cool epic troll face
Exactly. everyone was shit.
>letting people secede from your country/union without a war
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Also Germany and the rest of the EU should have declared war on the UK for leaving.
fucking disgusting that Sup Forums is filled with neo-nazis.
krauts, russkies and nips were more shit than everyone else, tbqh
>Northerns taking away rights from Southerns
The North literally conceded every issue to the south for decades so they would stop bitching and the one time the north doesn't concede they freak out and throw a tantrum
This desu
I bet if someone made a first-person Nazi game it'd be focused exclusively on infighting and the Russians.
>Northen states hate Southern states and wish they'd fuck off and die
>Won't let them leave
The United Kingdom has nukes.
So they're kinda difficult to attack in that aspect.
whats more interesting is Russians were as bad as Nazis and they didn't pay shit for their murders
Like every war america has been in?
You're pretty obvious, Sup Forumscuck.
>they were aggressors who lost the war they started
Britain and France were the nations who made Germany's dealings with Poland's childish outburst into a world war. On their heads alone lies the blood of the millions who perished.
sounds like a plan m8
The UK government is so treasonous that they'd probably turn their nukes on themselves.
to this day, Sherman's March still gives me a boner
>Germans lost the war and have to pay for losing said war
it's like
literally every war ever, having to pay reperations
And Germany went far to make up for the genocide and moreover, Russia's another monster in on itself but noone here'd deny that what Russia did was fucking bad too.
Barbarian Germans have always been the bad guys.
>being an indecisive faggot
company of heroes expansions and red orchestra 2 both let you play from an unbiased german point of view
>and the Russians
I'd be down for destroying the bolsheviks.
Play more games and shit post less. Games where you could play as the Nazis have been around for decades.
>but noone here'd deny that what Russia did was fucking bad too.
Their death toll was unimaginably larger too but here we are decades later injecting nazi boogeyman into all forms of shooters.
>noone here'd deny that what Russia did was fucking bad too.
Company of Heroes 2.
he's probably talking about how england declared war immediately after the annexation of poland and began air operations against germoney
Which is hilariously what Germany was trying to do
How does this make you feel?