What's the most emotionally intensive game out there, so far?

What's the most emotionally intensive game out there, so far?

>death isn't the only type of loss
>there's also death of pets
What did they mean by this?

>death of a loved one, death of a pet, death of a relationship, death of your dreams and goals
What did he mean by this

Your mom :o)

Animals don't look like jesus, which means they don't have souls, which means their deaths aren't real deaths, they're more like things breaking down, like when you drop a mug or something.
It's the same as women.

When your pet runs away it isn't necessarily dead

Wording implies the pet could've ran away or died

I hate these "just let your emotions out" pictures, I'm too ugly and nobody wants to see my awful smile or gross face scrunch up when crying
ugly people equality when? I'm tired of the race and gender politics meme

>death of your dreams and goals

>realization that a cherished dream will never come to fruition.


>I can hear the sound effects even though it's a gif
send help, nostalgia overload incoming

>people legit think this is emotional

i cried when i dropped my mug
because my mom beat me afterwards ;(

It means there's obvioulsy a loss edit inside the pic.

Start searching anons

I hear that LISA is a pretty depressing game.

>keep that hair short

>Lisa soundtrack


You retard the pic IS the loss edit.

silent hill 2 def was emotionally intense

I remember when I was young and played through SH2 for the first time. When I put in the video tape near the end, I actually had to reload to watch it a couple times because I didn't understand what I was seeing.

Man, what a one-sided pillow fight.


>I've been dead for 35 years
>I loved you, man
>You've hurt me the most, Brad
>Lisaaaaaa, I loooooove youuuuu
>Mister Armstrong, we don't have to fight

>not working hard at your dreams until they come true

Is this just a normie thing?