Why does Sony keep getting BTFO?

Why does Sony keep getting BTFO?

They're 'winning' this console generation was nothing more than an elaborate ruse.

Jesus, I knew Pokémon used to stand somewhere in the top 3 video game franchises.
I wonder where it stands now.

They are fine

The wii series and mario series have still outsold pokemon series by millions.

It still sells a lot more than most. XY sold around 15 milion copies.

>Nintendo going F2P mobile market with games of little quality and this is ok by Sup Forums
>this is worth bragging about cause Nintendo is making money off a bad game

Can somebody explain to me how the popularity of a free app increases their worth?
I haven't played Pokemon Go, does it have ads or something?

Sonys asset valuation is estimated at around $180 billion when including Sony pictures movie/TV rights, which far exceeds nintendos $11billion asset valuation.

By having games to play?