Was this the most insulting thing in the GTA franchise?

Was this the most insulting thing in the GTA franchise?

You already posted it.

It was funny and a good introduction to Trevor.

Who cares about GTA canon anyway.

I was happy that it happened.


But it cement how much of a powerful lunatic he was.

it wasnt insulting but it felt like a lame 'look how badass trevor is' type of thing

Nah, the most insulting thing in the GTA franchise was making us play through a story campaign that was 50 percent boring shit and follow-that-car missions, 30 percent interesting and fun missions, and 20 percent introductions to characters or story elements that never lead anywhere and get dropped soon after they're shown.

>GTA proofs that old characters doesn't have plot armor and shows how crude it can be
you sure are a massive faggot, OP

I was abit anoyed as i liked johnnies dlc but whatever

online microtransactions

Only faggots like GTA IV, let alone that kike edgelord. Trevor had way more unlikable moments than killing this nobody.

Same, kill off whoever you want I don't care, but it's just a waste of a good character if you're doing it to prove how much of a twisted fucking psychopath your new meme-bait is.

if they were gonna kill him off at least have johnny put up a fight, he died like a little bitch, this was the same guy who broke into prison just to kill a man.

Yeah, honestly it didn't make Trevor look strong, it just made Johnny look like shit.

Johnny in V would have been cooler than what went down

hell f*ckin yeah Sup Forumsro murder is awesome!

Johnny was a coked out faggot who was never likeable in 5 or 4

>Johnny an edgelord
>Trevor isn't

Whew lad gud bait.

he ended up with a fucking junky whore, he obviously was on the path of doom

But having his shit stomped in by someone as sociopathic as Trevor would be a bad end for anyone.

Yep, considering you can do the same thing to pretty much any NPC they just needed a character to show "lmao look how CUH-RAZZZZYYYYY Trevor is XD" when they already had plenty of other moments to show that.

Just a pointlessly crude send off to a character that didn't make much sense.

>he ended up with a fucking junky whore

which doesnt make any sense because at the end of TLAD he cut all ties with her

*nerfed, sorry I'm being a mobilefag.

not that guy but it's not unbelievable that Johnny gave in to her eventually which is why we see her cucking him for Trevor in Trevor's first cutscene
Haven't played either game in ages though so I might be wrong

what bothers me is how he is so physically strong
he's a fucking methhead