I didnt follow. Why does everyone hate them? Apart from battleborn being terrible

I didnt follow. Why does everyone hate them? Apart from battleborn being terrible

Other urls found in this thread:


>Le epic Meme jokes xD

>Le epic SJW pandering xD

>Le Epic Rape only exists for woman stance xD

something something Colonial Marines something something Anthony Butch something something.

Their generally sketchy with their business practices, essentially sabotaging their own highly anticipated game (Colonial Marines) to have more money to make borderlands 2. Granted Borderlands still tends to be pretty good, though even those games are bogged down by some seriously cringey "humor"

They went full-retard with the social justice bs. That said their studio is down the road from my work and some of the people that work there are pretty cool.

More miss than hits makes people hate your company. Not that difficult to get.

Wasn't that mostly that Anthony burch fellow?

their games are just bad

I personally dislike the Borderlands games and also that Anthony Burch guy seems like a bit of a faggot

yes but people choose to ignore that

Stealing SEGA money to fund Borderlands 2 and then outsourcing Colonial Marines to a small team who has no clue what they've gotten into, and then gets all the blame pinned on them by Gearbox

CEO is lying thief who has his head so far up his ass that he believes he hasn't done a single thing wrong.

Those two mostly, although what they are doing to Duke Nukem now removing all traces of DN3D digitally and soon to be replacing it with their own 'definitive edition' where Duke spouts memes I shit you not is a pretty noticeable offense

>make mediocre overrated games with terrible humor

What's to like?

>Stealing SEGA money to fund Borderlands 2 and then outsourcing Colonial Marines to a small team who has no clue what they've gotten into
Holy shit. Is that seriously what happened?
It's fucked up, but I kinda like it.

That spoiler is a joke right?

Fucking everything they have made is terrible with the sole exception of Opposing Force.

We can only dream, user.

No, and It's confirmed that Jon St John has recorded a Bazinga! line.

Basically pic.
>how many layers of irony are you on right now, Anthony?

I'm crashing this industry with no survivors.

Duke Nuke. And Colonial marines are also terrible

They also said they wanted a more "mature" Duke and a female version (which became that one shitty game on Steam everybody forgot about not made by them).

you're lying

>Schreiber spoke out on the delay in 2013, stating in an interview published in the July issue of the Danish video-game magazine, gameplay, that it was a direct result of Duke Nukem Forever's disappointing reception. He elaborated, "The problem was that Reloaded, in its then present state, was both a prettier and better game than Forever was. So they [Gearbox] could under no circumstances allow us [Interceptor] to publish it, show it, or do anything at all with it, because it would destroy the sales-opportunities they had left in Forever.

Killed the duke
Syphoned money out of colonial marines to insert more memes in bl2
Gave a job to anthony burch
Memes and social justice intertwined for double the effect
Battleborn is just the latest

BL is shallow.

BLM is shallow.

I haven't played Borderlands in forever but that script is 100% spot on for almost every single conversation.

It wears on you over time. Probably one of the reasons I couldn't be bothered to finish Borderlands 2

Oh god. That's on point

While I absolutely hate Gearbox for what they did with the Duke license and fucking people over, I don't blame them for the failures of DNF.

No it wasn't just Burch. He was involved in Battleborn's writing, but it was in no way even close to his influence and work on Borderlands. Just look up some Gearbox employees and check Randy's Twitter. The company is full of SJW dykes and trannies, and they love to tweet about their beliefs.

because they are BADASS

This. DNF was entirely 3D Realms' fault for not doing anything for a decade and leaving whatever bag of shit they actually did on Gearbox's doorstep.

Granted, Gearbox should have just thrown all that away and started over, but they knew that they would make huge bank just on the name alone, no matter whether the game was good or bad.

This can't be real

Borderlands 2 is my personal reason

The only good game they ever made was a HL1 mod called Opposing Force.

Thank fuck I already own it. Updates are staying turned off.


>love the idea of a FPS with loot and shit
>Memelands is the only fucking game that does this outside of fucking MMO shit.

Why? How fucking hard can it be to throw a diablo style loot system onto an FPS?

Bombshell's "first game" still looks like it could be fun.

I'm gonna need a fucking source for that Duke Nukem claim

I heard the Brothers In Arms games were good
I didn't like Borderlands at all
>Colonial Marines

I agree with this... but I don't understand why. :/

HAWYP is so fast, and tightly-written. Then you have flabby dialogue from quest-givers in the game he actually writes for. It doesn't make sense.

i knew a guy who worked for them -- maybe he still does -- he was the most arrogant mother fucker i've ever met in my life

they employ that type of person

they are that type of person

why though

borderlands only showed use that the concept doesn't work

90% of the guns you find are trash

That is just fucking spot on. And it's made even funnier by the fact that it's so indistinguishable from the real deal even though it was probably just effortlessly scribbled by some user in minutes. Like Burch literally came into work and sat at his desk for 8 hours a day, day after day for probably months to get to that level of obnoxious self-reference and this user does it just for the fuck of it.

also, name a single game that Gearbox hasn't completely shit on.

They're role in the industry is to port games, and steal ideas. That is it. They can't even do it right -- look at Duke Nukem

They're the American version of Chinese iOS ripoff companies, except they're terrible at it

what about Destiny?

Randy motherfucking Pitchford

They didn't get the chance to turn Brothers in Arms into an abortion
>Hell's Highway
Oh, never mind.

Well, there is Hellgate London, but lets not get too desperate, hmm?

I actually really love Hellgate London and I think there's some things Gearbox could have really learnt from it

I feel only pity for the retard who paid full price for stillborn

>implying hell's highway wasn't greay

>by a guy who was all assblasted over being legally wrong
>he even admitted to being wrong and apologized

I dunno, I've just always enjoyed the mindless loot grind of games like diablo and would love that in FPS form. I'm not some minmaxing autist so I don't really care if my weapon isn't optimal or whatever. I just love the feeling of "ooh, what effect does this have? What stats does this have?" and that kinda shit.

Don't care for MMO games. I'm the kinda "Use what I enjoy even if it isn't the best" player and that doesn't tend to go over well when other people are involved.

The thought of some faggot being smug about making such trash is hilarious.

I'd say it was worse than Hill 30 and Earned in Blood.

Still great though.

Smug you say?

I liked Hell's Highway except for the shitty ending, probably one of the best third person shooters i've played.
remember this piece of shit by the way?

Aside from their humor which has very much run its course, they're still using the same cheap feeling engine they've used since Borderlands 1. Movement and shooting in any of their games doesn't feel like a good AAA shooter should.


>instead of just making borderlands 3 they made stillborn wasting money on development and cards and toys

You can't make this shit up

Halo CE

Don't forget when Sega and Gearbox got hit by the class action lawsuit, Sega paid out while Gearbox are still disputing to this day.

I want companies like Ubisoft to improve thier business model. I want everyone at Gearbox to be out of a job by next week.

What's that short film they ripped the artstyle off for borderlands?


Thank you.

They stole Sega's Alien money to fund their shitty meme game. That's more than enough to hate them to the bones.

They literally falsely advertised a game by using pre rendered gamplay that didn't actually show up in the main game and tried to sell an unfinished game to the public and make back their profits on preorder of people who were tricked by said gameplay.

If that's not some of the greasiest shit you've ever heard then you're fucked.

Didn't Gearbox get away with all of it though?

I wouldn't be surprised if Gearbox had lawyers with no morals.

>something something Colonial Marines

Randy Pitchford literally said he loved the series, was excited to get to work on it, and would trade it with respect. Then he just had some fucking chinks do it for pennies so he could keep working on borderlands

Fuck him and everything he's been associated with since

There are lawyers with morals?

>gearbox gets away with ACM
>can't even make a quarter selling of what they put into it in development and merchandise

Karma is a motherfucker

Point proven

Duke Nukem Forever and Aliens were terrible, too. Yeah, you could argue that they didn't actually make Duke Nukem Forever, but they sure had no qualms about publishing it with absolutely no effort put into making a coherent and finished product.

Aliens was a pretty obvious case of mis-allocation of funding. Sega paid Gearbox to make Aliens, and instead they used the money to fund Borderlands 2 and outsourced all the work for Aliens to inexperienced teams who had no idea what was going on at Gearbox.

Pitchford is a well known liar who even lied about the origin of his company's name:

holy fucking shit

I don't believe you. i mean the duke being taken off is real and that fucking is shit,but the memes? mature duke? what the FUCK Do they mean by "Mature Duke"? And the meme spouting? is he gonna be an SJW?

So Sup Forums has Bendis-speak and Sup Forums has Gearbox-speak?

Oh my lawd. This is how much of a box Gearbox has put themselves in.

What are some good one liners of today Duke could use anyway?

I feel like just about anything he would say would be considered "meme spouting", but I guess that what happens when your whole character is revolved around saying quotes from more popular characters.

That "mature Douk" came from the CEO of Interceptor/3D Realms.
His ideal Duke game would be about a more badass and less silly one with an epic story and a terrifying villian that could pose a serious threat to him.
He also thought it's time for the franchise to grow out of strippers and pig cops.

I can actually see where he's coming from since most of the stuff in DNF DID feel kinda stale but it was more a problem of the writing and delivery of everything.

>everyone hate them

>Why does everyone hate them? Apart from battleborn being terrible
Because everything they've released since 2009 has been absolute dogshit
And the only good game they put out in 2009 was plagiarised.

Destiny. It actually does the looting FPS thing a lot better than Borderlands. Borderlands just throws tons of useless shit at you that is obsolete seconds after you find it. Destiny has a good balance between upgradeable gear and swappable gear.

Destiny has no content unless you dish out mad dosh, even then its a very small amount



When the fuck did this all happen?

>I blame this company for not releasing an unfinished game, not the company that did!

I feel like just about anything he would say would be considered "meme spouting", but I guess that what happens when your whole character is revolved around saying quotes from more popular characters.

Yeah, if the Glorious Bastard comic is anything to go by, the game-Duke desperately needs to become more of an actual character instead of a 24/7 quote-spout machine.
If you actually write him as a badass over the top super hero who cracks a ridiculous line every now and then he can definitely still work in current times.

Hell, just look at Serious Sam.
He started out as a cheap-ass Duke-clone who was borderline retarded and had to put "serious" into every second sentence and by now he has more character to him than most FPS protags.

well fuck, thats a godly deal right there, its better to get the humble bundle than it is to buy the game proper

Fuck mate.

There's a huge problem, though:
You're still buying Battleborn.

>paying $15 for trash instead of $60 for trash
>a good deal

fuck yer right.

maby you could play it ad perpously shit up every game you enter just to make new players refund it faster.

ay thats just implying you actually want battleborn, plus you get a few other nice games too.

What's that? You just volunteered to dump Glorious Bastard?
Well, don't let me stop you.

they haven't made a good game since brothers in arms

"borderlands the company" - they use their cash cow to the max which infects all the other games they make one way or another

Don't forget Homeworld Remastered, where the Homeworld 1 portion was Homeworld 2 engine/gameplay with Homeworld 1 units. The fact they thought they could sneak that by just goes to show how utterly clueless they were about Homeworld.


Its Borderlands with less content and even less memes

>Moralists thinking they've been personally hurt by the actions of a company

play the games or fuck off and be triggered somewhere else