>you forgive the antagonist and it kills you.
You forgive the antagonist and it kills you
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is that and why have I seen her everywhere lately?
>>when you forgive the antagonist and he kills you
>Forgive antagonist
Lmao nigga are you dumb
Even if they're likable, why wouldn't you kill them? It's obvious they're definitely going to betray you right after anyway
>Lmao nigga
what the fuck happened to this place?
before or after it turned into a twitter hostspot?
What is undertale?
Forced meme made by tumblrina spics and Sup Forumseddit dannyboytbhs
Memes from mexican novel.
Even I find it funny because of the nonsensical shit my country can make just to "shock" views.
>you get shot in the head by antagonist right at the beginning, then decide to follow him like a retard
That's Soraya from "Maria la del Barrio"