I ordered one Sup Forums

I ordered one Sup Forums

have you?

yeah but not that brand of PC

Waiting to see if fucking gamestop will have a trade in deal

I built my own like any sane/smart/cool/handsome/rich person will do.

Is that going to keep you unhappy until you buy a WiiU?


nobody should actually buy a nintendo console past the age of 12

>caring about the xbox brand anymore

They rolling big on that Pokemon Go wave right now.

>segregated from sonyggers
>4k player
>don't have a PC, so all these games.
>dead rising 4 without having to wait ages for it.

so """""""""""game"""""""""stop sells cellphones now?

>buying a Wii U

Found the 10 year old shill

You forgot to mention the plus that some games you can play with pc players

Their UK stores do (same parent company), so if Burgerland hasn't started yet, they will soon

>ordering an overpriced and outdated custom PC

literally for WHAT fucking purpose does this shit even exists?
we all know that scorpio is better and it's comming out next year, who is the fucking target of this shit? who is the market of scorpio? I don't understand microsoft at all

Why is that?

Im gonna get a scorpio as well.

To play games. Enjoy hunching over your work desk with tour nerdy keyboard and mouse you autistic faggot


The same reason adults primary form of transportation arent bikes.

childrens toys are for children

Because you dont understand business.

It was either announce the scorpio in 6-12 months, leaving the people who bought the S in that short timeframe feeling fucked over, or announce them all and let consumers pick and choose

No because I'm not retarded.

What are you doing playing video games, manchild?

Theres a difference between playing normal games and playing autist gook cartoon nonsense for children.

consumers doesn't want the weakest console, they want
>muh power of teragigamegaflops
Im pretty sure that XboneS is going to be a flop, but Scorpio will prevail

>all video games are childish
>all forms of transportation are for children

Do you realise how autistic you sound?

you can't be this autistic, right? you are just pretending, right?

I got PS4

>there's a difference between playing games for western kids than games for eastern kids

All forms of transportation can be used by adults, while only a few of them can be used by children. Your analogy makes no sense whatsoever.

Waiting for Scorpio. I like my Xbone, and with cross play I could play with my pc friends.

If Scorpio is overpriced though I may just go gaming pc. Need more info.

I saw the S at the M$ store last week though and it was pretty sleek

By gaming pc I mean build. Not alien ware shiet

I'd get a scropio depending on it's look. I mean look at the fucking s console in the OP. That's pretty nice looking.

Why would you order this over the scorpio?

Thank you for proving my point. Nintendo is for kids.

It's a cheap 4k bluray player.

They're marketing Scorpio as a 4K machine which not everyone gives a shit about.

The Xbox S is also currently the cheapest 4K Blu-Ray player on the market, so that's something.

>Not taking advantage of the Dirt Cheap Hueg Bundles instead

You can't seriously care about how much space it takes up when you have a fucking tower sitting right next to you, do you?

I have and will probaly sell my PS4

A friend wants my current xbone so I'm selling it to him. Im going to most likely get a scorpio as well, and probably a neo when that comes out as well.

No point. Every game is coming to PC so there is zero reason to even think of buying one to me.

no, i have a PC

Why doesnt your "friend"(lets be honest you dont have any) just buy a xbone/S/Scorpio themselves?

Is the Scorpio confirmed to be a home console? And not some shit like a beefed up Surface Pro tablet with a bundled Xbone controller?

>Buy a console this gen
Never ever

Hoping they learned their lesson with the VCR bone

Though it is tradition for Xbox to have huge ugly consoles

There's even less reasons to buy an xbone over a PS4 these days, so no. Will wait to see what Neo is priced at, then decide on either getting one of those, or just riding it out on my pc and never touching the ps exclusives I want to play.

Straight console

he is often tight on money.

also, you're projecting really hard.

Why would you want a smaller case? You'll likely get higher temps, higher fan noise and a shorter life span.

Same here

Getting one for my birthday.

Yeah, they sell phones here too


waiting for neo for ps4 exclusives, and for scorpio

it is for casuals

Guess I just LOSE again!

They've been doing this for a while.

As a Nintendo fan I see no reason for people to view Nintendo fans as anything but children so long as they're all too fucking stupid to not respond to bait.

>being underage
>not remembering Funco Land and the days when Gamestop sold more than just games
Gamestop has been improving by branching out and becoming more of a nerdy variety store like it used to be.
Funco Pops or whatever they're called are still faggy as fuck, though.

I actually might end up getting it. It's preferrable to pick up an Xbox One S instead of putting Win10 on my main rig, it's easier to bring with me to play with people locally, it still performs ok-ly enough to live with for the titles I will be getting on it, and if I do eventually succumb and put Win10 on my computer, many of the games I would buy would automatically be in my library on there. Not to mention all the crossplay wouldn't mean I'd miss out on too much if the people I know stick with Win10.

My only real big complaint is the white color scheme. It has never been a good idea to give anything a white color scheme if human hands are going to be rubbing all over it.

i have a pc. no need m8.

plus I'm moving in with some normies soon, chris has a ps4.

i might buy one to finally have an xbox one, but microsoft is retarded for announcing the xbox scorpio for later.
why can't they just upgrade the xbone small to output 4k and call it a day?

You should have stopped buying Nintendo consoles with the Wii, their handhelds are the only thing worth getting now.


>buying an Xbone
No need since all worthwhile upcoming releases are on PS4.

so mad

>iPhone 4S
>iPhone 5S
>Xbox One S


>buying any prebuilt

Now is a very good time to buy one. You still get new copies and the console's price is plummeting. I got a new Wii U with NSMB U and the larger Gamepad battery for 180€.

>buying a dead console

Super duper

its a terrible time to buy a wiiu, wait for a pricedrop at least

I fucking doubt it will go under 150 for a long time.

it will

I guess I'll have to fucking wait a long time since my local stores still sell them for 289€.
Oh wait, I don't fucking have to anymore.

>not getting them at thrift shops

there's christmas
around here wiius are still $300 and only have a 32gig hd
xbones are $280 and have 500gig hd

There are absolutely none in my country. I'm dead fucking serious. The only way I pulled 180 off is the local equivalent of ebay.

For XBOX it tends to mean Slim.

Xbox OneSan

I'd rather get a PS4. At least it has ONE exclusive game worth playing.

no, I already own an Xbox One and the only advantage of this thing is 4K Blu-ray and movies, I don't own a 4K TV and I don't think I'd buy a device that doesn't support Dolby Vision if I had a 4K TV.