Did alternating A and B while trying to catch Pokemon actually work? Did holding B until the Pokeball clicked closed work?
I feel like it did.
Did alternating A and B while trying to catch Pokemon actually work? Did holding B until the Pokeball clicked closed work?
I feel like it did.
I distinctly remember thinking holding B when using a Great Ball made it a Master Ball. I also distinctly remember being completely retarded, so who knows.
This isn't a Pokemon thread.
I always used down-B when catching pokemon
Came in here just to call you retarded.
>chasing down latias and latios
>have saves set up so if i don't catch them i can get them again
>walk around grass aimlessly
>constantly check map to see if they move
>finally get 1 of them
>throw ultra ball
>it gets out
>runs off
I did this for a whole fucking summer and didn't catch either of them. Those pokemon were such horseshit.
Same. Realized in gen 5 I could of just used trapinch or wobuffet to lock them in the fight, or use a pokemon that knew mean look.
Pokemon threads aren't specific to /vp/, it's not like the situation with /mlp/. You can have Pokemon threads on Sup Forums
I'd hold a but I had to do it with perfect timing to feel like it did anything
It was bullshit that the legendary dogs had roar.
Just when you finally think you got them with Mean Look, they pull that bullshit on you.
Is this some indie shit version of Pokemon Go? So sick of faggots thinking 8 bit=deep art.
>post yfw you finally did catch one...
>mfw when got 241/251 pokemons in pokedex when i was 10 and some fucker started new game and saved on my gameboy
I caught everyone, not like in Crystal where the game literally hands you the Suckicone.
I had a complete list besides Hitmontop and Celebi.
>Thought Raikou was the gayest shit ever and Entei was the fucking man
>only ever find Raikou in Silver, never caught any of the other dogs
>find a shiny fucking Raikou in HG
He is right though.
This isn't a Pokemon thread.
No it does absolutely nothing. Its just a placebo effect that you retards believe actually works.
In Fire Red & Leaf Green they would disappear forever if they used it.
well it just makes /vp/ redundant doesn't it?
/vp/ is for autistic fangay shit
Sup Forums Pokémon threads are only about the games
>was going to buy mh generations, looked too easy and decided to buy the new pokemon instead
>start pokemon diamond to grab some pokeman to transfer to my future pokemon game for fun
>new pokemons look like fucking shit and hawaiian setting just isn't my thing
>dropped the idea of buying the new pokemon
what should I do besides kys myself?
Get a fucking job so you can afford more than one game you fucking loser.
>kys myself
I don't have reaction pics in this laptop but imagine a confused anime girl.
I'm not buying games I'm not going to enjoy
can you fucking read you galactic retard
In Ruby and Sapphire you could preform an insta catch by preforming a half a press upon the ball clicking
Then why the fuck are you bitching? Fuck off retard.
>half a press
How do you even do that?
That is a really bad bait.
You should be ashamed
>they still don't realize that you're allowed to post pokemon VIDEO GAME related content on Sup Forums, but other stuff related to the franchise goes on /vp/
>this game looks bad
>this other game also looks bad
>"Get a fucking job so you can afford more than one game you fucking loser."
Are you actually retarded?
That was a plot point to an episode of the anime with entei
Some nerd had got tracking them down to a science and had a mean look misdreavus ready to go
At the end of the episode Entei shows up kid uses mean look Entei uses Roar
"Oh well I'll get him next time"
I've never been so mad in all my life
>grow up in poor neighborhood with a bunch of children my age
>one real ghetto dude loans me his pokemon blue with every captured pokemon because he wants me to level them all up to 100 because we designated that was how you really beat the game
>little brother accidently starts a new file on it
>ghetto dudes family moves away and somehow forgets to ask for his game back
>comes back years later when I was visiting my grandparents in another state threatening to beat me up
>mfw I wasn't there and all my friends telling me how he wanted to beat me up
>Bitching about games you decided not to get for no reason
It looks like youre the retard here, friendo.
You're both fucking stupid.
He held onto that grudge for 26 years?
pokemon blue is very serious business.
no, the capture chance is determined before the ball is thrown
however the gameboy game rng system makes it so if you're pressing a button, or NOT pressing a button, the results would be different
so in theory, almost every time you held select while throwing a ball, that influenced the capture result in some way
maybe it made it easier, maybe it made it harder, it's random, but that ball throw was different because you held select while throwing it
again though, once the ball animation plays, the result is already locked in
It should be bulldozed for a /toku/
>MFW I had a full complete pokedex in gen 2 and my sister started a new game after my dad said "user, you're too old to play Pokemon"
>I was 12
You can't
user is retarded
An A press is an A press you can't say it's only half
It was like 3 years between the beginning and the end of the story
Is it because Red is superior?
Obviously. I'd have an inferiority complex too if I'd bought the shit version of the game.
FR/LG had this thing where it could detect if your Mew or Deoxys was obtained legitimately.
If it wasn't, it would never obey you. You also wouldn't be allowed to trade it.
It was pointlessly mean. The only way to get Deoxys was the space station in Atlanta. Parents won't drive you that far for Pokemon? Tough shit.
>Pressing any button at all
Enjoy lowering your catch rate.
IIRC some button combinations slightly shortened the pokeball animation, which made it look like it had an effect, but it didn't actually effect the outcome
>>Thought Raikou was the gayest shit ever and Entei was the fucking man
Bad taste everywhere.
>mfw I caught the blue one
>managing to pick the wrong game consecutively 5 games in a row
>finally picking the good version
>and then buying moon
God damn, does anyone have worse taste than this faggot?
>Pearl better then Diamond
Enjoy your dick and balls legendary that nobody sane likes. Even the movie had Palkia running his bitch ass away from Dialga.
One of my friends caught Ho-Oh in my Silver version at full health with just one great ball.
He never told me how he did it, and right now he's spending the next 10 years in jail.
Coincidence? I think not.
Dick and balls mascot was the best mascot.
Plus, Dialga went down in one hit against Arceus. Palkia and Giratina managed to fight him the whole movie.
>monster hunter looked too easy
>so I decided on pokemon instead
>Implying Dialga wasn't the reason the world was saved
>Calling Palkia's space sphere fighting when it was just delaying Arceus
He's smoked so much weed, crack, and meth that I doubt he remembers it.
Everyone knows how to clone Master Balls in GS, so it's not like it matters, but I'd have liked to known how he did it.
>This much bad taste
I had 250/251 when I was like 14. Only missed Celebi.
Eventually the battery in Crystal just gave out.
>mfw I got a full Pokedex and all I got for it was fucking in-game certificate
>Picking the worst Gen 4 starter
Come on, man. The other ones you picked were good. What happened?
Yeah, you
>Worst gen 4 starter
I'm laughing at your bad taste.
You somehow managed to get them all wrong, congrats.
Yeah fuck you.
You didnt hold B because it did anything, you held B because you believed.
The only acceptable replacements are Feraligatr, Empoleon, Emboar, and Chesnaught
Empoleon and Infernape looked much better, had better moves, better typing, and better stat distribution.
Basically, Torterra was fucking useless while the other 2 were amazing.
The only thing right about this picture is Typhlosion
>you were told you'd get Celebi if you completed the Pokédex
>All these faggots hating worst Gen 4 starter
This is some of the worst taste I've seen in a while.
The only wrong choice in Gen 1 was Venosaur
Gen 2 you could only go wrong with Meganium
There's no wrong choice for Gen 3.
Torterra was the only one that sucks in Gen 4
All the gen 5 ones sucked, so there's no right choice. I always boxed my starter in that one.
>Empoleon and Infernape looked much better
This taste
>had better moves, better typing, and better stat distribution
>He plays pokemon "competitively"
Please delete your image it is triggering me.
Holy fuck are people really this retarded
>be me, 10 years old
>find roaming pokemon for the first time
>realize their tricks real fast
>find a route divide with grass on both sides
>go back and forth over the route line to change location of roaming Pokemon
>repel and go into grass when it comes to where I'm at
>not yelling "Gotcha!" Into the mic to improve catchrates
Infernape got Flare Blitz and Close Combat. You bet your ass he's better than Torterra
Empoleon throws up a Sieg Heil in one of his sprites. Along with looking better than Torterra, he poses better
>pokemon OP image
>discussing the mechanics in a pokemon game
It's a pokemon thread.
Not that i mind, I enjoy the good pokemon discussion that isn't a circlejerking yiffbox like /vp/
I remember witnessing my friend encounter shiny Articuno first try and catch it in a single ball. And he was "that" kid so his dad at Nintendo must have told him something.
>You were told you'd get Mew if you hit start when about to face that trainer in the grass near Nugget Bridge, flew to Cerulean, fought that kid with a Slowpoke nearby, flew back to Cerulean and walked onto Nugget Bridge.
Blew my mind when I discovered it actually fucking works
Bullshit like this enabled all the fucking ridiculous shit that circled schools.
Nobody knew how to legitimately get Mew until 2001.
I have no clue how the fuck anyone figured out the Nugget Bridge trick
It was no doubt from disassembling the ROM and looking for vulnerabilities rather than something someone randomly discovered, as cool as that would be.
i remember tapping A as quick as i could, but only once the Pokemon was in the ball.
You are suppose to weaken it and put it to sleep. If you bring latios/latias to half hp and then it flees, when you encounter it again it will be at half hp
>tfw I bought Silver then bought gold like six months later
>My older brother skipped buying either then bought crystal when it came out
I was pretty stupid
Blue, gold, sapphire, pearl, black, x, and sun. Sun is blatantly better than moon. The moon legendary looks retarded
>mfw I am the exact same pattern
I have never bought a 'red' version of a generation with the exception of Pearl since I had lost my copy of Diamond. Funny thing is the 'blue' version of each generation always has the exclusive Pokemon I want while all the 'red' versions have exclusives I don't want.
>>was going to buy mh generations, looked too easy and decided to buy the new pokemon instead
your response to a game looking to easy is buying a game literally designed to be played by babies and toddlers
Cute little doggos
Pearl is a red version? What the fuck are you talking about?
Confirmation bias has us all in its iron grip.
It "gave you something to do" vs just sitting and waiting for the ball to stop jiggling.
pearl is a blue version. it's diamond and pearl, not pearl and diamond.